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Re: [ontolog-forum] Regular Weekly Conference Calls

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Leo Obrst <lobrst@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 12:56:39 -0500
Message-id: <3E74BAD6.69A6BF3E@xxxxxxxxx>
Tuesdays are impossible for me.
Thursdays (1:30 pm EST) are better.

"Peter P. Yim" wrote:

We did receive a few feedback (not a lot, but see
on regular conference call time preferences.

We also briefly discussed the matter during our 3.12.03 conference
call. A recap of that and the follow-up is as follows:

1. We, as a community, will be transacting business mainly over the
email list and the wiki, and NOT the conference calls, as
participation (in view of the highly internationalized distributed
membership, ... etc.) will never come close to that of the archived,
async "meeting" that is constantly going on over the [ontolog-forum].
Therefore, our REAL working meetings are always in session, in
asynchronous mode, among all members.

2. We should, however, do short weekly conference calls (say, 30 min.
nominal, 1 hour max.) anyway, to build rapport; sync up; distribute,
assign or arbitrate virtual ownership of tasks; and use it to deal
with emergencies. (see

3. Of the few feedback received, Wednesdays, seemingly, is NOT a very
popular time (at least for those who responded.) It was suggested that
we should just name a time, and let people juggle their schedules to
participate, when they feel the need to.

4. May I, therefore, propose the two alternatives below:

(a) Tuesdays, Start Time: 10:30 AM Pacific Std Time
(b) Thursdays, Start Time: 10:30 AM Pacific Std Time

fyi, time (a), for other locations can be referenced at:

5. Kindly feedback by noon PST tomorrow (3/17) if you have a
preference for (a) or (b) above.

6. Upon the feedback, I will schedule the conference call (like last
time) and route the invitations to people who were already on my list,
plus new respondents, indicating interest in joining the calls. I will
also post the time/access details to the forum for everyone else.


Peter P. Yim wrote Tue, 11 Mar 2003 17:12:02 -0800:
 > To: All who are interested to participate in the UBL-Ontology
 > project
 > It is likely that we would talk about setting up a fixed weekly
 > conference call schedule during tomorrow's kick-off.
 > May I request that ALL of you who are interested to participate in
 > the UBL-Ontology project, to send me <mailto:yimpp@xxxxxxxxxxx> a
 > message directly (so that we don't clutter the list) advising me
 > "what are the times/days that you would definitely want us to AVOID
 > having our regular weekly call." (e.g. 8:00-10:00am EST Mondays and
 > 2:00-3:30pm EST Wednesdays).
 > This will help our ability to schedule it at a time that most people
 > can participate. Feel free to include other pertinent comments. I'd
 > appreciate getting your responses by 9:30am PST tomorrow 3.12.03 (so
 > that I can have a bit of time to tally the results.)
 > Thanks,
 > PPY
 > --

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Dr. Leo Obrst  The MITRE Corporation
mailto:lobrst@xxxxxxxxx Intelligent Information Management/Exploitation
Voice: 703-883-6770 7515 Colshire Drive, M/S H305
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