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[ontolog-forum] Logic As Formal Semiotic

To: Arisbe <arisbe@xxxxxxxxxx>, Inquiry <inquiry@xxxxxxxxxx>, Ontolog Forum <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, SW-Forum <semantic-web@xxxxxx>
From: Jon Awbrey <jawbrey@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 17:12:20 -0400
Message-id: <46AFA5B4.FC38DCAA@xxxxxxx>
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LAFS.  Note 1    (02)

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CC: Arisbe List, Inquiry List, Ontolog Forum    (04)

I would like to extract the very important and more general point
that Duane just raised from its embedding in the peculiar questions
of whether the Semantic Web can have its cake and eat it, too, and
I would like to connect it with a host of kindred matters that we
were discussing a couple of weeks ago, all under the pragmatic
perspective on logic that Charles Sanders Peirce recommended.    (05)

Jon Awbrey    (06)

Duane Nickull wrote:
> On 7/31/07 12:46 PM, "Azamat" <abdoul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > The real semantics or meanings of any symbolism or notation
> > is defined by ontology; for this is the only knowledge domain
> > studying the Being of Everything which is, happens and relates.
> Not trying to start a nit picky argument, but I had always thought that
> real semantics are defined by how a term is used and what it is linked to
> in a physical world (which of course can be captured and expressed in an
> ontology).  Otherwise any ontology is just a huge circular reference
> (like the english dictionary when void of any grounding).
> How can one define and convey the true meaning
> of spicy food, heat, pain, etc. without the
> corresponding grounding experience?
> Duane
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o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o    (08)

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