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[ontolog-forum] [OT] proper subject line, please [was - Re: commercial

To: doug@xxxxxxxxxx, Pavithra Kenjige <pavithra_kenjige@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2010 16:47:41 -0700
Message-id: <AANLkTinqdRkS4w8GyUW_vk1Xr48jDYPHUHiJFBK2nG-q@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Pavithra, Doug and anyone similarly inclined ...    (01)

... if you are not talking about "commercial products" (which was the
subject Ferenc Kovacs started this thread on), please modify the
subject line of the message to something more appropriate, or merely
start another thread, please.    (02)

Suggestion: you might consider to just "forward" the later portion of
this thread which pertains to your "new subject" and then start that
as a "new" post with a new (and more appropriate) subject line. That
way someone who is serious about tracing back to the origins of the
conversation would be able to do it relatively easily.    (03)

Thanks.  =ppy
--    (04)

On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 3:07 PM, doug  foxvog <doug@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sat, October 2, 2010 20:21, Pavithra said:
>> If you try those visual thesaurus product,  for each word that I typed
>> there were at least 8 - 24 meanings or ways of usage..
>> That just tells me,  that most of the words in English language is used in
>> many different ways.
> It tells me that English words are not good labels for terms in a general
> ontology.
>> ...
>> With so many different ways of referencing the same words, the resolution
>> can get a little tough.  May be that is why they should use URI, more so
>> because URN can be  URI too..
> Words are signs.  As you note above, a single word can denote a large
> number of different things.  It would be appropriate for an ontological
> term for a word to indicate in its name that the term designates a word.
> It would probably be appropriate to designate the language of a word
> in the name, as well, so that words that are spelled alike in different
> languages are not considered to be the same word.  E.g., Sin_SpanishWord
> and Sin_EnglishWord.
>> URI would give more of a granularity or clarity to the usage of the
>> words..
> The usage of words is a different matter.  Usage suggests to me properties
> such as conjugation, declension, tense, restrictions on direct and indirect
> objects, vowel harmony, gender, and grammatical number.  Rules or relations
> can be stated to specify such usage.
> Another matter is the meaning of words.  Again, relations are useful to
> map individual words to each of their meanings.  Similarly, in specific
> contexts other relations can specify preferred words to use for specific
> meanings.
> For example, Cyc does this as follows
>  in Mt: EnglishLanguageMt.
>  (isa Human-TheEnglishWord Word).
>  (denotation Bank-TheEnglishWord CountNoun 1 Bank-FinancialInstitution).
>  (denotation Bank-TheEnglishWord CountNoun 2 RiverBank).
>  (denotation Bank-TheEnglishWord CountNoun 3 ...).
>  (denotation Bank-TheEngishWord Verb 1 HavingABankAccount). ...
>  (denotation Bank-TheEngishWord Verb 4 BankingAFire).
> -- doug foxvog
>> Pavithra
> =============================================================
> doug foxvog    doug@xxxxxxxxxx   http://ProgressiveAustin.org
> "I speak as an American to the leaders of my own nation. The great
> initiative in this war is ours. The initiative to stop it must be ours."
>    - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
> =============================================================
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