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Re: [ontolog-forum] tasteful tags...

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter F Brown" <peter@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 13:07:11 +0100
Message-id: <1B2253B0359130439EA571FF30251AAE0255E6@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Either I've misunderstood something, or I don't agree with you.    (01)

You say in reply to my comment that what is important s to "make a
distinction between the personal terminology space and the potentially
shared" that "No such distinction is possible or useful."    (02)

We all "tag" different discourses according to the community in which
that discourse takes place (even if a community of one and the discourse
is all in the head) - it is always context dependent - if I'm tagging
stuff on a home server then my terminology is going to be based on the
terms of discourse at home, including "private language"; I'm not going
to use the same terminology in another environment - granted, it would
be a lot easier if I used a "standard" terminology in all contexts - it
saves me wasting time pecking around for terms instead of choosing from
a pre-populated list; and, importantly, it provides a hook for
collaboration - but this also kills organic development. The problem
comes obviously when you attribute or imply different meaning for the
same term in different contexts. So, the distinction IS useful.    (03)

As to whether it is possible: surely that is the whole point of
namespaces and similar techniques? The ISO Topic Maps standard uses
Published Subject Indicators and Identifiers precisely to give users the
possibility of stating "I mean this, whatever you or anyone else might
mean by it.." It is designed precisely to scope and identify your
terminology as well as providing a mechanism for giving common identity
to semantically identical terms (via "topic merging") even if the actual
word(s) used are different    (04)

Hence my surprise and confusion of your summary dismissal that the
distinctions are neither possible or useful.    (05)

If I'm just being dorkish or have completely lost the plot because I
didn't get enough sleep, I'm happy for you to put me straight offline
;-)    (06)

-----Original Message-----
From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of John F.
Sent: 09 March 2007 00:45
To: [ontolog-forum]
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] (PLEASE!!...) tasteful tags...    (07)

As I said, collaborative tagging is a typical example of
collaborative naming and coining of new words and terms.
In the book of Genesis, God gave that authority to Adam,
but I'm sure that Eve and the kids had a lot to say about
the choice of tags.  And nothing has changed ever since.    (08)

PFB> There's the rub: "for your own purposes" - is tagging
 > only for your own purpose (in which case you are right) or
 > to attempt to place the item being tagged in a concept space,
 > offered for sharing with others?    (09)

The answer is yes to all of the above.    (010)

PFB> Both are valid and what is important is to be able to
 > make a distinction between the personal terminology space
 > and the potentially shared.    (011)

No such distinction is possible or useful.    (012)

Some of the oldest roots in the IndoEuropean languages
(which go back at least 7 millennia and probably more)
are ma, pa, and sis -- babytalk syllables to which the
suffix -ter was added to form mater, pater, and sister.    (013)

I don't think that the baby who said "ma" when asking
for the nipple intended to distinguish personal
terminology from the potentially shared.  But that
primitive tag is still with us today.    (014)

Any tag that is exposed for public view, either deliberately
or inadvertently, becomes potentially shared.  If other
people find it useful, they adopt it, and it becomes part
of the common vocabulary.  If they don't, it is ignored.    (015)

John    (016)

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