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Re: [ontolog-forum] Ontologies for hybrid connectionist-semantic systems

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: John Bottoms <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2010 07:20:52 -0500
Message-id: <4CFA3224.9060005@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
JohnS, Leo,    (01)

It occurs to me that it should to possible to create an application that 
talks OWL in one direction and CnxLanguage in the other. But that might 
be like breaking your arm to scratch your back.    (02)

While expensive, such an application might be useful in providing a 
migration path between semantic systems and AI-NLP systems. Clearly 
there are attractive features of Bayesian systems that could be 
useful...if they could be integrated or designed to make use of semantic 
information and knowledge.    (03)

-John Bottoms
  Concord, MA    (04)

On 12/3/2010 5:48 PM, John Bottoms wrote:
> IBM has made significant progress with a hybrid system that incorporates
> semantic and statistical analysis to find answers to Jeopardy questions.
> The system performs near Champion level for text-based questions.
> One could imagine that they are or soon will be attempting to extract
> meanings from the answers they determine. For this they would need an
> ontology that is, perhaps, segregated with associative links between the
> connectionist nodes and the semantic knowledge.
> Could this be done within OWL by masquerading or encapsulating? Or would
> a new structure be required?
> -John Bottoms
>    FirstStar
>    Concord, MA
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