thanks for interpreting your thoughts. I am becoming increasingly
interested in CL, although I am still working out how it relates to
other formalisms, and how can I use it
As discussed briefly with Welty last week, it appears obvious to me
that CL is at core of NLP, so I am interested
in your suggestion as a possible way forward in that direction
PDM (01)
> Given the current structure of CL & LBase, I believe proposition a) is
> where CL & LBase are now: a natural language description of the
> constraints to which the axioms of an open ended schematic system would
> adhere. Proposition b) presumes that we structure a logical environemt
> as illustrated below.
> Logical Environment
> |
> -----------------------------------------
> | | | |
> Languages Logics Models Theories
> |
> -----------------
> | |
> Axiomatic Natural Language
> |
> -------------------
> | |
> LBASE Common Logic
> I believe Feferman's open ended schematic system implies proposition b)
> and the evolution of formal systems towards logical environments.
> Rick
> paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > Thanks a lot Rick
> > havent had the chance to read the docs yet, but it sounds like a
> > fundamental question, although shifts in thinking paradigms may be
> > unsettling and painful
> > I do think that CL is going to stimulate the transition from NLP to AI
> > (so many acronyms)
> > and I have come to accept the possibility of a passive logical schema
> > but I am still reading
> > (and reading and reading)
> > I am interested in exploring your a) and b) propositions
> > what happend to this chap Feferman? did he get any traction?
> > will catch up with the reading and continue with this discussion at
> > the first opportunity
> > cheers
> > PDM
> >
> >
> > On 11/17/07, rick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <rick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> All:
> >>
> >> Folks might enjoy the Soloman Feferman lecture Goedel, Nagel, Minds and
> >> Machines. After recounting an exchange between Godel and Nagel circa 1956,
> >> Feferman describes the implications of the minds vs. machines dichotomy
> >> ensuing from the exchange. To avoid the impass resulting from the
> >> Feferman proposes the redefinition of a formal system to an "open ended
> >> schematic axiomatic system." He claims this redefinition is a constructive
> >> step towards an "informative, systematic account at a theoretical level of
> >> how the mathematical mind works that squares with experience." He stresses
> >> the importance of a subject neutral theory of operations with basic
> >> for language, arithmetic, set theory that would amount to a version of an
> >> untyped lambda calculus. Feferman concludes by rejecting any effective
> >> machine representation of mind as contemplated by Nagel, Penrose & others.
> >>
> >> So, what does this mean to Common Logic and LBase ? Seems to me that
> >> like Common Logic and LBase would either have to a) be defined within this
> >> type of an open ended system, let's say as the natural language description
> >> of the constraints to which the axioms that make up the theory of such a
> >> system would adhere; or b) evolve into an open ended system that exhibits
> >> characteristics of transformation across languages, logics, models and
> >> theories.
> >>
> >> Rick
> >>
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Paola Di Maio
School of IT
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