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[ontolog-forum] Guidelines for Standards Developers

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Joel Bender <jjb5@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 16:01:28 -0400
Message-id: <49CBDF18.1040801@xxxxxxxxxxx>
This is a text version of my comment during today's conference call...    (01)

I would like to provide guidelines to standards developers that are not 
familiar with ontology development or formalized taxonomies.  For 
example, a wide variety of standards have referenced RFC2119 for the use 
of terms such as MUST.    (02)

     <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt>    (03)

I know this is in the realm of mereology and mereotopology, but if I 
dare mention those words to specialist in air conditioning, their eyes 
will glaze over.    (04)

Perhaps a web form where someone enters two nouns, 'snarf' and 'blat'. 
Then the system asks a series of questions like "If snarf is a part of 
blat, and you take away the snarf, would the blat be a blat anymore?" 
The answer drives them to use a specific label (maybe even a URI) for 
that relationship.  It could even provide feedback on why other similar 
labels are not appropriate.    (05)

Agreeing to standardize on the RFC definition of terms like MUST is a 
relatively small (but necessary) step for a standards committee.  Coming 
to a consensus on the specific label to put on a relationship could be 
quite a task.  Programmer/analysts that work with customers on getting 
their sign-off on a UML diagram for their system see this all the time.    (06)

Joel    (07)

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