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Re: Protege Project (pprj) files on VNC2 [was - Re: [ontolog-forum] Core

To: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 17:35:09 -0800
Message-id: <4042934D.2020809@xxxxxxxx>
To all who are accessing the <vnc2.cim3.net> VNC server via their 
browser,    (01)

I have found that (particularly with certain screens on protégé), you 
might need to click on the "refresh" button (the right most of the 5 
tabs/buttons at the top of the TightVNC window; I am NOT talking about 
the browser "refresh" button here) occasionally, to get the screen to 
refresh properly. That's a good button to remember when you are on 
VNC. :-)
This issue is particularly problematic when you are trying to navigate 
the directory structure to load new a pprj file, please note.    (02)

Regards.  -ppy
--    (03)

Peter Yim wrote Sun, 29 Feb 2004 17:25:00 -0800:    (04)

> Pat,
> Further to our telephone conversation,
> 1. The SMINK007 files are NOT under the default Protégé project 
> directory. On the <vnc2.cim3.net> server, they are at:
>  f:\CoP\ontolog\project\protege-kif\smink007\
>  ..\SMINK007a.pprj should be the current working file, which has ontoviz 
> configured in. ("SMINK007.pprj" is your original.)
> 2. Yes, Protege-2000 v1.8 is the only instance of the protégé 
> application I have installed on the vnc2 machine. I might install a copy 
> of Protege-2000 v2.0.1 alongside that in the near future (now that v2.0 
> is out of beta). Does anyone have comments or recommendations about 
> v2.0.1 that I should know about before making the install?
> Regards,
> -- 
> Patrick Cassidy wrote Sat, 28 Feb 2004 17:43:31 -0500:
>> Peter =--
>>   I just logged in to the TightVNC at:
>>      http://vnc2.cim3.net:5800/
>> to see if the latest Protege version has been
>> loaded.  I find an icon for Protege v 1.8,
>> but that version doesn't seem to have the more
>> recent files loaded.  Is there a directory with
>> Protege 1.9 that has more recent Ontolog Protege files?
>> I'm not sure if I logged into the correct machine.
>>      Pat
>> =======
>> Peter Yim wrote Thu, 26 Feb 2004 08:30:39 -0800:
>>> Pat et al.,
>>> Thanks for the work, Pat. Quick response,
>>>  > If Peter sets it up ...
>>> I's be happy to, but can only do it later today (I'm still at work 
>>> trying to get ready for Adam's KIF workshop during our call this 
>>> morning.)
>>>  > I can show how they are displayed in Protégé ...
>>> I'd suggest we schedule one call session to do it. Let's talk to Kurt 
>>> about it during the call.
>     (05)

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