Hmmm - (01)
Interesting. Just to add some additional info: (02)
UCUM is referenced in numerous OGC standards that are now also ISO
The OGC and the UCUM organization have been working a mutual memorandum of
understanding in which UCUM will be submitted to the OGC to become an
international standard. (03)
So, if there is some perceived "standards" conflict, I would like to resolve
this sooner than later. I hate to see conflicting or duplicate standards.
Leads to all kinds of silliness - confusion - and frustration in the
implementers community. (04)
One of my roles in the OGC is harmonization of standards activities related
to OGC work across SDOs (05)
I am open to suggestions! (06)
Thanks (07)
Carl (08)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed Barkmeyer" <edbark@xxxxxxxx>
To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "'George Percivall'" <gpercivall@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "'Raj Singh'"
<rsingh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "'Clemens Portele'"
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] retitled: UCUM v. UnitsML (09)
> Cecil Lynch wrote:
>> UCUM is the standard required for expression of units of measure in HL7
>> messages (the health domain). As such, it is by default, the HITSP
>> standard
>> for units of measure since HITSP has adopted HL7 as the messaging syntax
>> for
>> the US. UnitsML is a markup language for the XML expression of units of
>> measure, which would include UCUM, but other units of measure as well.
>> Cecil lynch
> First, this is a standards politics and alignment issue that is only of
> passing interest in formulating a UoM ontology -- both of these
> standards are sources of knowledge and requirements for us. But, as I
> standards politician ;-), I would like to see this issue addressed
> somewhere.
> Second, I'm glad Carl thinks this is a clarification. I am a bit
> denser. I don't see what distinction is being made in the above:
> UCUM is the standard required for expression of units of measure
> versus:
> UnitsML is a markup language for the XML expression of units of
> measure
> Is UCUM standardized by HL7? The UCUM website doesn't identify it as
> having been adopted by any open standardization process, and doesn't
> aver that it is a standard. It says:
> "The Unified Code for Units of Measure is a code system intended to
> include all units of measures being contemporarily used in international
> science, engineering, and business. The purpose is to facilitate
> unambiguous electronic communication of quantities together with their
> units."
> and it goes on to talk about what it is compatible with. If it has been
> adopted as a standard by HL7, the website should be clear on that point
> and provide the HL7 identifier.
> UnitsML is not a standard; it is a draft standard of a 3-year-old OASIS
> TC. The website says:
> "UnitsML will enable markup of scientific units to allow unambiguous
> storage, exchange, and processing of numeric data. The project has three
> components:
> • UnitsML - an XML schema
> • UnitsDB - a database containing detailed information on scientific
> units of measure
> • Tools - to facilitate the incorporation of UnitsML into other markup
> languages"
> I don't see how UnitsML "would include UCUM, but other units of measure
> as well." The UnitsML database will presumably include the standard
> units of measure for which UCUM specifies a different XML
> representation. Perhaps the OASIS UnitsDB will provide tooling to
> resolve UCUM URIs to UnitsML URIs and the corresponding UnitsDB entries?
> Perhaps UCUM allows a reference to a unit to have an associated href
> that could be the UnitsML/UnitsDB URI? Are these groups working
> together to make anything useful happen?
> I'm a poor standards politician. I like my clarifications to be clear.
> Third, I did appreciate the subject line:
> "Re: [ontolog-forum] [SPAM] ..." ;-)
> And finally, see the disclaimer below. (UnitsML is a NIST-led activity.
> I don't speak for NIST in that area.)
> -Ed
> "That was a Rohrschach statement. You got to see your model in what he
> said, and I got to see mine."
> -- Bruce Ambler
> --
> Edward J. Barkmeyer Email: edbark@xxxxxxxx
> National Institute of Standards & Technology
> Manufacturing Systems Integration Division
> 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8263 Tel: +1 301-975-3528
> Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8263 FAX: +1 301-975-4694
> "The opinions expressed above do not reflect consensus of NIST,
> and have not been reviewed by any Government authority."
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