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Re: [ontolog-admin] Possible plans for Semantic Technology conference

To: "[ontolog-admin] forum" <ontolog-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2007 23:25:42 -0800
Message-id: <45D01676.4000005@xxxxxxxx>
Responding in-line below ... =ppy
--    (01)

Kurt Conrad wrote Sun, 11 Feb 2007 11:36:35 -0800:
> All,
> I talked with Tony Shaw, this week, about plans for the upcoming 
> Semantic Technology conference.  He again offered Ontolog a meeting 
> room, if we desire one.  I told him that were thinking more along the 
> lines of an informal community dinner, assuming we can find someone 
> to organize it.    (02)

[ppy]  Yes ... that was the outcome of our discussion at the 
1-Feb-2007 operations planning and review meeting (see: 
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2007_02_01#nidT82).    (03)

> He reiterated his offer for Ontolog member discounts, suggesting that 
> we be considered a "community partner", which would give Ontolog 
> members a 50% cut.    (04)

[ppy]  I have voiced my reservations on a partnership before -- 
as we essentially advocate free and open knowledge, and they seem 
to favor an approach toward "monetizing" knowledge.    (05)

> Finally, he asked if we would want to contribute to / sponsor a 
> keynote on the topic: "What is an Ontology?"  Dave McComb had 
> informed him of Ontolog's recent discussions on that topic.     (06)

[ppy] Since their conference is in May and is about one month 
after our Ontology Summit 2007 face-to-face event. We should 
definitely have our Summit Communique ready to present by then. 
We would, of course, welcome their invitation to make that as a 
keynote presentation at their conference. This though, should 
best be communicated with the "Ontology Summit 2007" organizing 
committee (which is beyond "just Ontolog"). Kindly have Tony or 
Dave contact me or Leo (both of us are on the organizing 
committee) to pursue this further, if that is what they would 
like to do.    (07)

 > I told him that we were trying to find
> individuals to consolidate the discussions down to something 
> like a digest.  Tony offered the possibility that his 
> company could provide small writing stipends for graduate 
> students to do some of the work.  His goal is to create a 
> conference take-away with Ontolog holding the copyright.    (08)

[ppy] Since all Ontolog-related work is done on a volunteer 
basis, I suggest we should keep it that way (and keep the 
dynamics of the group as it is now.) The Ontology Summit 2007, 
which has a 3-month virtual discourse, plus 2-day workshop & 
symposium program (note especially, that it is NOT just the 
latter) is an open event. Therefore, they should feel free to 
participate and write it up from their vantage point. One of the 
official deliverables would be the Summit's written communique 
... (and for that, we are not expecting anyone to pay for the 
writing of it.) Note also, we have been calling for co-sponsors 
among the summit participants' affiliated institutions. We 
welcome their involvement in that regard.    (09)

> Tony would prefer a response by Wednesday, so that the conference 
> brochures could reflect our decisions, but we don't need to respond 
> that quickly.
 > In any event I suggest that we invite Tony to Thursday's 10:30
 > planning session to reach agreement on the particulars.
 > Thoughts and suggestions? - /s/ kwc 2007.02.11 11:35    (010)

If it is about the "community partner" issue, you, Leo and I can 
quickly sync up in the next couple of days and give him an answer 
by Wednesday. If it is about a keynote on "Ontology Summit 2007", 
if they can connect up with me tomorrow (Mon Feb-12), I can bring 
it up on our Tue (Feb-13) organizing committee call (we only 
confer on a weekly basis) and might (no guarantee, though) even 
be able to get back to them by Wednesday.    (011)

Regards.  =ppy
--    (012)

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