February 27 to 28, 2010
The goal of the Interdisciplinary Ontology Conference of the Japanese Center for Ontological Research (JCOR) is to provide a forum for researchers in the ontology domain from around the world. The conference is co-sponsored by the Japanese Government’s Ministry of Education and Science (MEXT) under the framework of the Open Research Center on Logic and Formal Ontology of Keio University, and by the US National Center for Ontological Research (NCOR) and the International Association for Ontology and Its Applications (IAOA).
The conference consists of invited lectures and sessions consisting of peer reviewed papers which will be included in the on-site Proceedings and post-conference publication.
Papers may address a wide variety of issues relating to ontology and its applications. Submission instructions along with registration and logistics information will appear at the conference website
Invited Speakers include:
•Christopher Baker (University of New Brunswick, Canada)
•John Bateman (University of Bremen, Germany)
•Kit Fine (New York University, NY, USA)
•Antony Galton (University of Exeter, United Kingdom)
•Achille Varzi (Columbia University, NY, USA)
Important Dates:
December 5: Deadline for submission of complete paper
January 7: Notification of acceptance
January 28: Camera-ready copy due for on-site proceedings version
February 27-28: Conference in Tokyo.
Further information can be obtained from Riichiro Mizoguchi <