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Re: [ontolog-forum] Proposed schedule for November face-to-face

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Patrick Cassidy <pcassidy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2003 22:14:19 -0400
Message-id: <3F5E88FB.5070000@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
I won't be able to attend, but will try to be
available by telephone if there is any reason
to do so.
   The dates (2003-09-05 etc) are presumably intended
to be 2003-22-05 etc, I presume.    (01)

============    (02)

Kurt Conrad wrote:
> All,
> Peter and I met with Jon Bosak, chair of the OASIS UBL committee, last 
> Thursday.  We described our interest in conducting a face-to-face 
> meeting in conjunction with the UBL meeting in November.
> Together, we drafted the following schedule and Jon is looking into 
> providing us with a meeting room in San Francisco.
> 2003.09.05 (Wednesday)
>   15:00 to 17:00 - Joint session with full UBL committee
>     * Opportunity to report our status and solicit feedback 
>   17:30 to 19:00 - Tutorial
>     * A specific topic for this tutorial has not been chosen, but the
>       intent is to do something that would be useful to both the Ontolog
>       and UBL communities.  Something which compares and contrasts the
>       range of formalization approaches was discussed at the meeting. 
> 2003.09.06 (Thursday)
>   Independent work day
>     * We might be able to organize another joint tutorial during lunch
>       (perhaps something dealing with methodology)
>     * There is a wine and cheese reception Thursday night.  If you are
>       planning to attend, the tradition is to bring a wine from your
>       "native land" 
> 2003.09.07 (Friday)
>   Independent work day
>     * The UBL team closes their meeting at 13:00
>     * It is not expected that we would be able to conduct another joint
>       session on Friday, but we might be able to recruit individuals to
>       answer specific questions 
> 2003.09.08 (Saturday)
>   No plans
>     * Jon would not be able to provide us with meeting space on
>       Saturday.  If we wish to continue our meeting, we would need to
>       make other arrangements.
>     * I may have a lead on a conference room in San Francisco, if desired. 
> Please post your reactions and comments.
> /s/ kwc 2003.09.09 12:26
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Kurt Conrad
> 2994 Salem Dr.                     408-247-0454
> Santa Clara, CA 95051-5502         408-247-0457 (data/fax)
> http://www.SagebrushGroup.com <http://www.sagebrushgroup.com/>      
> mailto:conrad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>     (03)

Patrick Cassidy    (04)

MICRA, Inc.                      || (908) 561-3416
735 Belvidere Ave.               || (908) 668-5252 (if no answer)
Plainfield, NJ 07062-2054        || (908) 668-5904 (fax)    (05)

internet:   cassidy@xxxxxxxxx
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