I promised Sue Probert that I will make a first cut on laying out a
draft framework to capture the use cases. (01)
Here's what I've done: (02)
1. I've created a UseCases page on the wiki, outlining the three
candidate use cases we are thinking of tackling. I've also captured a
few references at the bottom of that page, so that we are aligned in
terms of what one means by use cases, and in terms of how we are
approaching them. See http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UseCases (03)
2. I have also made up a UseCasesDocumentTemplate page (see
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UseCasesDocumentTemplate) for
those who want to would like to use it. (04)
3. Sue: I've created a page for the Context Driven Address Format use
case. It's at:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UseCasesContextDrivenAddressFormat (05)
You can continue to work on the wiki page ... or, if you feel more
comfortable working off-line, you might just capture the template
format and then send you work over through email post. (06)
4. Sue/John: I've created a page for the Mapping Between Standards use
case. It's at:
Please refer to the discussion at the top first, get some alignment,
and then proceed on to writing it up. (07)
Best regards,
PPY (08)
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