FYI. Semantic Web Services standards, European efforts:
e.g, Web Service Modeling Language (WSML) that formalizes the Web
Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO). Also, Web Services Execution
Environment (WSMX), one platform that uses these. (01)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [seweb-list] CFP: 1st WSMO implementation workshop
Date: Sat, 03 Jul 2004 07:11:19 +0200
From: Holger Lausen <holger.lausen@xxxxxxxx>
Organization: DERI
To: holger.lausen@xxxxxxxx (02)
[This CFP is being posted to multiple lists; we apologize if you see
it multiple times.] (03)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- (05)
29th & 30th September 2004, Frankfurt
======================================================================= (06)
Semantic Web Services are the next step in bringing the web to its full
potential, after adding semantics to the static web. Web services can
significantly increase the Web architecture's potential, by providing a
way of automated program communication and discovery of services. This
can be achieved by adding semantic annotations to the description of
the component interfaces already available via standard technologies
like WSDL, SOAP and UDDI. (07)
Recently, a new major initiative (WSMO)[1] has started in this area
which has attracted a lot of attention. WSMO is an ontology for
different aspects of Semantic Web Services aiming at solving the
integration problem. The joint working groups around this initiative are
developing a proper formalization language for semantic web services and
providing (WSML)[2] and developing a reference implementation of WSMO
(WSMX)[3]. (08)
The objective of this workshop is to discuss different implementations
related to WSMO, and to gain insight in problems related to implementing
WSMO. We welcome papers on related topics and demonstrations of
prototypes or deployed applications. (09)
====== (010)
WSMO applications:
- *WSMO runtime engine*
Demonstrator that are able to handling all or parts of the tasks
related to SWS at execution time (discovery, mediation, execution)
- *WSMO reasoner*
Reasoners and inference engines that provide support for particular
constructs of WSML
- *WSMO repository*
Semantic enabled repositories that can store and retrieve elements of
WSMO (Goals, Web Services, Mediator and Ontologies)
- *WSMO editors*
Editors that provide support for editing and browsing WSML
descriptions. (011)
WSMO implementation process:
- *WSMO interoperability in applications*
This includes WSMO APIs architectures and design studies.
- *WSMO compliance in legacy applications*
Studies and Realization how WSMO applications can interoperate with
existing legacy applications
- *collaboration paths*
Strategies on aligning different efforts and interoperability
- *future plans* (012)
In the areas of (but not limited to these):
- SWS Execution
- SWS Discovery & Matchmaking
- SWS Description
- SWS Orchestration & Choreography
- SWS Mediation
- SWS Planning (013)
============================== (014)
The program will occupy two days, and will include presentations of
papers selected from the full papers category (see "Submissions" below).
In some cases. (015)
There will be one invited speaker. Subject to time constraints, there
may also be a panel of experts on a selected topic. Panels will be
conducted in such a way as to encourage discussion with the audience. (016)
This workshop is open to all members of the SWS community. Please note
that at least one author of each accepted submission must attend the
workshop. (017)
Submission of a paper is not required for attendance at the workshop.
However, in the event that the workshop cannot accommodate all who would
like to participate, those who have submitted a paper (in any category)
will be given priority for registration. (018)
=========== (019)
All submissions should be formatted in Springer's LNCS style
(, and sent by e-mail to
holger.lausen@xxxxxxx (020)
Full papers will be peer-reviewed; position papers will receive no
review. (021)
Accepted full papers will be scheduled for a presentation at the
workshop, whereby we explicitly encourage the presentation of
Demonstrators. In some cases, papers may be presented as part of themed
discussion panels. (022)
We emphasize that a larger word count does not necessarily confer any
greater likelihood of acceptance. In some cases -- such as papers
describing early work on a project -- it is appropriate for papers to be
considerably shorter than 15 pages. Naturally, however, figures that
help the reader to quickly grasp the essence of complex material are
strongly encouraged. (023)
Position statements are limited to 2 pages and should include some or
all of the following: (024)
* introduction of the author(s)
* brief description of your work (and possibly other work
at your institution) related to Semantic Web services
* tools or testbeds you have to offer to the community
* discussion of what you view as the most challenging
issues in Semantic Web Services and prospects for
solving them
* challenges, questions or issues that you'd like to see
addressed at the workshop. (025)
=============== (026)
Submissions due: August 21, 2004
Notification of acceptance: September 8, 2004
Camera ready format due: September 25, 2004 (027)
Eyal Oren, Holger Lausen
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
E-mail: eyal.oren@xxxxxxxx, holger.lausen@xxxxxxxx (028)
Dieter Fensel, Christoph Bussler
Digital Enterprise Research Institute (029)
PROGRAM COMMITTEE (to be confirmed)
Michael Altenhofen, SAP AG, Germany
J�rgen Angele, Ontoprise, Germany
Steve Battle, Hewlett Packard, UK
Richard Benjamins, iSOCO, Spain
Alistair Duke, BT, UK
Stefan Decker, Digital Enterprise Research Institute; I
John Domingue, Open University, UK
Sungkook Han, Wonkwang University, Korea
Chris Priest, Hewlett Packard, UK
Michael Kifer, University at Stony Brook, USA
Atanas Kiryakov, OntoText, Bulgaria
Enrico Motta, Open University, UK
Bijan Parsia, University of Maryland, USA
Marta Sabou, Vrije Universiteit, N
Takahira Yamaguchi, Keio University, Japan (030)
[3] (031)
Holger Lausen (032)
Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) (033)
Tel: +43 512 27287814
Email: holger.lausen@xxxxxxxx
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