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Re: [ontolog-forum] example of Science and Indian Scripture blog..

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Pavithra <pavithra_kenjige@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 12:35:47 -0700 (PDT)
Message-id: <669726.63974.qm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Dr. Sowa,
Dravida in Sanskrit just means south.  There is also interpretation of it as Drav + Veda  = Dravida.   Drave means liquid and Veda is knowledge.  So Dravida just may mean someone whose is an expert in Veda ! or just Knowledgable.  "Veda" is the recorded Indus knowledge.
This negates the whole concept of Dravida is the origin of the world Tamil which is used in all the justfication.   However Tamil Pandits beleive they are the origin or thier own language.
There are scripts found in Rock hills called Edakkalu caves in Sourthern India between Karnataka and Kerala.  These scripts are dated back to 2300 bc to 1700 bc they say.  But now These scripts were said to be similar to anceint Tamil and Brahmi scripts.   Brahmi scripts were used to write old Sanskrit.    Yet it does not prove one is older than other.   But some symbols are found in Indus scripts as well. 
Legend says that  Luv & Kush, the sons of Rama from Ramayana played here with thier bow and arrow in these caves! 
Since the last time we spoke many people many people have blogged on this topic.   Discovery channels produced some information, which can be found in this blog.




At this point, I am not sure what is the root of Tamil language.  Whether there was any perticular root at all. 


But however other south Indian languages  Kannada and Telugu did not origin from Tamil as to what Tamil origin believers or how it is recorded in Wikipedia for Dravidian languages.  There was Old Kannada that was developed during Kadambas! ( one of the Kannada Dynasty..) which may be a derivative of Brahmi script.   These two languages look very different from Tamil.  


I can easily negate that Tamil is not the root of Kannada or Telugu..


That information can be found in



There were other discussion of Indus Scripts in Science Daily..








Pavithra Kenjige







--- On Sun, 10/4/09, John F. Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: John F. Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] example of Science and Indian Scripture blog..
To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sunday, October 4, 2009, 1:58 PM


I was going through some older email, and I thought I would comment
on the following point in your note from September 20th:

PK> However there was some south Indian language languages like
> Tamil (or the patrons of the language) declare that it is not
> derived from Sanskrit and it is a original language itself.
> ( I personally do not buy that...  but yet to prove otherwise..)

The evidence that Tamil is distinct from the Sanskrit-derived
languages is very strong.

For anyone interested in the evolution of languages and their
interrelationships, the web site for Nostratic has links to
a wide variety of material:

   Resources on Distant Language Relationships

Nostratic is a name coined by Russian linguists for a hypothetical
superfamily of languages that include the Indo-European, Semitic,
Altaic, Uralic, and Turkic languages.  The name comes from the
Latin word 'noster' for "our" languages.

The evidence for the Nostratic superfamily is still controversial,
but the distinction between the Indo-European family and the
southern Indian languages is very well established.

For anyone who would like to study those languages, there are online
resources for 14 different Indo-European languages:  Latin, Classical
Greek, Sanskrit, Old Church Slavonic, Classical Armenian, Old Iranian,
Baltic, Hittite, Gothic, Old Norse, Old English, Old French, Old Irish,
and Tocharian.  See


On a related note, there is recent evidence for migrations of small
mammals (voles, shrews, mice, and stoats) into the remote regions
of Scotland and Wales that parallels the migrations of humans who
were pushed out of southern and eastern Britain by later invaders:

    UK Mammals have a 'Celtic Fringe'

Following is an excerpt from that article:

    The traditional view is that the ancestors of British Celts
    spread from central Europe during the Iron Age and were later
    displaced by the arrival of the Anglo Saxons.  However, recent
    genetic studies have challenged this theory, suggesting a much
    earlier origin, dating back to the end of the last ice age,
    19,000 years ago.  This paper suggests that the study of small
    mammal populations could help resolve the controversy.

The authors of that article aren't claiming that the people
brought the mammals with them, but rather that the mammals
show evidence of the climate shifts that may have also
influenced the migrations of humans into and around Britain.

The conclusion of that article:

    It is really important to treat humans as part of a suite of
    animals that were being pushed and pulled around the landscape
    by changes in climate.

John Sowa

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