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Re: [ontolog-forum] [Fwd: [dao-forum] Ontology Editor and Browser]

To: DigitalArtOntology <dao-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Kenneth Fields <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 12:05:12 +0800
Message-id: <7EFA15A1-5790-11D8-8046-0003936D930C@xxxxxxxxxxx>
This is optimal! This would settle the issue of browsing -  Sigma 
I am not totally clear on the distinctions between formal logic 
representation and symbolic reasoning systems. I don't ask for a 
tutorial on that matter here - I'll go do my homework on that. But I 
assume KIF is the standard for the former and RDF / OWL for the latter. 
In thinking about deliverables, we want to the ontology representation 
to be both logically solid for computation and semantically (Web) 
useful.    (01)

What does Adam mean when he says he has 'built' ontologies in Sigma - I 
don't see the editing capability like Ontolingua does.    (02)

Ken    (03)

On Feb 5, 2004, at 8:39 AM, Peter Yim wrote:    (04)

> Thanks for the update, Pat.
> > [Pat]  I have not yet started to build an Export-to-KIF
> > method in the Protege SKIF tab. ...
> > ...  So until there is a visible demand for it
> > (e.g. several ontolog people actually building an ontology and
> > wanting to use Protege) I will concentrate on getting the
> > details of the importing polished, ...
> By cross posting to the [dao-forum] here, let's see what the 
> interest/demand level is from our friends at [dao].
> -ppy
> --
> Bob Smith wrote Wed, 4 Feb 2004 16:28:09 -0800:
>> Hi Pat:
>> Thanks for the files.
>> Do you recommend Protégé 1.8 ? I tried 2.0Beta and had significant 
>> Blue
>> Screen experiences...
>> Regards,
>> Bob
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> [mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Patrick 
>> Cassidy
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 2:09 PM
>> To: [ontolog-forum]
>> Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] [Fwd: [dao-forum] Ontology Editor and 
>> Browser]
> > Peter --
> >    I have not yet started to build an Export-to-KIF
> > method in the Protege SKIF tab.  In the time I have
> > to work on this I am still dealing with some small
> > details regarding the best way to represent certain
> > logical elements from KIF in Protege.
> >    I do want to crate an export facility, but as I mentioned,
> > time is short and there would be a lot of detail to
> > handle.  So until there is a visible demand for it
> > (e.g. several ontolog people actually building an ontology and
> > wanting to use Protege) I will concentrate on getting the
> > details of the importing polished, and adding content to the
> > invoices module.
> >   Meanwhile, the latest version of the import routine now
> > takes instance-level relations that are specified in SKIF,
> > (such as those in the sample invoice instance that Adam Pease
> > has started), and represents those as the values for
> > template slots of the domain 1 instance.
> >     The files available are:
> >     ftp://micra.com/ontolog/smink004.zip    --  the WinZipped Protege
> >                               files for the combined SUMO, Mid-Level,
> >                               and Invoices ontology:  SMINK004
> >     ftp://micra.com/ontolog/skif_tab.jar    --  the jar file for the
> >                                SkifTab plugin which will import a 
> >                                file into Protege (if it follows the
> >                                SUMO-SKIF conventions)
> >     ftp://micra.com/ontolog/samin004.zip     --  a zipped text file
> >                                 "samin004.txt", which is the
> >                                SKIF-format file for the combined
> >                                SUMO, Mid-Level,  and Invoices
> >                                ontologies (the SKIF-text version of
> >                                Protege ontology SMINK004)
> >     ftp://micra.com/ontolog/SKIFcore.pins  |  The Protege text files
> >     ftp://micra.com/ontolog/SKIFcore.pont  |  of the base Protege
> >     ftp://micra.com/ontolog/SKIFcore.pprj  |  ontology required to
> >                                            |  import a SKIF file
> >                                            |  using the SKIF tab
> >     ftp://micra.com/ontolog/SKIFProt.doc   |  A WinWord file
> >                                  describing the problems encountered
> >                                  in converting SKIF to a Protege DB.
> >     I will be happy to answer questions from anyone about the 
> SMINK004
> >  ontology, or about the method of converting it from the SKIF file.
> >
> >     Pat
> ---
> > Peter Yim wrote Wed, 04 Feb 2004 10:57:35 -0800:
> >
> >> Ken,
> >>
> >> I should forward this to [ontolog] ... you probably want to hear 
> what
> >> Pat Cassidy has on his drawing board.
> >>
> >> -ppy
> >> --
> >> -------- Original Message --------
> >> Subject: [dao-forum] Ontology Editor and Browser
> >> Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 02:30:09 +0800
> >> From: Kenneth Fields <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >> Reply-To: DigitalArtOntology <dao-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >> To: DigitalArtOntology <dao-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >>
> >> Ok, What is the editor of choice for this project?
> >>
> >> A. KIF files scribbled on napkins :( ... or
> >> B. Protege
> >>
> >> And what will be the browser of choice? The cim3 site has a KIF 
> browser
> >> and Protege does not output KIF, right? The ontology needs to be
> >> publicly accessible. There are Omnigators, Cyc Browsers, Ontoramas, 
> and
> >> Ontolinguas. The Conference Wiki was an eye opener (just click on 
> >> tag) - but we'll have to wait for our OWLiki.
> >>
> >> Ken
> >>
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