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Re: [ontolog-forum] EPA looking for a amazing Data Architect-- Job annou

To: McCaffery.Mary@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Sullivan.John@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2006 13:03:09 -0700
Message-id: <45007AFD.5000807@xxxxxxxx>
I'd be glad to, Mary.    (01)

Attention Ontolog folks:    (02)

... *Wonderful job opportunity* here; and even more so, if you 
consider that this has something to do with "Environmental 
Protection," and the potential of influencing the adoption of 
ontologies and ontological engineering at EPA.    (03)

(Took us a few days to get this cleared for posting in our open 
archived forum, but) You've still got a few days to get your 
application in, before it closes.    (04)

Good luck!  =ppy
--    (05)

McCaffery.Mary@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote 01 Sep 2006 16:22 -0400:
> Hi Peter,
>     I know you have a wide Network of cutting edge thinkers. At EPA we
> are hiring (see below) a data architect.  I would greatly appreciate
> it if you would help us publicize this key job we are advertising for. 
> The individual would be at the heart of the action .
> Mary E McCaffery
> Senior Advisor
> Assistant Administrator
> Office of Environmental Information
> 202-564-2704    (06)

> -- Forwarded by Mary McCaffery/DC/USEPA/US on 09/01/2006 04:17 PM --
>              John                                                       
>              Sullivan/DC/USEP                                           
>              A/US@EPA                                                To 
>              Sent by: CAF             CAF@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx              
>              <CAF@xxxxxxxxxxx                                        cc 
>              A.GOV>                                                     
>                                                                 Subject 
>                                       Re: [CAF] EPA Data Architect      
>              09/01/2006 08:44         Vacancy - opening extend to Sept  
>              AM                       12th                              
>               Please respond                                            
>                     to                                                  
>                    John                                                 
>              Sullivan/DC/USEP                                           
>                  A/US@EPA                                               
>  This vacancy is now accepting applications until September 12th.
>  Please visit USAJOBS.GOV for more information.
>  Please consider joining EPA's Enterprise Architecture Team.  We are
>  looking to bolster our team with an experienced Data Architect who will
>  lead the architecting of environmental and health information needed to
>  truly understand the state of the environment, measure environmental
>  performance gains, and enable EPA be able to be respond to emergencies.
>  This is a great opportunity - but please do note the closing date.
>       The vacancy announcement for this position is now open on
>  USAJOBS.gov.
>  ANNOUNCEMENT #:      HQ-OEI-DE-2006-0040
>  POSITION:           Information Management Specialist, GS-0301-14/15
>  OFFICE:                OEI, IT Technology  Strategic Planning Branch
>  LOCATION:           Washington, DC
>  OPENING DATE           08/21/2006
>  CLOSING DATE:           09/12/2006  [updated]
>  John Sullivan, Chief Enterprise Architect and
>  Associate Director, Mission Investment Solutions Division
>  Office of Technology Operations and Planning
>  Office of Environmental Information
>  US Environmental Protection Agency
>  202-566-0328    (07)

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