I have sought in vain to find anything in this patent that does not
exist in prior art, either independently or in combination, in relation
to natural language processing, or document indexing. I can only
assume, therefore, that the basis for granting the patent was:
(a) that there are no prior patents in the area (which may well be)
(b) that the ideas involved are not generally known or taught in
academic texts in linguistics or library science or computer science
(c) that the terminology was sufficiently different to confuse the
examiners about the equivalence of concepts. (01)
The applicants get (b) by ignorance of (or avoiding to mention)
'computational linguistics' or 'artificial intelligence'. And there is
a particularly interesting teaching:
> [0060] By using the various link types, and CONTRA and AUTOCONTRA
> declarations to link concepts within the ontology, a user can build
> definitions of the concepts in the ontology, while giving it a precise
> semantics as to how these declarations are to be applied by interpreting
> events in the world, this however /without the computational burdens
> related to full first order logic./
That is, they claim their particular "basic relationship vocabulary" as
a precise semantic basis for interpretation, and that that distinguishes
their work from any mechanism that uses first-order logic as the basis
for "precise semantics". And importantly, that basic vocabulary of
concepts and terms is then a valid basis for a (narrow) patent. (You
may believe that the applicant's assertion is nonsense, but that is the
kind of thing you /don't/ want to test in a court of law.) (02)
(c) is obvious and either ignorant or intentional. We note, for
example, that the teaching talks about concept hierarchies without ever
using the term 'subsumption' or 'subclass', either of which would have
found the prior art. Similar it uses the term 'CONTRA' relations
instead of 'inverse' relations, etc. So their vocabulary does not match
the vocabularies commonly used in the related literature, even though
the concepts do. (03)
We cannot conclude, however, that the applicants intended to deceive.
It is safer to apply "Heinlein's (aka Hanlon's) Razor" : "Never
attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity." The
sometimes wilful and sometimes ignorant re-invention of old wheels under
new names has been a characteristic property of software engineering for
40+ years. (04)
The patent applicants have clearly patented a method that fails in
practice -- they did not themselves recognize instances of a common
concept when different terms were used. I would bet that the patent can
be easily bypassed in practice by using the common terms for the same
concepts and identifying formal logic as the basis for semantics. In
order to assert patent infringement, they would have to assert that the
actual concepts and mechanisms are the same as theirs, which opens their
patent to set aside on the basis of published prior art. (05)
If, however, the base concept set comes from different disciplines and
no prior art combines them, then the combination of concepts is still a
valid basis for the patent. (06)
The patent can in no case invalidate existing product, which is by
definition prior art. But if you intend to build new commercial product
in this area, you would be wise to apply a "patent busting" mentality in
your formal specifications: Know exactly what you are doing that is
new, and how any mechanism or combination of mechanisms that you are
reusing is documented in your prior art or in published prior art. And
for existing patents, know exactly how narrow you expect the
interpretation to be, from the words used and the state of the art at
the time of patent, so that you can define a clear and significant
difference. (07)
-Ed (08)
P.S. I believe software engineering would greatly benefit from
intelligent patents, because it would require the software engineering
community to adopt basic engineering practice for the design of software
machines. But the community has no history of support for engineering
practice and no supporting climate, and we are now confusing the design
of software machines with intellectual property in general. (09)
-- (010)
Edward J. Barkmeyer Email: edbark@xxxxxxxx
National Institute of Standards & Technology
Manufacturing Systems Integration Division
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8263 Tel: +1 301-975-3528
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8263 FAX: +1 301-975-4694 (011)
"The opinions expressed above do not reflect consensus of NIST,
and have not been reviewed by any Government authority." (012)
Cameron Ross wrote:
> Hi John,
> I wonder how those in commercial enterprises, such as Cycorp, are
> viewing this patent. Given (what I believe to be) the volume of prior
> art, is this patent a real threat within our community, or is it
> merely a distraction?
> Cameron.
> On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 3:57 PM, John F. Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> In my previous note about the patent by Werner Ceusters, et al., I
> didn't go into detail about the patent description, which has a very
> lengthy description of formal ontologies and how they are used.
> I received an offline note, saying that the description was very
> dangerous, because the so-called inventors submitted another patent
> application as a "continuation" of the previous patent. Although
> the continuation has only one fairly general claim, the "inventors"
> could add any claims they wish up until the time that the patent
> is granted.
> At the end of this note, I copied the presentation or "teaching"
> from that patent, which describes how they use the formal ontology.
> There is nothing new in it. All of it has been published and
> implemented many times over during the past half century. But the
> patent examiners didn't know that. They granted the patent, and
> it's quite likely that they will approve this "continuation".
> For a patent application, the US patent law allows the "inventors"
> to add any new claims they please to the application up until the
> date the patent is granted. Since this application has just one
> claim, that indicates the "inventors" plan to stuff the application
> with many more claims just before it is granted.
> I suggest that readers of Ontolog Forum look at the description
> quoted below with one thought in mind: "Is this similar to anything
> I have done or plan to do with a formal ontology." If so, these
> "inventors" (or any company they assign the patent to) could sue you.
> John Sowa
> ________________________________________________________________________
> http://www.faqs.org/patents/app/20090259459
> The Formal Ontology
> [0038] The formal ontology according to the current invention
> comprises
> a plurality of concepts one part of them being independent of a
> specific
> language, the other part being those concepts that explain the
> relationships between language-independent concepts and language as a
> medium of communication. By independent of language it is meant
> that the
> concepts do not depend on a particular language to be given a
> definition
> within the system. For example, in English, the word "dog" is a label
> applied to the concept of a particular animal. In other languages the
> same concept may be labeled with a different word, such as "Hund" in
> German, "cane" in Italian, or "perro" in Spanish. In reality,
> regardless
> of the label used in a particular language, the concept of the animal
> remains reasonably constant. The concept is therefore said to be
> independent of a specific language. Similarly, in the domain ontology
> according to the current invention, the concept for this particular
> animal is not dependent on a particular language. By keeping concepts
> independent of a specific language, the system according to the
> current
> invention can link concepts contained in the formal ontology to
> terms in
> more than one language.
> [0039] However, although the concepts are independent of any specific
> language (such as English, French, . . . ), in the present invention
> they are not represented as being independent of language as a
> medium of
> communication. The second part of the formal ontology, the linguistic
> ontology, contains concepts about how humans interpret language. For
> example, the linguistic ontology according to the current invention
> contains the concept labeled "dispositive doing", which as a real
> world
> object relates to instances of an actor doing something to an
> actee. The
> concept is independent of a specific language because the notion of
> actor and actee in the context of the real world object, an action, is
> common to all languages. However, the concept is not totally
> independent
> of language in that the concept governs how the relationship
> between the
> actor and actee is understood by human beings.
> For example, in the sentence [0040] "The doctor treated the patient."
> it is understood in language that the action "treated" has an actor
> "doctor" and an actee "patient". That is, in the real world human
> beings
> understand that doctors treat patients, and patients don't treat
> doctors. The linguistic ontology applies this understanding to the
> real
> world object "treatment".
> [0041] Thus, the concepts that are contained in the formal
> ontology are
> of two types generally. The first type of concept relates to real
> world
> objects that are recognized by human beings as metaphysical instances.
> These concepts comprise physical entities, procedures, ideas, etc and
> are contained in the domain ontology. The second type of concept
> relates
> to how human beings understand language and allows the
> identification of
> real world instances. That is, how human beings understand the
> interactions of real world objects represented by the concepts in the
> domain ontology.
> [0042] The concepts that are contained in the formal ontology will
> depend on the knowledge area that the ontology is to be applied to, as
> well as on the principles according to which human languages function
> independent of the knowledge area. The domain ontology may contain
> concepts comprising general knowledge about the world, or may be
> limited
> to a specific knowledge area of interest to a user. Similarly, the
> linguistic ontology may define very broad rules about how language
> functions, or it may define very narrow rules to limit the
> relationships
> that can exist between concepts in the domain ontology. In a preferred
> embodiment of the system according to the current invention, the
> concepts contained in the domain ontology are limited to the knowledge
> area of medical concepts complemented by a linguistic ontology
> containing the concepts required to understand how natural language
> functions, and how humans deal with natural language. However,
> ontologies built with concepts from other knowledge areas can be
> created
> with equal success.
> [0043] By allowing the concepts in the formal ontology to remain
> independent of specific language, the system according to the current
> invention allows documents in a variety of languages to be indexed and
> searched independent of the language(s) known by the system user.
> According to a preferred embodiment of the invention, the concepts in
> the formal ontology are tagged with labels in English to allow easy
> maintenance of the formal ontology by a user. However, the labels in
> English are for ease of use in maintaining the formal ontology
> only and
> do not contribute to the functioning of the system in indexing or
> retrieval of documents. The concepts in the formal ontology can be
> alternatively labeled in Dutch, German, French, Italian or any other
> language desired by the user. Alternatively, the concepts may be
> labeled
> using a coding system that is completely independent of language, such
> as ICD-9 or ICD-10.
> [0044] The basic architecture of the formal ontology of the current
> invention is a directed graph, i.e. a hierarchical structure that
> allows
> multiple parents. Referring to FIG. 2, an example of the hierarchical
> structure is shown. In the hierarchy shown in FIG. 2, a primary node
> comprises a single primary concept. In the example shown, the single
> primary concept is the concept "City". The primary concept has as
> direct
> children, narrower related concepts, such as "European City" and
> "North
> American City". Each of the child concepts further have one or more
> child concepts that further narrow the primary concept. For
> example, the
> concept of "European City" may be narrowed to "French City", "German
> City" and "Belgian City". The concept of "North American City" may be
> narrowed to "Canadian City" and "US. City".
> [0045] The hierarchical structure of the formal ontology, creates the
> most basic relationships between concepts contained in the formal
> ontology, that of parent and child in a strict formal subsumption
> interpretation, and that of siblings. The formal subsumption
> interpretation guarantees that all characteristics described of a
> parent, apply to all of its children without any exception. Referring
> again to the example, the concept of "City", which occupies the
> highest
> level of the hierarchy is the parent concept to "European City" and
> "North American City". By reciprocal relationship, the concepts of
> "European City" and "North American City" are the children of the
> concept "City". Further, the concept of "European City" is the
> parent of
> the concept "German City", etc. Further, the concept of "City" is the
> grandparent concept to the concept "German City", etc. Still further,
> the concepts of "European City" and "North American City" have the
> relationship of siblings since they share a common parent.
> [0046] Regardless of the knowledge area of the concepts contained
> in the
> formal ontology according to the current invention, a similar
> hierarchical structure with parent/child and sibling relationships
> exists. This is true of both the general world concepts in the domain
> ontology and the linguistic concepts in the linguistic ontology. In a
> preferred embodiment of the invention, the highest level of the
> hierarchy is occupied by a primary concept with a label such as
> "Domain
> Entity". According to the preferred embodiment of the invention, the
> primary concept of "Domain Entity" encompasses all real things whether
> they be physical entities, states, ideas, etc. The primary concept may
> then preferably be sub-divided into physical entities, states, ideas,
> linguistic concepts, etc. at the next lower level of the ontology.
> [0047] It should be apparent that because the hierarchical
> structure of
> the formal ontology, that all concepts in the ontology can be traced
> back to a single related concept at the highest level of the ontology,
> such as "Domain Entity". On the most basic level therefore, the degree
> of relatedness between two concepts can be measured by how many
> steps in
> the hierarchy must be traversed to find a common ancestor for the two
> concepts. Again referring to the example, the concepts of
> "Brussels" and
> "Antwerp" are siblings since they share a common parent, and are
> therefore closely related to each other within the hierarchy. By
> contrast, one must traverse the hierarchy back to the primary
> concept of
> "City" to find a common ancestor for the concepts of "Brussels" and
> "Chicago". Since the concepts of "Brussels" and "Chicago" share only a
> great-grandparent concept in common, they are less closely related
> within the context of the hierarchy than are the concepts
> "Brussels" and
> "Antwerp".
> [0048] It should further be recognized that a single concept can have
> more than one direct parent. For example, in addition to the child
> concepts shown in FIG. 2, the concept "City" may have a child concept
> "Capital City". In this case "Paris", "Berlin" and "Brussels" would be
> children of the concept "Capital City" in addition to being
> children of
> "French City", "German City" and "Belgian City" respectively. By
> allowing a concept to have multiple parent concepts, the degree of
> relatedness between two concepts within the hierarchy may vary
> based on
> the context of the relationship. As can be seen from the examples,
> "Paris", "Berlin" and "Brussels" are more closely related in the
> context
> of "Capital City" than in the context of "European City". The only
> limitation on the structure of the hierarchy is that a concept cannot
> have itself as an ancestor, which would lead to a circular
> reference of
> a concept to itself.
> [0049] As stated above, the most basic relationship between
> concepts in
> the formal ontology according to the current invention is the link
> created by the parent/child relationship. However, the relationships
> that can exist between two concepts in the formal ontology
> according to
> the present invention is not limited to that of parent and child. By
> allowing other relationships to exist, the richness of the knowledge
> contained in the formal ontology is greatly enhanced, while
> limiting the
> overall size of the ontology. For example, in reality the medical
> concepts of "brain", "inflammation" and "meningitis" are quite closely
> related. However, the concept "brain" refers to a body part, whereas
> "inflammation" is a symptom and "meningitis" is a disease. If a formal
> ontology were limited to parent/child relationships as a measure
> of the
> relatedness of concepts it is likely that the degree of relatedness
> between these three concepts within the ontology would potentially be
> very low. This is because a large number of parent/child relationships
> would likely have to be traversed before a common ancestor was
> found for
> all three concepts. This would of course lead to an inaccurate
> reflection of reality. A potential solution to this problem would
> be to
> construct a formal ontology with sufficient detail to narrow the gap
> between these concepts in the hierarchy. For example, the concepts of
> the body part "brain" and the symptom "inflammation" could be made
> children of the concept of the disease "meningitis". However, in order
> to provide an accurate reflection of reality it would be necessary to
> construct similar relationships between "brain" and "inflammation" and
> every other concept that they are related to. Since the concepts of
> "brain" and "inflammation" would most likely be attached to a large
> number of concepts, this would result in a large number of such
> parent/child relationships. Further, similar parent child
> relationships
> would have to be built for every concept in the ontology. This would
> result in an unmanageably large ontology. In addition, such a solution
> would violate the formal subsumption nature of the parent/child
> relationships exploited in this invention.
> [0050] The current system solves this problem by providing a large
> number of link types for linking concepts within the formal ontology.
> The link types within the formal ontology according to the current
> invention are used to define relationships between concepts. For
> example, in reality the concept of "brain" is linked to the concept
> "meningitis" in that the brain is the location for the disease
> meningitis. Using the link types available in the formal ontology, a
> user can create a link between the concepts "brain" and
> "meningitis" in
> the formal ontology so that this conceptual link is also recognized by
> the system. A user may further create a link between the concept
> "inflammation" and the concept "meningitis" in the formal ontology to
> indicate that inflammation is a symptom of meningitis. Again, this
> allows the system to recognize a conceptual link that exists in
> reality.
> Furthermore, by linking the concepts "brain" and "inflammation" to the
> concept "meningitis", a conceptual link between the brain and
> inflammation is created. That is, the link through the concept
> "meningitis" shortens the distance between "brain" and "inflammation"
> within the ontology. By shortening the distance between these two
> concepts, the conceptual linkage between the two concepts in the
> ontology is increased.
> [0051] An advantage of this type of linking of concepts is that it
> allows for more accurate indexing of documents because the deep
> meaning
> of the text can be pulled out. For example, a text that contains a
> discussion of meningitis may contain very few instances of the exact
> term "meningitis". However, the document may contain a significant
> number of references to inflammation in the brain. A standard indexing
> technique that looks only for the specific concept "meningitis"
> may rank
> such a document of very low relevance, while in reality it may have a
> very high relevance to the subject. In contrast, the system
> according to
> the current invention will recognize the linkage between the
> concepts of
> "brain", "inflammation", "meningitis" and as a result rank the
> document
> with a more accurate relevance to the subject.
> [0052] The number of link types that can be provided for an
> ontology is
> only limited by the number of such relationships that can exist in
> reality. According to a preferred embodiment of the invention, a user
> can use the available concepts and link types to build criteria and
> concept criteria. A criteria according to this embodiment is comprised
> of a concept with an associated link type. For example, the link type
> HAS-LOCATION can be associated with the concept BRAIN to produce the
> criteria [HAS-LOCATION] [BRAIN]. This criteria can further be used to
> define a property of another concept as part of a concept
> criteria. For
> example [MENINGITIS] [HAS-LOCATION BRAIN]. The association of the
> criteria [HAS_LOCATION] [BRAIN] to the concept MENINGITIS provides a
> partial definition of the concept meningitis.
> [0053] In a preferred embodiment of the invention, each link type
> from a
> first concept to a second concept has a complimentary reciprocal or
> contra link type that can be established from the second concept
> to the
> first concept. For example in reality, when two objects "A" and
> "B" are
> close to each other, we say that "A" is close to "B" and "B" is
> close to
> "A". In such case where a relation operates bi-directionally, the
> ontology is constructed by placing the same link type twice, from
> "A" to
> "B" and from "B" to "A". E.g.: A IS-NEAR-OF B, B IS-NEAR-OF A.
> [0054] A second case of paired link types according to this embodiment
> is used to describe an inverse relationship. For example, where
> concept
> "A" performs some action on "B", "A" is defined as acting on "B"
> whereas
> "B" is defined as being acted on by "A". E.g.: A HAS-ACTOR B<-> B
> link types can be declared each other's inverse by use of either
> or AUTOCONTRA attributes that can be assigned to them.
> [0055] he operation of link types and reciprocation will now be
> explained by means of example. Prior to the explanation, it is
> necessary
> to define what is meant herein by the term "instance". As used herein,
> the term "instance" refers to an individual manifestation or
> embodiment
> of a concept in the real world (i.e. metaphysical instances). By
> example, for the concept of the disease meningitis, an individual
> diagnosed case of meningitis contracted by a specific person would
> be an
> occurrence or "instance" of the disease.
> [0056] Now if we declare in the formal ontology "MENINGITIS"
> "INFLAMMATION IN THE BRAIN", then it means that all metaphysical
> instances of meningitis cause inflammation in the brain. However, this
> does not provide any reciprocal information about metaphysical
> instances
> of inflammation in the brain.
> [0057] By contrast, if we declared "INFLAMMATION IN THE BRAIN"
> "MENINGITIS", then it means that all metaphysical instances of
> inflammation in the brain are caused by meningitis. Here again
> however,
> we are provided with no information about metaphysical instances of
> meningitis.
> [0058] By declaring a CONTRA, such as "MENINGITIS" IS-CAUSE-OF CONTRA
> HAS-CAUSE "INFLAMMATION IN THE BRAIN", the system according to the
> current invention provides information about all instances of
> meningitis: all instances of meningitis cause inflammation in the
> brain.
> By declaring a CONTRA, the system also provides information about some
> instances of inflammation in the brain: some instances of inflammation
> in the brain are caused by meningitis.
> [0059] By declaring an AUTOCONTRA, such as "MENINGITIS" IS-CAUSE-OF
> to the current invention provides information about all instances of
> meningitis and all instances of inflammation in the brain: all
> instances
> of meningitis cause inflammation in the brain AND all instances of
> inflammation in the brain are caused by meningitis.
> [0060] By using the various link types, and CONTRA and AUTOCONTRA
> declarations to link concepts within the ontology, a user can build
> definitions of the concepts in the ontology, while giving it a precise
> semantics as to how these declarations are to be applied by
> interpreting
> events in the world, this however without the computational burdens
> related to full first order logic.
> [0061] As stated above, creating a link between two concepts defines a
> relationship between the two concepts. It also defines something about
> at least one of the concepts itself, such as "brain" is the
> location of
> "meningitis", or "inflammation" is a symptom of "meningitis". By
> creating these two links, a user enriches the knowledge contained
> on the
> ontology by providing a definition for the concept "meningitis"
> based on
> its interactions with other concepts in the ontology. In a preferred
> embodiment of the invention, a full definition can be created for each
> concept in the formal ontology. The full definition as it is used here
> means the set of necessary and sufficient links that a concept has to
> identify occurrences in the real world as instances of the concept. In
> other words: the set of all links of a given concept in the ontology
> defines what is true for all occurrences in the real world that are
> instances of the concept. The full definitions assigned to a
> concept in
> the ontology allow occurrences in the real world to be recognized as
> instances of the particular concept.
> [0062] A further feature of the formal ontology provided according to
> the invention is the subsumption of child concepts within parent
> concepts, which results in full inheritability of links from parent to
> child concepts. That is, a child concept will automatically be
> linked to
> all concepts that its parent is linked to. For example, the concept
> "meningitis" may have the child concepts of "viral meningitis" and
> "bacterial meningitis", both of which are more specific concepts
> subsumed within the concept "meningitis". Thus the link established
> between the concept of "meningitis" and "brain" will automatically be
> established between the concept of "viral meningitis" and "brain", and
> "bacterial meningitis" and "brain". Therefore, "viral meningitis" and
> "bacterial meningitis" will inherit the definition of the parent
> concept
> "meningitis", but will be further defined based on the further links
> that each has to other concepts. In this way, the system according to
> the current invention can recognize each instance of either "viral
> meningitis" or "bacterial meningitis" as an instance of "meningitis",
> but will not necessarily recognize each instance of "meningitis" as
> "viral meningitis" or "bacterial meningitis". This feature
> provides the
> advantage of allowing a user to propagate a link to the progeny of a
> concept by establishing a single link.
> [0063] As stated above, the link types provided as part of the formal
> ontology can be used by a user to define relationships between two
> concepts. At the same time the link types can provide full definitions
> of the concepts in the formal ontology. However, it is recognized in
> reality that, some relationships between concepts do not make
> sense. For
> example, it is recognized in reality that the disease "meningitis"
> cannot not have "inflammation" as a location. In computerized systems
> however, such nonsensical relationships are not automatically
> recognized
> unless you make the system work under a "close world assumption" (i.e.
> what is not known, is not allowed), or if it is specified explicitly
> what is not allowed. It is necessary to teach a natural language
> understanding system what are and are not appropriate relationships
> between concepts.
> [0064] The system according to the current invention solves this
> problem
> by providing the linguistic ontology as part of the formal
> ontology. The
> linguistic ontology contains the rules about how language works as
> well
> as the principles that the human mind adheres to when representing
> reality at the conscious level of a human being.
> [0065] In the linguistic ontology provided according to the current
> invention, rules are established regarding what relationships can
> exist
> between concepts on the basis of how these relations are expressed in
> language in general (though independent of a specific language). For
> example, a rule may be established that the concept "disease" in the
> formal ontology cannot be linked to the concept "symptom" in the
> formal
> ontology as a location. Because "meningitis" and "inflammation" are
> children of "disease" and "symptom" respectively in the hierarchy, the
> rule prohibiting this link would be inherited by them. As a
> result, the
> definition of inflammation as a location for meningitis could not
> exist
> in the formal ontology.
> [0066] In one embodiment, the linguistic ontology may be set up so
> that
> there is an absolute prohibition against using certain link types to
> link certain concepts. In the example above, a user would not be
> able to
> create a link indicating the concept "inflammation" as a location for
> the concept "meningitis". Alternatively, the linguistic ontology could
> be set up such that a verification by the user will be required when a
> prohibited link is proposed. In this embodiment, the user still
> has the
> option to create the link.
> [0067] The rules established in the linguistic ontology may be as
> broad
> or restricting as required for a given application or knowledge area.
> [0068] A second application of the linguistic ontology is that it
> restricts the possible representations of reality to those that are
> closest to the way reality is talked about by means of language. For
> example, in a shooting event, there are a number of participants
> such as
> the shooter, the deer, the bullet, the gun, etc. There is only
> that one
> specific event that happened (the shooting) in a precise way (the deer
> hit by the bullet shot from the gun by the shooter), but there are
> different ways to represent it formally: it can be represented
> from the
> viewpoint of the deer, the bullet, the shooter, etc. The present
> invention exploits the way humans usually talk about such an event,
> giving a central place to those aspects that are put central by the
> story teller.
> [0069] A third application follows from the second in that sometimes
> single events are described as distinguishable entities by means of
> natural language. An example is the notion of baby brought on earth,
> wherein the view of "birth" (the baby's viewpoint) is equally
> preferred
> in medical language usage as that of "parturition" (the mother's point
> of view) or "delivery" (the physician's point of view).
> [0070] The domain and linguistic ontologies have thus far been
> spoken of
> as being separate entities within the formal ontology. However, in the
> current invention they are connected within the formal ontology in
> that
> a concept may have both a domain and a linguistic concept as a direct
> parent. For example, the linguistic concept of "dispositive doing" may
> have as a child the concept of a "treatment", wherein a "treatment" as
> an action has a physician as actor and a patient or disease as
> actee. At
> the same time, "treatment" may descend from the parent concept
> "healthcare procedure" in the domain ontology. Within the domain
> ontology, the concept of a "treatment" is defined as a real world
> object, but this definition cannot be used to relate the object to
> other
> real world objects. The linguistic ontology defines how the real world
> object actively relates to other concepts and relates other
> concepts in
> language.
> [0071} As indicated above, the formal ontology according to the
> current
> system is independent of any specific language, although not
> independent
> of language altogether. However, free text documents are written in
> specific languages. In order to be useful for indexing free text
> documents it is necessary to relate the language independent
> concepts to
> specific languages.
> [0072] The system according to the current invention accomplishes this
> by providing a lexicon of terms that are linked to the formal
> ontology.
> The terms contained in the lexicon may comprise single words or
> multi-word units that correspond to concepts, criteria and concept
> criteria in the formal ontology. Further, each term in the lexicon may
> be linked to more than one concept, criteria or concept criteria
> in the
> formal ontology, which allows for the existence of homonyms. Likewise,
> each concept, criteria and concept criteria may be linked to more than
> one term in the lexicon, such as when terms in two or more
> languages are
> contained in the lexicon.
> [0073] When indexing a free text document or interpreting a query to
> retrieve an indexed document, the system according to the current
> invention uses the lexicon of terms to segment the free text and to
> relate the free text to the concepts, criteria and concept criteria
> contained in the formal ontology. Thus, the current system makes
> use of
> both terms and independent concepts in the analysis of free text.
> Managing the System, System Architecture
> [0074] An additional feature of the present invention provides a
> management system for managing the formal ontology. As discussed, the
> formal ontology according to the current invention can be constructed
> using any available relational database system, such as ORACLE�,
> and SQLSERVER�. The ontology itself is abstracted away from the
> relational database system by wrapping access to the database into a
> management tool that exposes functionality to the user. The database
> functions as a physical storage medium for the ontology. According to
> the current invention a management tool is provided for giving a user
> access to the ontology for the purpose of adding to or
> manipulating the
> ontology. The tool allows the user to view the formal ontology using a
> variety of different criteria that together give a complete picture of
> the structure of the formal ontology. In a preferred embodiment of the
> invention a user can view several different views of the ontology at
> once as a layout, allowing the ontology to be viewed from several
> perspectives at once.
> [0075]The management system for maintaining the formal ontology
> will be
> explained with reference to FIG. 3, which shows the architecture
> of the
> ontology management system according to the current invention. The
> formal ontology and lexicon of terms are stored on a database 20,
> which
> is in communication with a server 22, which houses the server based
> component of the ontology management tool 26. The server based
> component
> of the ontology management system comprises a relational database
> which
> controls access to the formal ontology, and contains the
> components for
> building the formal ontology, such as the hierarchical structure, link
> types, setting rules in the linguistic ontology, linking terms to
> concepts, etc, along with the tools for creating multiple views of the
> ontology. The ontology management system further comprises a client
> based component(s) 24 that allows a user to access and maintain the
> ontology via the server based component 22. The system can be
> implemented on a number of platforms, including but not limited to
> WINDOWS�, SOLARIS�, UNIX� and LINUX�. Preferably, the management
> tool 26
> is a set of business objects. A low layer is a thin wrapper on top of
> the database structure that implements the base functions to access a
> particular relational database. A middle layer also exposes a set of
> functions that manage multi-user access to any type of supported
> database, such as a relational database. As such the middle layer
> allows
> the creation of customized versions of the management tool within
> certain limited parameters. A top layer implements the high level
> interface. This interface surfaces functionality from a logical
> point of
> view to outside users (e.g. "getConceptTree" is a high level layer
> function that makes use of the underlying middle and low level layer
> functions to populate a tree object with information about the
> place of
> a concept in the formal ontology). Functionality implemented by
> the low
> and middle layers includes but is not limited to the linking of
> external
> databases, database manipulation and navigation, and text searching.
> Linking External Databases
> [0076] As described thus far, the formal ontology according to the
> current invention is constructed manually by a user by creating
> hierarchical levels, slots within those hierarchical levels and
> further
> filling those slots with concepts, thereby creating the basic
> hierarchy
> with its parent/child relationships between concepts. The user further
> enriches the knowledge base by using the link types provided to define
> relationships between the concepts entered into the hierarchy. In
> addition to being able to manually construct the formal ontology, an
> alternative embodiment of the system according to the current
> invention
> provides the ability to map data from an independent database onto the
> formal ontology.
> [0077] In a number of knowledge areas, large databases of information
> are already in existence. In order to avoid the laborious work of
> manually re-entering this information into the formal ontology, the
> system according to the current invention provides the capability to
> link the formal ontology to an external independent database. Although
> the external data never becomes a physical part of the ontology, this
> feature allows a user to access and use data contained on an
> independent
> database as if it were part of the formal ontology.
> [0078] Data in an external database is linked to the ontology by
> creating a parent/child relationship between at least one concept
> in the
> formal ontology and at least one item of data in the database. In the
> case of an external database in tabular format, such as an ACCESS�
> database, a user can link an entire column of data in the external
> database to one or more concepts in the formal ontology by creating a
> parent/child link between at least one concept in the ontology to the
> header for the column in the table. Normally, when data is provided in
> tabular format, each column of the table is given a header with a
> descriptive title for the data contained in that column. In
> creating the
> parent/child relationship between the concept in the ontology and the
> column of data, the system analyzes the title and associates it with
> appropriate concepts in the ontology. Alternatively, the system may
> provide the user with a list of potential concepts that the data
> can be
> mapped to. The system may make use of the terms contained in the
> lexicon
> when performing this function. In an alternative embodiment of the
> invention, a user can manually map an item or column of data to the
> desired concept.
> [0079]Referring to FIG. 4, an example of how an external independent
> database may be mapped to the formal ontology is shown. The relational
> database 30, server 32 and client based component 34 are as
> described in
> FIG. 3. Databases 36 and 38 are external independent databases,
> such as
> ACCESS� databases containing data to be mapped onto the formal
> ontology.
> Database servers 40 and 42 associated with each database 36 and 38
> allow
> access to their respective databases so that queries can be run. A
> database directory service 44, assigns keywords to the separate
> databases 36 and 38. According to the current system, the same keyword
> may be assigned to two or more databases containing similar data that
> can be accessed at the same time. The database directory service
> provides the location of all of the available databases to an ontology
> proxy module 46. The ontology proxy module 46 receives queries from a
> user via the client based component 34. The ontology proxy module then
> directs the queries to the server 32 and to a database-ontology
> mediator
> module 48. The database-ontology mediator module comprises an
> ontology-to-database translator 50 and a database-to-ontology
> translator
> 52. The ontology-to-database translator 50 serves the function of
> translating the ontology concept based queries to database queries
> that
> can be used to search the databases 36 and 38 for data that is
> mapped to
> the particular concept or concepts embodied in the query. The
> database-to-ontology translator 52 serves the function of translating
> the information returned from the database to a form that can be
> viewed
> by the user via the client based component 34.
> Coding Using Independent Coding Systems
> [0080] In a preferred embodiment of the system according to the
> current
> invention, the formal ontology is comprised of a knowledge base of
> medical concepts. A preferred use for the system is in the indexing of
> medical documents. A further preferred application of the system
> according to the current invention is the coding of medical documents
> using a standard medical coding system. Standard medical coding
> systems
> that can be used in conjunction with the current invention
> include, but
> are not limited to ICD-9, ICD-10, MedDRA and SNOMED.
> [0081] To accomplish this, the medical concepts contained in the
> formal
> ontology of the system can be mapped to the appropriate codes
> contained
> in the appropriate independent database (i.e. ICD-9, etc).
> Alternatively, the appropriate coding system may be included in the
> formal ontology as a separate and parallel hierarchy to the
> hierarchy of
> medical concepts. In this alternative embodiment, each medical concept
> is linked to the appropriate code via a "has code" link type. For
> example, the concept "meningitis" would be linked to the ICD-9 code
> 322.9 or the MedDRA code 10027252.
> [0082] By linking the concepts in the ontology to the appropriate
> codes,
> the system is able to annotate free text documents with these codes as
> the documents are being indexed.
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