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[ontolog-admin] Re: Writing/Editing the Summary Report of the Aug. 25,

To: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>, Rex Brooks <rexb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, conrad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Bob Smith <Bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "[ontolog-admin]" <ontolog-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Rex Brooks <rexb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 11:17:24 -0700
Message-id: <a06230937bf2a80faf432@[]>
That's fine with me, Peter,    (01)

I asked because this summary has already been requested a couple of times.    (02)

Rex    (03)

At 9:02 AM -0700 8/18/05, Peter P. Yim wrote:
>  > [RexB] I also have a question for you and Peter, whom I am
>>  copying, could I shop this to media, for no remuneration?
>[ppy] my take: as far as Ontolog is concerned, its IPR policy (ref: 
>http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nid32) should 
>That said, I personally do want to see that community members do end 
>up 'gaining (both intellectually, opportunistically, commercially, 
>financially, ...) from their engagement with this CoP -- I trust 
>that (to provide continuous value to its constituency) being the 
>only way the CoP can be sustainable.
>That said, may I suggest that we have (a) an open, community 
>sanctioned summary report of the 8/25 session that will be published 
>by Ontolog, goes into its archives, gets used as the community 
>submission to the Fed HIT Conference, ...etc. But then, since 
>authors actually hold the copyrights (not Ontolog ... Ontolog just 
>stipulates that they should carry an open content license), you guys 
>could re-factor that and shop it elsewhere (gratis, or for 
>remuneration, as you see fit) as long as proper attributed is made 
>(to Ontolog and the other contributors, namely Ontolog, the 
>panelists, and those participating in the discussion and discourse.)
>How does that sound?
>[Maybe we should bounce this off each other a bit, and then find a 
>way to post this (in its reiterated form) to the forum as a 
>guideline for future community work products.]
>Cheers.  =ppy
>P.S. I'm routing this thread also to Leo (co-convener), Bob 
>(planning team) and [ontolog-admin] (open archive) to solicit 
>further comments and a record of this very useful dialog.  =ppy
>Rex Brooks wrote Thu, 18 Aug 2005 08:04:54 -0700:
>>Hi Kurt,
>>I wanted to take advantage of this brief window between meetings of 
>>TCs which are finali zing specifications for public review to ask 
>>if you would be so kind as to take on the task of writing and/or 
>>editing a Summary Report of the Health Informatics Panel Discussion 
>>I am moderating on Aug. 25, 2005?
>>I understand that you are the chief Ontolog scribe, so to speak, or 
>>historian, or perhaps managing editor might be the more accurate 
>>term. Regardless, the job of preparing and moderating is more than 
>>sufficient for my needs (small joke), This is especially so since I 
>>am on the spot to produce a pilot that is taking its not-so-merry 
>>time getting to the point where I can actually start useful work, 
>>with less than a month, or perhaps a bit more if it misses its 
>>first target date of Sept. 14, and slips to Sept. 23.
>>So, if you can do that, I would greatly appreciate it.
>>I also have a question for you and Peter, whom I am copying, could 
>>I shop this to media, for no remuneration?
>>I would like to get some publicity for these issues and I 
>>specifically am thinking about Federal Computer Week and Washington 
>>Rex    (04)

Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-849-2309
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