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Re: [ontolog-forum] mKR (was Thing and Class)

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "John F. Sowa" <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 12:55:04 -0400
Message-id: <48E259E8.7010205@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Pat and Chris,    (01)

Fundamental principle:  Any useful computational method for a
restricted language L can also be used when L is considered
a subset of a larger language, such as FOL.    (02)

That is a common technique used with Description Logics:  derive
a solution with a T-Box of DL statements, and use it with an A-Box
of statements in full FOL.  It is irrelevant whether the DL is
considered a separate language or a subset of the A-Box language.
In fact, the semantics of the full system presupposes the semantics
of both the T-Box and A-Box as consistent subsets.    (03)

An even more common approach is to use a database (relational or OO)
with a knowledge base that has a more expressive logic.  Any result
derived by the DB is assumed to be true for the KB.  Again, that
method presupposes that the semantics of the DB is a subset of the
semantics of the full KB.    (04)

JFS>> The language in which a problem is stated has no effect on
 >>    complexity.  Reducing the expressive power of a logic does
 >>    not solve any problems faster; its only effect is to make
 >>    some problems impossible to state.    (05)

PH> Well, no. It does both of these. It makes some problems
 > impossible to state, true. But it also can, and often does,
 > make it possible to solve the problems that it can state much
 > more quickly, because it reduces the size of the search space.    (06)

I agree that for many kinds of problems, multiple solutions are
possible, and that the larger language may allow more solutions.
However, many computational methods are designed to search for
a solution that has a "minimal model" and ignore the others.
If the solutions derived with the restricted language L are
acceptable, the same solutions will be derived by same methods
with the same speed when L is considered a subset of the larger
language.    (07)

CM> Moreover, even if it were true that the complexity of a problem
 > is unaltered by the language in which it is stated, there is still
 > an important advantage to working in a decidable framework (when
 > complexity matter), viz., obviously enough, you know that any problem
 > you can state in the framework is, at least, decidable.  You thus get
 > an upper bound on complexity, for free, that you don't get in general
 > working in an undecidable framework like full FOL.    (08)

I completely agree.  But note that the complexity result is based
on the *algorithm*, independent of whether the algorithm is applied
to a restricted language L or to L considered as a subset of FOL.
I strongly endorse the very common technique of using multiple
inference engines for different purposes.    (09)

As an example of the approach I recommend, I will cite, once more,
the technique that Bill Andersen and his group developed.  See
paragraph 3 of Section 6 from "Fads and Fallacies about Logic."
(And by the way, Jim Hendler, with whom I often disagree more than
I've ever disagreed with Pat and Chris, liked that paper very much
-- he was the editor of the journal in which it was published.)    (010)

______________________________________________________________________    (011)

Excerpt from http://www.jfsowa.com/pubs/fflogic.pdf    (012)

6. Using Logic in Practical Systems    (013)

The hardest task of knowledge representation is to analyze knowledge 
about a domain and state it precisely in any language. Since the 1970s, 
knowledge engineers and systems analysts have been eliciting knowledge 
from domain experts and encoding it in computable forms. Unfortunately, 
the tools for database design have been disjoint from expert-system 
tools; they use different notations that require different skills and 
often different specialists. If all the tools were based on a common, 
readable notation for logic, the number of specialists required and the 
amount of training they need could be reduced. Furthermore, the domain 
experts would be able to read the knowledge representation, detect 
errors, and even correct them.    (014)

The first step is to support the notations that people have used for 
logic since the middle ages:  controlled natural languages supplemented 
with type hierarchies and related diagrams. Although full natural 
language with all its richness, flexibility, and vagueness is still a 
major research area, the technology for supporting controlled NLs has 
been available since the 1970s. Two major obstacles have prevented such 
languages from becoming commercially successful:  the isolation of the 
supporting tools from the mainstream of commercial software development, 
and the challenge of defining a large vocabulary of words and phrases by 
people who are not linguists or logicians. Fortunately, the second 
challenge can be addressed with freely available resources, such as 
WordNet, whose terms have been aligned to the major ontologies that are 
being developed today. The challenge of integrating all the tools used 
in software design and development with controlled NLs is not a 
technical problem, but an even more daunting problem of fads, trends, 
politics, and standards.    (015)

Although controlled NLs are easy to read, writing them requires training 
for the authors and tools for helping them. Using the logic generated 
from controlled NLs in practical systems also requires tools for mapping 
logic to current software. Both of these tasks could benefit from 
applied research:  the first in human factors, and the second in 
compiler technology. An example of the second is a knowledge compiler 
developed by Peterson et al. (1998), which extracted a subset of axioms 
from the Cyc system to drive a deductive database. It translated Cyc 
axioms, stated in a superset of FOL, to constraints for an SQL database 
and to Horn-clause rules for an inference engine. Although the knowledge 
engineers had used a very expressive dialect of logic, 84% of the axioms 
they wrote could be translated directly to Horn-clause rules (4667 of 
the 5532 axioms extracted from Cyc). The remaining 865 axioms were 
translated to SQL constraints, which would ensure that all database 
updates were consistent with the axioms.    (016)

In summary, logic can be used with commercial systems by people who have 
no formal training in logic. The fads and fallacies that block such use 
are the disdain by logicians for readable notations, the fear of logic 
by nonlogicians, and the lack of any coherent policy for integrating all 
development tools. The logic-based languages of the Semantic Web are 
useful, but they are not integrated with the SQL language of relational 
databases, the UML diagrams for software design and development, or the 
legacy systems that will not disappear for many decades to come. A 
better integration is possible with tools based on logic at the core, 
diagrams and controlled NLs at the human interfaces, and compiler 
technology for mapping logic to both new and legacy software.    (017)

Reference    (018)

Peterson, Brian J., William A. Andersen, & Joshua Engel (1998) 
"Knowledge bus: generating application-focused databases from large 
ontologies," Proc. 5th KRDB Workshop, Seattle, WA. 
http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Publications/CEUR-WS/Vol-10/    (019)

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