Ian, (01)
Any language with the goals required for the IDEAS ontology or any
similar project should have three parts: (02)
1. A formally defined notation with a precise semantic foundation
that can be automatically translated to and from all currently
used declarative notations. That includes the notations in use
or proposed for the Semantic Web, various logics, specification
languages, agent command and control languages, etc. (03)
2. A humanly readable notation that can be automatically translated
to and from #1. (04)
3. Ability to map #1 to and from a wide range of graphic notations
that are currently in use or likely to be proposed for the
future. (05)
Fortunately, there is an ISO/IEC standard for #1 that satisfies
all three requirements: 24707 for Common Logic. (06)
For a survey of the range of languages and notations supported by
Common Logic and the IKL extensions, see the following slides: (07)
Controlled Natural Languages for Semantic Systems (08)
As a starting point, the participants in the IDEAS project should
study those slides and related material. The slides contain the
URLs for the various systems that are surveyed and discussed. (09)
John (010)
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