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Re: [ontolog-forum] When to use pure subclassing and when to use subclas

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Alex Shkotin <alex.shkotin@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 11:36:16 +0400
Message-id: <b24945a10907250036t6444cf4lfc590a7d314dc873@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Garz,
if we may say that
(1) C1 is an intersection of C2 and C3.
it is better that to say
(2) C1 is a subset of C2.
As (1) is definition of C1 and (2) - is not.
and anyway we may derive (2) from (1).

2009/7/24 garz <garz@xxxxxxx>

i'm trying to create an ontology and there is a problem that i have in
understanding the difference between a pure subclass and a subclass
defined as intersection. my own explanation for this is the following:

a subclass defined as intersection relates to the properties the
superclass has and constraints them. for example redwine constraints the
property color of the superclass wine by constraining its value to red.
redwine is like an aspect or a view on a class, in this case on the
aspect color. or its like an alias picking a subset out of the related
superclass. a class defined that way introduces a new concept or term by
just using the already existing, its not capable of creating new
content, so to speak.

a pure subclass should then be used, if there is something new to it,
represented as a property that isnt mentioned in the superclass and the
subclass is free to introduce this property or not. if the property
already was in the superclass, a subclass defined by intersection would
be sufficient.

am i correct with this thinking? i dont really get it. or is
intersection always applicable, but in this case i really dont
understand the sense behind it. plz enlighten me.


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