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Re: [ontolog-forum] nuts and bolts

To: Adam Pease <apease@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Patrick Cassidy <pcassidy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 10:58:39 -0400
Message-id: <3EA0129F.3050304@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Concerning methodology:    (01)

 >   In a frame system, a slot simply means there's a relation that
 > may be provided between an instance of the class on which it is
 > defined, and  its filler.  In a first order logic system, the
 > relation means exactly  what is specified by its associated axioms.
 >  If you want to do the
 > axioms first, that renders the Protege modelling step irrelevant.    (02)

   If one wants to first use Protege only to define a tentative
class hierarchy, that would be OK as a first step.  But as soon
as we start to add properties and relations, I think it is
important to define the relations carefully.  Axioms as
used in SUMO are fine.  We just have to agree on which
ones to use.  I think that the axioms should be included
as soon as a relation is asserted between classes (or
instances of classes).
    A macro predicate feature is not **needed** to define the
axiomatic meanings of predicates (neither is Protege or
the SUMO browser).  It is **convenient** and perspicuous for
cases where similar predicates are used to specify the meanings
of multiple relations.  I think that anything that simplifies the
tasks of creating and understanding a complex ontology should be
given careful consideration.  The SUMO browser is valuable
for that reason, not because it is needed.
    I am not fully familiar with SUMO, but I do not recall seeing
a mechanism for specifying probabilistic relations.  How are they
represented?    (03)

      I will be out of contact now for a week.    (04)

     Pat    (05)

Patrick Cassidy    (06)

MICRA, Inc.                      || (908) 561-3416
735 Belvidere Ave.               || (908) 668-5252 (if no answer)
Plainfield, NJ 07062-2054        || (908) 668-5904 (fax)    (07)

internet:   cassidy@xxxxxxxxx
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Adam Pease wrote:
> Pat,
>   I'm not really sure what you're asking, nor am I clear on why Cyc's 
> macro features are relevant.  They're certainly not needed for a precise 
> axiomatic definition of terms.
>   In a frame system, a slot simply means there's a relation that may be 
> provided between an instance of the class on which it is defined, and 
> its filler.  In a first order logic system, the relation means exactly 
> what is specified by its associated axioms.  If you want to do the 
> axioms first, that renders the Protege modelling step irrelevant.
>   I should also mention that the precise semantics of the general notion 
> of a Relation is already carefully and axiomatically defined in SUMO.  
> Look at 
> Adam
> At 10:17 PM 4/17/2003 -0400, Patrick Cassidy wrote:
>> I have a suggestion about what I think needs to be done
>> even before we get to Adam's step 1, creating an
>> ontology in protege.  Specifically, we need to
>> decide how to specify what the relations between
>> the classes (slots in Protege, predicates in SUMO)
>> are intended to mean.  The meaning of the predicate,
>> for example (hasPart Automobile Engine) would need
>> to be specified by axioms unless there is a default
>> interpretation of such predicates.
>>    Cyc has one mechanism to simplify the applications
>> of axiomatic rules, the RuleMacroPredicate.  For
>> the "part" predicate, one might use the RuleMacroPredicate
>> "relationAllExists", and apply it thus:
>> (relationAllExists hasPart Automobile Engine)
>> This would mean that for every instance of an Automobile
>> there has to be at least one object of class Engine.
>> There would have to be additional constraints, such as
>> that the Part must be smaller than the whole object.
>> We also have to decide whether, e.g. an automobile is still
>> an automobile if the engine has been removed for repair --
>> i.e. can we say we have an 'Automobile" if it is
>> disassembled?  We also need to decide how to indicate
>> that some objects have optional parts (chrome trim?),
>> and I would like to have a mechanism for indicating
>> probabilities of relations (this gets into encyclopedic
>> knowledge, but we at least need the mechanism even if it
>> is not often used in the earliest stages).
>>    I interpret Adam's suggested methodology to mean that
>> we can get into such details later, in stage 2, but
>> I think that they should be tackled at the earliest stage,
>> since the relations are central to the interpretation of
>> he meanings of the classes.  We don't need to get into
>> philosophical dialogues, but we do need some firm
>> criteria for deciding whether we do or don't have an
>> automobile in our garage at any given time.
>>     I will be away for the next week and will check
>> back when I return.
>>    Pat
>> ========================================
>>    (010)

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