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[ontolog-admin] Shamesless-plugs, Dec-2005 Discussion session prep, etc

To: Kurt Conrad <conrad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Duane Nickull <dnickull@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "[ontolog-admin]" <ontolog-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 11:41:26 -0800
Message-id: <43667366.8000005@xxxxxxxx>
Duane / Kurt,    (01)

1. Looks good. I think this "Call for Submissions" is a great idea.    (02)

2. Understanding what on the landscape, open or proprietary, is 
crucial to our mission (although our open knowledge, open 
content, open source policy would only encourage our free 
promotion of the former.) We do want a proper exposure to 
*everything* (open or not) ... and, an "invited" presentation of 
something proprietary (say, Doug Lenat talking about Cyc on our 
invitation ... although we would probably prompt him to put more 
focus on OpenCyc) is surely NOT a "shameless" plug.    (03)

3. Referring back to the earlier exchange and post about 
"Commercially skewed postings" and "self-promotions" (ref: 
I think what we want to avoid is the *real* shamelesss plugs, and 
  people using our space as some kind of a free bill-board. The 
two statements referred above should probably suffice (we just 
have to be true to them, and keep nudging people back in line, 
when need be.    (04)

4. Before we do anything else, I think you two should *lock down 
a date* first. That way, we can start a wiki page for it, and 
that page could serve as a "shared display" that helps sync 
everything (and everyone) up. Do you have one yet? If not, can we 
have one now? (so far, we only know that it's going to be in 
December -- ref: 
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2005_10_06#nidGNL)    (05)

 > [DN] So can we place this item on the agenda for Thursday?    (06)

[ppy] we are not going to have a chance to "talk about it" 
anytime soon (see: 
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?MeetingsCalls#nidEXT) ... 
since our moderator/organizer usually are empowered to make the 
calls, I suggest that you two just go ahead and make whatever 
interim decisions necessary to move the whole thing forward. Try 
keeping as much of the conversation on the [ontolog-forum] as 
much as you can. That way, we can keep people posted, and would 
be better able to cater the event to the community's needs and wants.    (07)

Cheers.  =ppy
--    (08)

Kurt Conrad wrote Mon, 31 Oct 2005 11:07:09 -0800:
> Duane,
> I see no reason not to.  I'm cc'ing Peter to give him a heads up on the 
> vendor issue (in red) before the session on Thursday.
> /s/ kwc 2005.10.31 11:06    (09)

> At 2005-10-31 10:04, you wrote:
>> So can we place this item on the agenda for Thursday?
>> Duane    (010)

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Kurt Conrad [ mailto:conrad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 5:45 PM
>> To: Duane Nickull
>> Subject: Re: suggested wording - draft
>> Duane,
>> Looks good.  Tweaks embedded.
>> /s/ kwc 2005.10.27 17:44
>> At 2005-10-27 10:27, you wrote:
>> Subject: Call for submissions
>> Title: Implementation Experience Discussion
>> Synopsis:
>> The Ontolog Forum wishes to conduct one or more technical discussions
>> based on real-world implementation experience with ontologies
>> and semantic-integration topics.
>> The organizers are soliciting individuals with experience in this
>> area to submit
>> 2-3 slides to serve as a starting point for the discussion and a brief
>> (1-2 paragraph) summary/abstract to help with selection and scheduling.
>> It is expected that the level of interest and response will be influence
>> the number discussions that will be held, as we are targeting 3-4
>> panelists per discussion.
>> Vendors are also invited to respond, but preference will be given to
>> submissions
>> discussing end-user experiences and how their problems were/are being
>> solved.
>> Our hope is to avoid generic marketing presentations.
>> (*note - does this violate the charter of the Ontolog Forum??)
>> [kwc: I don't believe that it violates the charter, I tried to phrase
>> the request
>> so that we can judge the submission for quality and appropriateness.
>> But to be sure, we could run the final wording past Peter and Leo to
>> check for any objections.]
>> We are striving for highly-interactive sessions.  Each session will
>> run approximately 1.5 hours.
>> Panelists will present their 2-3 slides showcasing some
>> implementation of Ontology and semantic concepts.
>> Each presentation will be followed by an open Q&A (approximately 10
>> minutes).
>> The remaining time will be used for general discussion.
>> For those wishing to submit a presentation, please send an email to both
>> Kurt Conrad <conrad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> and Duane Nickull (email)
>> with the
>> requested slides and summary. After the submissions have been
>> reviewed, dates
>> will be finalized for the presentations.  We will be scheduling the
>> discussion for
>> one or more of the standard Ontolog virtual meetings: Thursdays at
>> 10:30am Pacific.
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