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[ontolog-forum] CFP: Ontology for the Intelligence Community (OIC) 2007,

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Obrst, Leo J." <lobrst@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007 14:12:58 -0400
Message-id: <9F771CF826DE9A42B548A08D90EDEA800271B904@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
FYI. Apologies for cross-posting, any duplication. Please send to
interested colleagues.    (01)

This is the full announcement, and is followed by information about the
Classified session on Nov. 30, which is on the MITRE site:
http://www.mitre.org/register/oic/.     (02)

Leo    (03)

=====    (04)



November 28-29, 2007 - Hilton Hotel, COLUMBIA, MD:
November 30, 2007: special classified session (see below):
http://www.mitre.org/register/oic/    (07)

END ON NOVEMBER 1.     (08)

Registration will include a copy of the proceedings of the conference.    (09)

The meeting will commence with registration at 8:30am on Wednesday, 
November 28, and conclude at 4pm on Thursday, November 29.
Further details, including the complete program, are available at 
http://ncor.us/oic2007    (010)



Todd Hughes (DARPA): Toward a Data Integration and Exploitation 
System that Learns    (013)

Werner Ceusters (NCOR, Buffalo): How to Keep Track of Absolutely
Everything    (014)

Steven Robertshaw (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, UK): 
Ontology vs. Ontologies - The Intelligence Community Needs to Embrace
Both    (015)

David C. Roberts (Chief Technology Officer and Chief Data Architect, 
CIA): Intelligence and the Semantic Imperative    (016)


Brian Ulicny, et al. Uses of Ontologies in Open-Source Blog Mining    (018)

Elisa F. Kendall, et al. Policies for Public Domain Ontologies for 
the Intelligence Community    (019)

Richard Lee, The Use of Ontologies to Support Intelligence Analysis    (020)

Chumki Basu, et al. Creating a Geospatial and Visual Information 
Ontology for Analysts    (021)

Terry Janssen, et al. A Multi-INT Geospatial and Temporal Semantic 
Reasoning Framework for Intelligence Analysis Support    (022)

David Silberberg, et al. Achieving Ontology-Assisted Query of Graph
Databases    (023)

Eric Little, Kathryn B. Laskey, et al. Ontologies and Probabilities: 
Working Together for Effective Multi-INT Fusion    (024)

Suzette Stoutenburg, Leo Obrst, et al. Ontologies for Rapid Integration
of Heterogeneous Data for Command, Control, and Intelligence    (025)

Troy Self, et al. Ontology-Driven Imagery Analysis    (026)

Michael N. Huhns and Marco G. Valtorta, Ontological Support for 
Bayesian Evidence Management    (027)

James Ressler and Mike Dean, Geospatial Ontology Trade Study    (028)

Rick Hayes-Roth and Curtis Blais, A Pragmatic Foundation for Defining 
a Rich Semantic Model of Track    (029)

Andrew Shilliday, et al. Toward Automated Provability-Based Semantic 
Interoperability between Ontologies for the Intelligence Community    (030)


Panelists: Bill Andersen (Ontology Works)    (032)

Mike Dean (BBN Technologies)    (033)

Leo Obrst (The MITRE Corporation)    (034)

Barry Smith (NCOR, Buffalo)    (035)

Chris Welty (IBM Watson Research Center)    (036)

The complete program and registration details are now available on 
the OIC website at: http://ncor.us/oic2007    (037)

====================    (038)

OIC-2007 Special Classified Session (Day Three)    (039)

An associated classified event, open to those holding TS/SCI
Clearances, will take place on November 30, 2007 at the Lockheed Martin
SCIF in Hanover, MD.     (040)

For details, including registration procedure, please see:
http://www.mitre.org/register/oic/    (041)

OIC-2007/Classified Chairs:
Leo Obrst (The MITRE Corporation), Terry Janssen (Lockheed Martin),
Kevin Lynch (CIA)    (042)

Hosted by Lockheed Martin, The MITRE Corporation     (043)

=====    (044)

OIC-2007 Special Classified Session (Day Three)    (045)


REGISTRATION: http://www.mitre.org/register/oic/    (047)

November 30, 2007 * LOCKHEED MARTIN SCIF, HANOVER, MD    (048)

Chairs: Leo Obrst (MITRE), Terry Janssen (LM), Kevin Lynch (CIA)
Hosted by Lockheed Martin, The MITRE Corporation     (049)

View and Register for the UNCLASSIFIED Workshop Days One and Two at
http://ncor.us/oic2007/     (050)

Please continue to check this site for updated information.     (051)

The increasing volume, variety and velocity of intelligence analysis
requires new approaches that will enable greater flexibility,
precision, timeliness and automation of analysis to maximize valuable
human resources in responding to fast-evolving threats. Ontology-based
technology as applied in areas such as bioinformatics has demonstrated
the possibility of gains along all of these dimensions. The time is
ripe to extend these gains also to other spheres.     (052)

This Classified Session (TS/SCI) will occur on November 30, 2007, and
bring together experts on ontology-based technology with particular
experience in the problems facing the intelligence community, and
intelligence community members who are actively guiding or involved in
ontology related programs. It will feature invited talks from prominent
ontologists, and intelligence community leaders, developers, and
analysts, as well as a number of panels focusing on the use of
ontologies to support the work of intelligence analysis.     (053)


To register, enter your registration information on this MITRE site
(UNCLASSIFIED only). This information will not be publicly available.
Name, Affiliation (if permitted), Unclassified Email Address,
Unclassified Phone Number.     (055)

There is no charge for attending this Classified Session. Participants
who desire a box lunch will have the opportunity to order (for a
nominal charge) on-site the morning of the Session prior to its start.     (056)

Please note that the LM Hanover classified auditorium holds maximally
150 persons. So we will have to cut off registration when we have
reached 150. Please register early.     (057)

DIRECTIONS:     (058)

The street address for Lockheed Martin Hanover MD Bldg 2 auditorium is:    (059)

7100 Standard Drive
Hanover, MD 21076     (060)

Link to Google Maps     (061)

Detailed directions:     (062)

>From I-95 North    (063)

Take Exit 43A - MD-100 East (Glen Burnie)
Take exit 8 - Coca Cola Drive
As you come off exit ramp stay in left lanes, at traffic light make a
left onto Coca Cola Drive
At 2nd traffic light take a right onto Park Circle Drive (there may not
be a street sign for this so pay attention to the number of traffic
You will come to a stop sign at an intersection, go straight thru
(veering a little to the left as you do so) onto Standard Drive.
You will pass a Lockheed Building on your right, with a street number
of 7225 (this is bldg 3 and not where you are going for this meeting).
Continue on road until you hit a dead-end which will be the back end of
our bldg 2 parking lot (street number is 7100).
Take road to the front of the building and you will see visitor parking
spots or you can park anywhere in the employee lot as well.     (064)

>From BW Parkway/295 heading North    (065)

Take Exit for MD-100 heading West (Columbia/Ellicott City)
Take Exit 8 - Coca Cola Drive
As you come off exit ramp stay in right lane, at traffic light go right
onto Coca Cola Drive.
At 2nd traffic light take a right onto Park Circle Drive (there may not
be a street sign for this so pay attention to the number of traffic
You will come to a stop sign at an intersection, go straight thru
(veering a little to the left as you do so) onto Standard Drive.
You will pass a Lockheed Building on your right, with a street number
of 7225 (this is bldg 3 and not where you are going for this meeting).
Continue on road until you hit a dead-end which will be the back end of
our bldg 2 parking lot (street number is 7100).
Take road to the front of the building and you will see visitor parking
spots or you can park anywhere in the employee lot as well.     (066)


Note that Clearance Passing and Processing is entirely separate from
this registration.     (068)

Security point of contact information:
R.C. Smith
Lockheed Martin IS&GS
CSSO/FSO/Security Manager
Phone: 410-796-2155 Fax: 410-796-7886 / Cell: 571-221-4817 / Pager:
Email: robert.c.smith@xxxxxxxx Pager Email: 3254017@xxxxxxxxxx
7100 Standard Drive Hanover, MD 21076    (069)

Operational point of contact information:     (070)

Perri Nejib (410) 796-2966, perri.nejib@xxxxxxxxx     (071)

Clearance passing procedure:     (072)

Below are the procedures for sending clearances through the LM
government customer to gain cleared access to the LM facility for the
OIC Classified Session:     (073)

Interagency VR Process:     (074)

If a LM employee, Associate or government representative is NOT cleared
with the Hanover customer and wishes to have general access to the
Hanover SCIF, an Interagency VR is required. The minimum clearance
requirement for attendance at the seminar and unescorted access to the
facility is TS/SI/TK.     (075)

The Process:     (076)

Visitors will request of their local Program Security Representative to
send an Interagency VR to "Lockheed Martin Hanover, MD", with the
following instructions: "Hold and Pass to Lockheed Martin Hanover,
Maryland". These instructions are very important to the routing and
filing of the VR. If the instructions do not say "Hold" the customer
will not keep the message for 30 days. They will discard it. If the
instructions do not say "Pass" they will not deliver it to Lockheed
Martin Hanover, MD.     (077)

The Program Security Representative (PSR) will initiate the visit
request through their local government customer. A message (not an
email) will be sent between government agencies. This message will have
a reference number, called "Date Time Group" or DTG. The distant PSR
may forward the DTG to the Hanover Security Representative but it is
not required. The DTG can be used locally to assist the customer in
tracking the incoming message in instances when a VR was not received.
After the VR is sent by the visitor's agency, it will be processed by
the Hanover customer. The customer will send the Interagency VR
information to Lockheed Martin via a unclassified fax.     (078)

When the visitor shows up at the receptionist desk, the receptionist
will ask the visitor to type in his/her SSN. Assuming it matches, the
visitor will be granted access to the facility. If it does not match, a
PSR or the Security Manager will work with the individual to acquire
his clearance information. This may take time depending on multiple
factors.     (079)

NSA representatives should use the CONCERTO system to forward
clearances to Lockheed Martin, 7100 Standard Drive, Hanover, MD. 21076.    (080)

Prohibited Items:     (081)

This meeting will be held inside a SCIF, so please remember to leave
all cell phone, PDAs, PEDs, two way pagers, laptops, USB devices, any
device utilizing WIFI or any item that has the ability to record audio
or video based information at home, at your office, or in your vehicle.    (082)

QUESTIONS?     (083)

Please contact Leo Obrst at The MITRE Corporation, (703) 983-6770,
lobrst@xxxxxxxxx, or Terry Janssen at Lockheed Martin, (703) 735-2637,
Terry.L.Janssen.ctr@xxxxxxxx     (084)

We look forward to seeing you at this event.     (085)

Leo, Terry, Kevin    (086)

Dr. Leo Obrst       The MITRE Corporation, Information Semantics 
lobrst@xxxxxxxxx    Information Discovery & Understanding, Command and
Control Center
Voice: 703-983-6770 7515 Colshire Drive, M/S H305 
Fax: 703-983-1379   McLean, VA 22102-7508, USA     (087)

Message Archives: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-forum/  
Subscribe/Config: http://ontolog.cim3.net/mailman/listinfo/ontolog-forum/  
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  • [ontolog-forum] CFP: Ontology for the Intelligence Community (OIC) 2007, Nov. 28-29, Columbia, MD; special classified session, Nov. 30, Hanover, MD, Obrst, Leo J. <=