Further to our earlier discussion and action towards supporting this ... (01)
[ref. http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-forum/2007-10/msg00003.html
& http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-forum/2007-10/msg00007.html ] (02)
Here's the great news! ... (see message below from Mike Dean, all the
way from S. Korea.) (03)
Congratulations, Mike, Leo (for your hard work and leadership in this)
and to everyone who has (or would have by then) chipped in. (04)
Regards. =ppy
-- (05)
On Nov 12, 2007 7:49 AM, Obrst, Leo J. <lobrst@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Great news, Mike! Congratulations to everyone who provided letters of
> support/endorsement and general encouragement over the past couple of
> months.
> And thanks very much, Mike, for arguing our case in person with the
> SWSA committee and for your hard work in getting this realized.
> Thanks all!
> Leo
> _____________________________________________
> Dr. Leo Obrst The MITRE Corporation, Information Semantics
> lobrst@xxxxxxxxx Information Discovery & Understanding, Command and
> Control Center
> Voice: 703-983-6770 7515 Colshire Drive, M/S H305
> Fax: 703-983-1379 McLean, VA 22102-7508, USA (06)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Dean [mailto:mdean@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 10:03 AM
> To: Obrst, Leo J.; ppflugrath@xxxxxxx; 'Jimmy Ervin'
> Cc: 'Jim O'Connor'; 'Joe Rockmore'; 'Jane Schultz'; ndean@xxxxxxxxxxxx;
> 'Dave Kolas'; 'Said Tabet'; McCandless, Dru; Parmelee, Mary C.; Laskey,
> Ken; klaskey@xxxxxxx; Stoutenburg, Suzette; Massey, Karla D.; Gagne,
> Danny; Sabbouh, Marwan; MarkG@xxxxxxxxxx; terry.janssen@xxxxxxxx;
> mcullen@xxxxxxxxxx; jspark@xxxxxxxxxx; grieg@xxxxxxxxxx;
> dbedford@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; peter.yim@xxxxxxxx; phismith@xxxxxxxxxxx;
> folken@xxxxxxx; dsoergel@xxxxxxx; olivier@xxxxxxxxxxx;
> ray@xxxxxxxxxxxx; rockmore@xxxxxxxxxxxx; finin@xxxxxxxxxxx;
> joshi@xxxxxxxxxxx; 'Kevin T. Smith'; MDaconta@xxxxxxx;
> epeterson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; leer@xxxxxxxxxxx; lee_richard@xxxxxxx;
> michael.f.uschold@xxxxxxxxxx; sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx; arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx;
> gary.berg-cross@xxxxxxxx; andersen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; 'dgunning';
> 'Burke, Murray (contr-ipto)'; 'Janssen, Terry L. [C]';
> mkokar@xxxxxxxxxxx; 'Chance, Samuel G.'; Niemann.Brand@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
> 'Niemann, Brand K.'
> Subject: ISWC2009 in DC!
> Our proposal was accepted by SWSA, with the condition that we work hard
> to
> reduce the total costs (registration + hotel) particularly for graduate
> students. I'm having lunch with Rudi Studer on Thursday to discuss
> next
> steps.
> Congratulations and thanks to everyone for making this happen!
> Mike
> (07)
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