One further consideration is whether one identifies the individual as an
individual, or an individual as an exemplar of a type (standard
construction). For example, this is a part type 123, serial number 456 -
with the 123-456 being a unique identifier for the individual. This is a
very common method of part marking. (01)
However, a component may be installed in a system, then modified, so that
it an exemplar of a different specification (in the case of test tubes,
think glass blowing, although this is a more significant issue for aerospace
components). In this case, one may wish to continue to track the history of
an individual, even though it is now a different type of thing. In this case
it is no longer a 123, it is a 321, and no longer can be validly called a
123-456. However the individual must maintain its identity, but cannot
simply be renamed 321-456 as this looses traceability, and there may already
be an individual called 321-456. (02)
The answer in the aerospace industry ISO 21849:2006 "Aircraft and Space -
Industry data - product identification and traceability", which defines a
detailed part marking model, and which I believe came out of work to develop
a bar-coding standard (now that was a DULL read). (03)
Sean Barker
Bristol, UK (04)
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