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Re: [ontolog-forum] new logic

To: cmenzel@xxxxxxxx, "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Adrian Walker <adriandwalker@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 19:03:35 -0500
Message-id: <1e89d6a41001191603y7ba0393ct6fba1efdbd0f1b21@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Chris --

You wrote..

For a given Turing machine M halts on input n if and only if
there is a corresponding proof in first-order logic that in a precise
sense represents M's computation.*  Hence, by means of first-order
reasoning one can compute a sum, difference, product, ratio etc just as a Turing machine could -- however, typically it would be a lot quicker and easier just to perform a simple arithmetic proof directly using, say, Peano Arithmetic.

Yes indeed, FOL plus an inference engine can do (integer) arithmetic. 

However, in all of the practical logic-based systems I'm aware of, arithmetic is actually done by "built in predicates", aka calls to traditional libraries coded in C, Java or such.

                           Cheers,  -- Adrian

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Adrian Walker

On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 6:38 PM, Christopher Menzel <cmenzel@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tue, 2010-01-19 at 13:36 -0500, Patrick Cassidy wrote:
> John,
>    Re: Describing a computation with FOL
>    Can FOL actually *perform* arithmetic functions?

That's like asking whether English can dance the tango.  FOL doesn't
*do* anything.  FOL is a language, a semantics and (typically) a system
by means of which an agent can generate proofs.  Thus, FOL can be *used*
to represent information and demonstrate, e.g., when one thing follows
from another.  You can therefore *describe* a computation in FOL and
prove things about that computation.  But FOL of itself doesn't do
anything at all.

> I know that one can assert that there is a function that takes two
> numbers and associates with them their sum, but it seems that to use
> such a function in FOL one needs to have a preexisting table of such
> sums, impractical in the general case.  Is there a way for FOL
> reasoning to actually **compute** a sum (or difference, product,
> ratio) as a Turing machine could?

Well, now you've changed the subject from FOL to FOL *reasoning*.  And,
under one reasonable interpretation of "FOL reasoning", the answer is
"yes".  For a given Turing machine M halts on input n if and only if
there is a corresponding proof in first-order logic that in a precise
sense represents M's computation.*  Hence, by means of first-order
reasoning one can compute a sum, difference, product, ratio etc just as
a Turing machine could -- however, typically it would be a lot quicker
and easier just to perform a simple arithmetic proof directly using,
say, Peano Arithmetic.

Chris Menzel

*This is in fact how one shows that the undecidability of first-order
logical implication follows from the halting problem. For details, see
Boolos, Burgess, and Jeffrey, Computability and Logic, ch 11.

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