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Re: [ontolog-forum] Panel Discussion on Ontological implications of SOA

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: george.w.brown@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: Michael Gruninger <gruning@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 16:54:03 -0700
Message-id: <af8f58ac050630165462848e98@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
We had a phenomenal turnout and a most exciting panel discussion session today!    (01)

Thanks to Bill McCarthy for coming up with the theme, preparing for
and moderating the session. Our distinguished panelists and
participants at the session were just wonderful. I trust we all
learned some from one another at the session.    (02)

The archive of the session is available at our wiki session page 
at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2005_06_30    (03)

The session recording (mp3 file) and telephone playback 
information have now been posted too, for those who missed the 
session, or those who would want to revisit all or part of the 
session again. ( See: 
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2005_06_30#nidDME )    (04)

Best regards. -ppy    (05)

P.S.Note that our July 2005 invited speaker session will be featuring
Anders W. Tell from Business Collaboration Toolsmiths AB (Sweden) who
will be presenting on Thursday, July 14, 2005. Please mark your
calendars now, and be on the lookout for further announcements on the
event.  =ppy
--     (06)

On 6/23/05, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Please note below, an abstract on our next Ontolog Technical
> Discussion session:
> Title: *Interoperability Concerns in the Growth of Service
> Sciences: Ontological Implications of SOA*
> Moderator: Professor William E. McCarthy - Michigan State Univ.
> Date: Thursday June 30, 2005
> Time: 10:30am~12:30pm PDT / 1:30~3:30pm EDT
> Format: Panel & Open Discussion over an augmented conference call
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: McCarthy, William
> Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 1:25 PM
> To: '[ontolog-forum] '
> Subject: panel on Ontological implications of SOA
> Hi Peter et al.
> Here is my proposed summary of next week's panel on
> interoperability concerns in the growth of service sciences.
> Topic: Interoperability Concerns in the Growth of Service
>         Sciences -- Ontological Implications of SOA
> Traditionally, trading partners -- both within and between firms
> – trafficked in bundled tangible products like consumer goods or
> partially assembled finished goods.  Many early e-commerce
> standards assumed implicitly product-based exchanges.
> Increasingly however, the growth in exchange and bundling of
> *Services* in the US and in other economies has supplanted
> tangible goods as the raison d'etre of international and domestic
> commerce.  Estimates of the percentage of the gross domestic
> product of the US due to services (as opposed to goods) range as
> high as 80%.  This trend has led to increased interest in
> services and the establishment of new research centers like the
> proposed "Center for Services Sciences" at U.C. Berkeley.   A
> good of overview of such trends is the brief article by Henry
> Chesbrough:
> In e-commerce, this growth in service provision has been mirrored
> by the advent of Service-Oriented Architectures which support
> integration and creation of composite solutions (bundles of
> services) from loosely-coupled components assembled both within
> an enterprise (outputs from legacy applications) and outside of
> the enterprise (typically XML-based Web services).
> Whether or not the integrated services originate from
> incompatible operations inside the firm or from incompatible
> vendor interfaces from outside the firms, semantic
> inconsistencies, redundancies, and discrepancies make the vision
> of integrated services an ontological problem.  The purpose of
> this panel is to explore the ontological implications of service
> Sciences in general and of Service-Oriented Architectures in
> particular.  We will start our Ontolog session with some general
> comments from notable practitioners in the SOA and ontology
> areas.  We will then open up the discussion to more general
> comments and critiques.
> ------------------------------------------
> Please mark your calendars now. I'll have the wiki session page
> up shortly with more details.  =ppy    (07)
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