We had an absolutely marvelous virtual session today with
Professor Barry Smith from the Philosophy Department of the
University at Buffalo (and Director of the newly established
National Center for Ontological Research). Professor Smith's talk
was on "The Ontology of Documents." The perspectives Professor
Smith shared with us, his thesis of a "document act" in
particular, as well as the ensuing discourse we managed to have
during the session, were most thought provoking indeed. (01)
Thank you very much, Barry, for sharing your work and insight
with us. Thanks are also due to Professor Bill McCarthy for
suggesting and inviting Professor Smith to speak for us. And, as
always, appreciations to all who came, participated and helped
contribute to yet another great Ontolog session. (02)
The digitized (mp3) audio recording of the entire discussion has
now been posted. That will be archived in our knowledge
repository for reference and download by anyone interested.
Additionally, for the next 10 days, telephone playback will also
available. See details at:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2005_10_13#nidFOS (03)
Thanks & regards. =ppy (04) (04)
P.S. Our next couple of major events have already been lined up. (05)
On Thursday, Oct. 20, 2005, Dr. Nicolas Rouquette from NASA/JPL
will be moderating a Technical Discussion on "Semantic Web
Service Ontology Standard"; and then, (06)
on Thursday, Nov. 3, 2005, Mr. Rex Brooks from HumanMarkup.org
will be moderating a Take-II (as a follow-up to our 2005.08.25
session) of the Panel Discussion on "Healthcare Informatics
Landscapes, Roadmaps, and Blueprints: Towards a Business Case
Strategy for Large Scale Ontology Projects". (07)
Mark your calendars ... and, watch out for our announcements on
these two events which should be coming out any moment now. =ppy
-- (08)
Peter P. Yim wrote Thu, 06 Oct 2005 09:38:20 -0700:
> *Reminder*
> Professor Barry Smith's session is coming up in a week.
> If you work with paper documents (and that's almost all of us), you
> probably don't want to miss this.
> Look forward to having you at the session.
> Regards. =ppy
> P.S. RSVP (offline) to <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> is appreciated. That will
> help us reserve appropriate resources for this virtual session. =ppy
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