Just wanted to make this minor remark: the term 'formal ontology' is very
ambiguous. It can refer to formal in a logic sense, or formal in the
philosophical sense: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formal_ontology. I think if
you define 'formal ontology' it is very important you make this distinguishment
- as to avoid confusion. (01)
-----Original Message-----
From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Bill
Sent: maandag 12 februari 2007 3:58
To: [ontolog-forum]
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Logic, Datalog and SQL (02)
Hi John, (03)
See comments below. (04)
On Feb 11, 2007, at 18:57 , John F. Sowa wrote: (05)
> Following is a revised version:
> A formal ontology consists of a theory T stated in
> some version of logic and a nonempty vocabulary V
> of types and relations. The names in V are divided
> in three disjoint subsets:
> 1. Names defined elsewhere, which are used in one
> or more axioms of T.
> 2. Names defined in T, which may be used in other
> theories.
> 3. Names that are never used in any other theories.
> To be considered an ontology, the set of names in
> subset #2 must be nonempty; i.e., the theory T
> must define one or more types or relations, whose
> names may be used in statements other than T. (06)
While I like the direction this discussion is going, I think there
are technical problems with it. (07)
One of them has to do with the intended force of your last sentence.
Let's call your "names in subset #2 being non-empty" condition O.
The issue has to do with whether condition O is both necessary and
sufficient, just sufficient, or just necessary for ontologyhood of
some theory T. (08)
Second, there is the notion of definability being invoked. That is,
of course, always a notion that is relative to a particular logical
system being considered. By any reading of your sentence where
condition O is necessary, no first-order theory T can contain the
term 'Integer' with the intended meaning we have for it and be
considered an ontology. I would think that to be a bad thing. (09)
I would consider a theory meaningful that tells me, for example, that (010)
(x) Integer(x) => ~Dog(x) (011)
But this sort of theory, it seems, doesn't make the cut, at least not
when expressed in FOL (and any weaker language). That spells all
kinds of trouble for any proposed ontology that attempts, for example
to make sense of any countably infinite classes of objects and into
those classes fall all kinds of things other than integers -- big
swaths of abstract objects of all kinds (like computer programs), for
starters. (012)
.bill (013)
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