Hi All, (01)
It's in our neck of the woods, Peter, so it is convenient, and I am
sure I will be fielding one or two proposals once I have had a chance
to get my legs under me. I tried but was unable to get the right kind
of telephone connection out of the hospital this morning in order to
at least listen in on the forum, but it was also very hectic with
discharge procedures. (02)
I will try to take a look at it tomorrow. I just got out of the
hospital after 5-day bout with pneumonia, and while I am MUCH better,
things are backed up on my end of everything and it will take some
sorting out and I probably need to pace myself better than I usually
do. On the other hand, I don't have that many projects hanging fire
or short deadlines right now, other than Resources Messaging, which
will probably turn into a proposal to get double mileage out of the
effort in the Emergency Management TC. (03)
Speaking of resources, I actually learned some interesting things
about said subject (and its sad subject side RE recent hurricanes in
terms of both our EMTC hospital availability proposal and the
availability and need for personnel resources such as traveling
nurses, of whom I met several recently from those very regions caring
for me). (04)
Just in case you don't know, Alta Bates, Berkeley is a major node of
Alta Bates/Summit here in Northern California, and while North
Carolina has full EHR, California doesn't. My 3-day stay in ITC could
easily have been cut down to 2 if not 18-hours as well giving me much
better care and freeing up a bed due to bad intra-hospital messaging
and personnel scheduling leading to overworked nurses passing
handwritten messages which resulted in tests failing to actually be
ordered by nurses when ordered by doctors, and then misordered. Plus
short-handedness tends to push the wrong people into station and
charge nurse positions. However, once out of that unit, I got better
in a virtual snap! (05)
It's GOOD to be back!
Rex (06)
At 3:22 PM -0800 11/3/05, Peter P. Yim wrote:
>Of course ... especially when it is an OASIS event!
>We should talk about getting some ontolog representation there the
>next time we confer.
>Is anyone in the community interested or have already decided to
>speak at this symposium?
>Thanks, Ed. =ppy
>Ed Dodds wrote Thu, 03 Nov 2005 23:11:43 +0000:
>>I hope it is acceptable to post this here...
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: Jane Harnad [mailto:jane.harnad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
>> >Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2005 11:29 AM
>> >To: ebxml-mktg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> >Subject: [ebxml-mktg] OASIS Symposium - Call for Participation
>> >
>> >OASIS Symposium: The Meaning of Interoperability
>> >
>> >9-12 May 2005
>> >Grand Hyatt San Francisco Hotel
>> >San Francisco, California, USA
>> >http://www.oasis-open.org/events/symposium_2006/
>> >
>> >
>> >Interoperability is one of those terms which everyone understands within
>> >their own particular domain of experience or expertise. Consequently, the
>> >definition of interoperability varies greatly, even within e-Business or
>> >e-Government applications.
>> >
>> >The facets of interoperability also differ in importance depending on
>> >whether we look at it from the perspective of a business or government
>> >end-user, of a domain expert in a supply-chain, an application developer, a
>> >standards committee, or a product manager. Yet, interoperability is
>> >undeniably an end-to-end value proposition; failure to address a single
>> >aspect properly may invalidate or delay an entire deployment, sometimes
>> >casting an unfair discredit on related efforts.
>> >
>> >With a primary focus on e-Government and e-Business applications, the OASIS
>> >Symposium will investigate all the facets of interoperability, their
>> >dependencies, the enabling technologies, standards and practices, and
>> >opportunities for improvement. The event aims to help practitioners and
>> >designers of e-Business or e-Government systems get a broader, more aligned
>> >understanding of interoperability issues and solutions.
>> >
>> >OASIS invites proposals for presentations, panel sessions, and tutorials on
>> >topics related to one or more aspects of interoperability,
>>including but not
>> >limited to the:
>> >
>> > * standards perspective
>> > * business perspective
>> > * semantic perspective
>> > * contractual perspective
>> > * infrastructure and product perspective
>> > * testing perspective
>> >
>> >Additional details may be found on the event web site:
>> >http://www.oasis-open.org/events/symposium_2006/call_for_participation.php.
>> >
>> >OASIS also invites tutorials on topics not directly related to
>>the Symposium
>> >theme.
>> >
>> >
>> >OASIS and the Program Committee invite you to submit a proposal for a
>> >presentation, panel session and/or tutorial that offers insights on the
>> >meaning of interoperability. The Program Committee may adapt or restructure
>> >proposals to ensure an interesting and technically compelling program.
>> >
>> >Presentations should be roughly 30-40 minutes in length, including a
>> >question-and-answer period. All presentations will be chaired by
>>a member of
>> >the Program Committee.
>> >
>> >Panel sessions should be roughly 60-75 minutes in length, including a
>> >question and answer period. Proposals for panels should include the topic,
>> >three to four potential panelists (name and/or role) and proposed format
>> >(e.g. Q&A, short presentations, or both). All panel sessions will be
>> >moderated.
>> >
>> >Tutorials should be a half-day format (roughly three hours, including a
>> >break). Tutorial proposals should state the intended audience and learning
>> >objectives.
>> >
>> >
>> >Please send the following information using the submission Web page:
>> >tact.php
>> >
>> > * Full contact details (name, affiliation, email, phone,
>> >postal address) of one presenter who will act as the primary
>>contact for the
>> >presentation or panel discussion
>> >
>> > * Full list of authors and/or additional presenters, if any
>> >
>> > * Brief biography (one paragraph) for all authors
>> >
>> > * 2000-word maximum extended abstract outlining the subject,
>> >title, and key points of your presentation, panel discussion, or tutorial.
>> >
>> >Deadline for submission is 20 of December 2005. All submissions will be
>> >acknowledged.
>> >
>> >
>> >Proposals Due : 20 December 2005
>> >Notification by : 14 February 2006
>> >Final Materials Deadline : To Be Announced in Confirmation Letter
>> >OASIS Symposium : 9-12 May 2006
>> >
>> >
>> >The Program Committee comprises OASIS Technical Advisory Board (TAB)
>> >members:
>> >
>> >Martin Chapman, Oracle
>> >James B. Clark, OASIS
>> >William Cox
>> >Jacques Durand, Fujitsu
>> >Frederick Hirsch, Nokia
>> >Hal Lockhart, BEA
>> >Mike Mahan, Nokia
>> >Jishnu Mukerji, HP
>> >Timothy Stevens, LexisNexis
>> >Pete Wenzel, Sun Microsystems
>> >
>> >
>> >The OASIS Plenary and Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at the
>> >Symposium. This once-a-year event provides a members-only opportunity to
>> >review and respond to a state-of-the-union address presented by the OASIS
>> >Board of Directors. The AGM will be followed by an evening reception
>> >offering the perfect place to network with OASIS members, directors, and
>> >staff. OASIS will also host Technical Committee meetings on 10, 11, and 12
>> >of May. A complete list of TC meetings will be posted on the TC Information
>> >Page (as they become known)
>> >http://www.oasis-open.org/events/symposium_2006/tc_meetings.php. This page
>> >also includes meeting space reservation information.
>> >
>> >For further information, comments, and questions, send email to
>> >symposium@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
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>mailto:ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (07)
Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-849-2309
Message Archives: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-forum/
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To Post: mailto:ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (08)