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[ontolog-admin] Re: Ontolog Invited Speaker - Asuman Dogac - Thu 2006.0

To: Asuman Dogac <asuman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Monica J. Martin" <Monica.Martin@xxxxxxx>
Cc: "[ontolog-admin]" <ontolog-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 02:13:25 -0800
Message-id: <43C388C5.7070405@xxxxxxxx>
Dear Professor Dogac,    (01)

Thank you for getting back so quickly (from your auto-responder, 
I thought we weren't going to talk about this until next week ... 
which is ok too, actually.)    (02)

Allow me to apologize for the mishap in the scheduling. Since 
quite a few of the active participants in our community are also 
involved with the eGov semantic interoperability activities, I 
thought we would do better by re-scheduling.    (03)

Both Feb. 23 and Mar. 2 should work well for us. When do you 
think you can decide? There's no immediate urgency ... but then, 
if we lock in a date early, others could generally schedule their 
activities around it (the mishap this time has been most 
unfortunate and quite unavoidable.)    (04)

Thanks & regards.  =ppy
--    (05)

Asuman Dogac wrote Tue, 10 Jan 2006 11:02:00 +0100 (CET):
> Dear Peter,
> Best wishes for the new year to you.
> On Feb 16, 2006 I will be busy with HIMSS in
> San Diego. On feb 23, the European Commission
> has organized a meeting in Brussels. 
> I am not sure whether I will attend that meeting
> yet so Feb 23 is an option. Another option
> is early March.
> It is holiday in Turkey; I connect from home with
> low modem bandwidth so skype is not an option
> for the time being.
> Best regards,
> Asuman    (06)

Peter P. Yim wrote Mon, 09 Jan 2006 11:05:23 -0800:
>> Dear Professor Dogac,
>> Happy New Year!
>> In view of the recent rescheduling of the (US) 4th Semantic 
>> Interoperability for E-Government Conference to the Feb. 9~10, 
>> 2006 date (ref: 
>> & 
>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum//ontolog-forum/2005-12/msg00046.html, 
>> this event was previously scheduled for March 2006), I am writing 
>> to explore with you, the possibility of changing your ontolog 
>> invited speaker session date to, say, Feb. 16 or Feb. 23, 2006.
>> Please advise if either of these dates would work well for you. 
>> Or, we could discuss the matter synchronously, if you let me know 
>> what would be a good time for me to call you on Skype (my Skype 
>> UserID is "yimpp1") within the next few days.
>> Regards.  =ppy
>> --
>> Peter P. Yim wrote Mon, 19 Dec 2005 16:51:31 -0800:
>>> Dear Professor Dogac,
>>> I have just initialized your Ontolog Invited Speaker session page. 
>>> Please take look over it at:
>>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2006_02_09
>>> Feel free to make modifications, or make additions (between now and the 
>>> session) any time, if you feel they could enhance the talk and the 
>>> ensuing discussion. (See: 
>>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nidA about editing 
>>> the wiki.)
>>> While you talk is currently announced under the Ontolog WikiHomePage 
>>> "News and Announcements" section (see: 
>>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nidW), I will be 
>>> making an "official announcement" post to the [ontolog-forum] (and other 
>>> collegial mailing lists) about 4 weeks before the event. Free free to 
>>> pass the URL along, and invite other associates of yours to join us at 
>>> the session.
>>> I will in contact again about a week before the session, to arrange a 
>>> phone/skype conversation to walk you through the remote control of the 
>>> slides during the talk.
>>> Thank you, once again, for speaking to our community.
>>> Regards.  =ppy
>>> -- 
>>> Peter Yim wrote Fri, 2 Dec 2005 07:01:27 -0800:
>>>> Got it! Thanks.  =ppy
>>>> -- 
>>>> On 12/2/05, asuman <asuman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>>> Enclosed please find my picture. I do not intend to provide
>>>>> any further info on my bio; I have provided my Web page
>>>>> address.
>>>>> Enclosed please find the slides once again; this time with
>>>>> slide numbers.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Asuman
>>>>> Peter P. Yim wrote Thu, 01 Dec 2005 09:36:09 -0800:
>>>>>> Dear Professor Dogac,
>>>>>> Thanks again for the (a) title and (b) abstract and (e) slides to your
>>>>>> talk.
>>>>>> When I get items (c) picture & (d) bio, I'll be able to put the wiki
>>>>>> session page together. I understand you've already added some bio
>>>>>> information onto your wiki namesake page. However, a slightly more
>>>>>> extended biographic sketch is still helpful (optional, though,
>>>>>> therefore, let me know if you don't plan to send one.)
>>>>>> As mentioned, I'll be posting your slides only a few days before the
>>>>>> talk. (I'll also make sure slide numbers are on each slide too. ref:
>>>>>> I'll work with you on (f) remote control walkthrough, closer to the 
>>>>>> time.
>>>>>> Best regards.  =ppy
>>>>>> P.S. I'll be on vacation between Dec. 21 through Jan 6. If I happen
>>>>>> not to be responsive during that time, please do not worry. :-)  =ppy
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> asuman wrote Thu, 01 Dec 2005 17:17:17 +0200:
>>>>>>> Dear Peter,
>>>>>>> Enclosed I am presenting you the material of my invited
>>>>>>> talk at the Ontolog Forum on February 9, 2006.
>>>>>>> Since the work I will describe is sponsored by the eHealth and
>>>>>>> eBusiness Units of the European Commission, I am copying
>>>>>>> the related Commission officials in this email.
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Asuman
>>>>>>> Title: Exploiting ebXML Registry Semantics in the eHealth Domain*
>>>>>>> * Parts of this work are being sponsored by the eHealth and eBusiness
>>>>>>> Units of the European Commission
>>>>>>> Abstract
>>>>>>> ebXML registry is capable of storing semantics about the registry
>>>>>>> objects.
>>>>>>> This semantics is restricted to classification hierarchies with
>>>>>>> properties.
>>>>>>> However it is possible to represent some Web Ontology Language (OWL)
>>>>>>> constructs in the registry and through stored procedures it is
>>>>>>> possible to make registry OWL aware. I will first discuss
>>>>>>> how to make ebXML registries OWL aware and then
>>>>>>> through an application in eHealth
>>>>>>> I will discuss how this semantics can be exploited.
>>>>>>> Attached please find the power point slides.
>>>>>>> Peter P. Yim wrote Mon, 10 Oct 2005 09:12:08 -0700:
>>>>>>>> Dear Professor Dogac,
>>>>>>>> Further to your confirmation with Ms. Monica Martin, I would like to
>>>>>>>> thank you, on behalf of the community, for accepting our invitation
>>>>>>>> to speak at the Ontolog-Forum on Thursday, February 9, 2006. Please
>>>>>>>> feel free to select a relevant topic which you feel is appropriate
>>>>>>>> for our membership. I am writing here, to provide further details
>>>>>>>> and some administrivia on the event.
>>>>>>>> This session will be a 1.5 to 2 hour virtual event, scheduled for
>>>>>>>> 10:30am~12:30pm Pacific Time / 1:30~3:30pm Eastern Time /
>>>>>>>> 18:30~20:30 UTC / 8:30~10:30pm EEST. The session will start with
>>>>>>>> about 10~15 minutes for self-introductions by participants and for
>>>>>>>> getting everyone settled in. We will have Ms. Martin formally
>>>>>>>> introduce you. Your virtual presentation (of approximately 45~60
>>>>>>>> minutes) will then follow. After which, there will be an open
>>>>>>>> discussion for about 30~45 minutes.  This will be over a phone
>>>>>>>> conference, augmented by online presentation material.
>>>>>>>> The [ontolog] community engages in the learning, discourse and
>>>>>>>> development of domain ontologies, is trying to advance the adoption
>>>>>>>> and application of ontological engineering approaches and semantic
>>>>>>>> technologies (see our charter at:
>>>>>>>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nidB ), and is
>>>>>>>> facilitating their move into the mainstream standards. Your sharing
>>>>>>>> with us the experience and insight based on ontology-related work of
>>>>>>>> yours, and affording us the chance to have an open dialog with you
>>>>>>>> along those lines will be most appreciated.
>>>>>>>> I shall look forward to receiving the following from you, at your
>>>>>>>> convenience (hopefully no later than Jan. 3, 2006):
>>>>>>>> (a) the title of your talk, and
>>>>>>>> (b) an abstract of your talk (anywhere from a few sentences to a
>>>>>>>> couple of paragraphs will do).
>>>>>>>> (c) a recent picture of yours (about 150x150 pixels, in png, jpg or
>>>>>>>> gif format),
>>>>>>>> (d) a short biographic sketch of yourself. In addition, if you can
>>>>>>>> provide (links to) slightly more extended bio/intro of you and your
>>>>>>>> work, that would be even better. It would be fine if you just supply
>>>>>>>> the URL's to the material (if something appropriate is already
>>>>>>>> available online.) Feel free to update your namesake page on the
>>>>>>>> Ontolog wiki too (at:
>>>>>>>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?AsumanDogac -- your may need
>>>>>>>> to do a "Create Account" or "Login" for the user "AsumanDogac"
>>>>>>>> before editing on the wiki (access is at the upper right of wiki
>>>>>>>> page)).
>>>>>>>> Once I get the above, I will start circulating the information among
>>>>>>>> the community (we should be doing that at least one month before the
>>>>>>>> event), so that people could mark their calendars and plan to attend.
>>>>>>>> Closer to the time (say, by Jan. 30, 2006, although this is not a
>>>>>>>> hard deadline), please send me:
>>>>>>>> (e) your presentation material* (in powerpoint, pdf, sxi, html, png,
>>>>>>>> jpg or some common electronic format) so that I can post it online
>>>>>>>> for access during the session. (Optionally, you may choose  to have
>>>>>>>> that posted a week or so in advance of your talk, or the morning of
>>>>>>>> your session.)
>>>>>>>> During the talk, you will be in control of a shared-screen server (a
>>>>>>>> VNC server) that will allow you to run your presentation slides, a
>>>>>>>> web browser or even other applications (if you do need to run other
>>>>>>>> applications, please provide me with more details because we may
>>>>>>>> need some prior coordination to make it happen). The display screen
>>>>>>>> from the VNC server will be shared by most of the virtual attendees
>>>>>>>> during the event.
>>>>>>>> (f) After I receive your presentation material, we will schedule a
>>>>>>>> phone session (or, in this case, probably a skype session) so that I
>>>>>>>> can walk you through the presentation controls and some of the
>>>>>>>> relevant nuances that our virtual speaker(s) need to be aware of. We
>>>>>>>> should do this while you are at the venue where you plan to be
>>>>>>>> presenting from (e.g. your office, your home, ... etc. because each
>>>>>>>> may present different connectivity issues we would need to tackle).
>>>>>>>> You are also invited to take a look at the hints we have for
>>>>>>>> sessions like this at:
>>>>>>>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?VirtualSpeakerSessionTips
>>>>>>>> For your reference, please feel free to check out the wiki pages of
>>>>>>>> similar recent presentations, like the ones given by Steve Ray of
>>>>>>>> NIST (see:
>>>>>>>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2004_02_12),
>>>>>>>> or the one by Chris Welty on OntoClean (see:
>>>>>>>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2004_11_18).
>>>>>>>> They should provide some clue as to the format of our monthly
>>>>>>>> invited speaker events. However, do feel free to conduct your
>>>>>>>> presentation any way you feel like (let me know, though, if you
>>>>>>>> expect it to be quite different, so that I can work on providing the
>>>>>>>> support you need.) We will be creating a wiki page for your session
>>>>>>>> after we have received the above ((a) thru (d) input from you), at
>>>>>>>> which point, you are encouraged to post additional relevant
>>>>>>>> resources (papers, links, references, ... etc.) to support your
>>>>>>>> presentation.
>>>>>>>> Additionally, we will be recording our presentation sessions and
>>>>>>>> make the archived audio file available online, along with the
>>>>>>>> presentation material. May I, on behalf of the Ontolog Forum,
>>>>>>>> request your permission to do so. Please refer to our IPR policy at:
>>>>>>>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nid32 that will
>>>>>>>> be applicable. I will assume that is acceptable to you unless I hear
>>>>>>>> from you otherwise.
>>>>>>>> Once again, thank you very much for agreeing to speak, and to having
>>>>>>>> a dialog with the Ontolog community. I shall look forward to the
>>>>>>>> event, and to to your continued contribution to Ontolog in the
>>>>>>>> future. Feel free to contact Ms. Martin or the undersigned if there
>>>>>>>> is any question.
>>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>>>> =PPY
>>>>>>>> Peter P. Yim
>>>>>>>> [ontolog-forum], co-convener
>>>>>>>> http://ontolog.cim3.net
>>>>>>>> Phone: +1 (650) 578-9998
>>>>>>>> P.S. *Please note that: in preparing your powerpoint (or other
>>>>>>>> presentation material), try to avoid using any animation or
>>>>>>>> transitions, as they do not work very well over the real-time
>>>>>>>> shared-screen service which we employ to allow the audience to be in
>>>>>>>> sync with you on your slide presentation.  =ppy
>>>>>>>> P.P.S. With your permission, I would like to add you to our
>>>>>>>> community mailing list, so that we can continue to have you as part
>>>>>>>> of the community. =ppy
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Professor Asuman Dogac   email: asuman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> WWW: http://www.srdc.metu.edu.tr/~asuman/
>>>>> Director                 Phone: +90 (312) 210 5598, or
>>>>> Software R&D Center             +90 (312) 210 2076
>>>>> Department of Computer Eng.       Fax: +90 (312) 210 1004
>>>>> Middle East Technical University       +90 (312) 210 1259
>>>>> 06531 Ankara Turkey                    skype: adogac
> ____________________________________________________________________________
> Professor Asuman Dogac                  Internet: asuman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  
> Director                                Phone: +90 (312) 210 5598, or
> Software R&D Center                            +90 (312) 210 2076 
> Department of Computer Eng.             Fax:   +90 (312) 210 1259
> Middle East Technical University       WWW: 
> 06531 Ankara Turkey
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