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Re: [ontolog-forum] Automatized databased generated Ontologies

To: patrick@xxxxxxxxxxx, sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx, paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx, "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Juan Sequeda" <jsequeda@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 12:16:59 -0600
Message-id: <f914914c0703091016q103ea504u932eef188d6e8eb6@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi All

I am glad a nice thread is starting.

The reason of my question, is due to our beliefs ("our" means our research group under the direction of Dr. Daniel Miranker) of the way the Semantic Web can be successful. The Semantic web will connect data, but where is most of this data stored? Databases! And we will continue using databases for life. Therefore we believe that the success of the semantic web will depend on the ability to easily, maybe even trivially, either generate local ontologies as part of a database interface or generate mappings of local databases to global ontologies. Currently, these mapping systems exist and this can be possible, to connect a DB to the semantic web (in the case of the D2R Server) but with all the existing databases, who is going to build the ontologies that are going to be needed to be mapped.

Any opinions...

On 3/9/07, Patrick Durusau <patrick@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

John F. Sowa wrote:

>And to comment on Patrick's note,
>PD> While certainly useful, logic should not be portrayed as
> > the warp and woof of ontologies or ontological work.
>I agree.  Ontology and logic are different subjects.  But I
>would add that *every* precise declarative notation that is
>capable of making statements that are judged true or false
>*is* a version of logic.
>UML diagrams, for example, are a version of logic.  The
>declarative subset of natural languages forms a version of
>logic -- and in fact, NL (actually Greek) was Aristotle's
>inspiration for the first formal logic.  And *every*
>statement in *every* version of logic that anyone has
>ever invented can be translated into natural language.
>So anyone who is doing any work on ontology is stating
>their results in some version of logic (but possibly in
>a rather imprecise and insufficiently understood version).
My, what a large definition of logic you have. ;-)

While I agree that "*every* statement in *every* version of logic" can
be translated into some natural language, I am not sure that the reverse
is true.

Unless you are arguing that natural language is "a rather imprecise and
insufficiently understood version" of logic?

Genuinely curious if you see no distinction (other than imprecision and
lack of understanding) between logic and natural language.

Hope you are having a great day!


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Patrick Durusau
Chair, V1 - Text Processing: Office and Publishing Systems Interface
Co-Editor, ISO 13250, Topic Maps -- Reference Model
Member, Text Encoding Initiative Board of Directors, 2003-2005

Topic Maps: Human, not artificial, intelligence at work!

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Juan Sequeda
Research Assistant
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Texas at Austin

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