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[ontolog-forum] CFP - EKAW 2010 Workshop on Ontology Quality

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From: Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles <aussenac@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 13:40:52 +0200
Message-id: <4BF67144.6080309@xxxxxxx>

EKAW 2010 Workshop on Ontology Quality


The workshop will take place during EKAW 2010, between October 11th and 15th, 2010
Lisbon, Portugal

Motivation and Objectives

The process of building ontologies has traditionally been an art rather than an engineering process, despite the existence of methodologies for supporting this process. The correct application of methodologies already help guarantee some quality in the resulting ontology, although the quality offered by such methodologies has not,  so far, been measured quantitative or qualitatively.  There are no maturity models for the ontology building processes that might be used for this purpose.  On the other hand, ontology design patterns play an important role in obtaining higher quality ontologies. In the last years, some international efforts have been put on defining such patterns for generic ontology building or oriented to particular domains, so knowing the best and worst practices would also contribute to get better ontologies.

The objective of this workshop is to serve as a forum for sharing the most recent efforts and experiences in this area, disseminating the current best practices and discussing the directions that the field should take. Therefore, this workshop is oriented to any researcher or practitioner working or interested in the following areas:
-    reusing ontologies with informed decisions
-    methods and tools for evaluating the technical quality of ontologies
-    methods and tools for evaluating the quality of the content of ontologies
-    methods and tools for improving ontology construction processes
-    methods and tools for adapting and applying quality standards from other engineering fields to ontology evaluation
-    relevant dimensions of quality for domain and high-level ontologies in specific domains
-    methods and tools for evaluating the practical and social success of ontologies
-    best (and worst) practices in ontology building
-    improving the quality of ontologies through design patterns
-    experiences of quality evaluation in specific domains

Important dates

Submission: June 30th 2010
Notification: July, 25th 2010
Camera-ready deadline: September, 1st 2010


Paper submission and reviewing for this workshop will be electronic via EasyChair. The papers should be written in English, follow Springer LNCS format, and be submitted in PDF. Two types of submissions are accepted in this workshop:
-    short papers: up to 6 pages
-    regular papers: up to 12 pages
Proceedings will be distributed to the participants during the workshop, and made available as CEUR proceedings after the workshop.


Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles (IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France)
Jesualdo Tomas  Fernandez-Breis (Facultad de Informática, Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
Robert Stevens    (School of Computer Science, The University of Manchester, UK)

PC members (Provisional list)

Mauricio Almeida (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Christopher Brewster (Aston Business School, UK)
Mathieu D'Aquin (Open University, UK)
Sylvie Despres (Université Paris-Nord, France)
Michel Dumontier (Carleton University, Canada)
Nathalie Hernandez (IRIT, France)
Phil Lord (Newcastle University, UK)
Mari Carmen Suarez Figueroa (Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain)
Rafael Valencia (University of Murcia, Spain)
York Sure (University of Koblenz-Landau, GESIS, Germany)
Karin Verspoor (University of Denver, USA)
Johanna  Völker (University of Mannheim, Germany)

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