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[ontolog-admin] Re: Starting a new project at Ontolog

To: Adrian Walker <adrianw@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: ontolog-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2004 15:56:15 -0700
Message-id: <411FEA0F.9080703@xxxxxxxx>
Hi Adrian,    (01)

Thank you for the prompt response.    (02)

As the notion of "open" is one of the precepts for the ontolog work, we 
will have to abide by it to stay true to our mission and be fair to all 
participants and contributors.  Even in the "open" world, there are 
multiple licensing arrangement, some more restrictive, others less so. 
Ontolog will find any of them acceptable. Therefore, even if you craft 
your own license; as long as it conforms to being "open source" and 
"open content", the contribution will be welcomed at Ontolog.    (03)

May I suggest that you kindly review the "free software" philosophy 
(http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html) and the "open source 
definition" (http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition.php) and see how 
you can make your potential contribution fit into those working 
model(s). We value your contribution, and I hope you can make it work. 
I'll try to call you tomorrow -- or if you need a bit more time to think 
things through, let me know.    (04)

Of course, community members can freely collaborate with one another, 
independent of the ontolog-forum, to do proprietary (or any other form 
of) work in real or virtual enterprising endeavors. That is actually one 
of the outcomes we hope this community of practice can help spur. Those 
projects will obviously not be ontolog projects (or, say, ontolog 
tools), though, but that doesn't make them less important -- it's just 
that we should not, and would not be committing the communities' 
resources to them.    (05)

PPY    (06)

P.S. You might want to temporarily take out the lines under "Communities 
of Practice and Projects" and "Tools" at the Ontolog WikiHomePage until 
you actually do start an ontolog project, or contribute an open-source 
tool to the community -- at which time, we should also be giving you due 
credits and acknowledgement (ref: 
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?CreditsAcknowledgement), like 
all the others who have contributed. -ppy
--    (07)

Adrian Walker wrote Sun, 15 Aug 2004 13:59:02 -0400:    (08)

> Hi Peter --
> Many thanks for organizing a most productive and stimulating meeting 
> this week.
> Many thanks also for your note, below.
> Actually, the project does not fit neatly into either the "commercial" 
> or "open source" categories.
> The rules and facts that make up executable English agent specs on the 
> public, community "demo" ID are open source [1].  The means to execute 
> those specs, and to generate SQL from them, are not open source, 
> though the generated SQL is again open source.
> So, the situation is somewhat analogous to having, say, a java API 
> with lots of useful open source examples being extended by a 
> community, but not distributing the source of the Java compiler.
> It's my aim to keep the means to execute the specs available, free, 
> for noncommercial use for anyone in the world with access to a 
> browser.  This should help in building a community.
> The underlying system is large and complex, and it is unlikely that 
> any other organization would build up the expertise to maintain or 
> improve it in the near- or medium future.  So, I prefer to keep the 
> maintenance and extension work centralized at the moment.
> I hope there may be a way of including this "semi-open" approach in 
> the very important work of the ontolog forum.  Please call me at any 
> time at 860 583 9677 if this will help.
>                         Best regards,  -- Adrian
> [1]  http://www.reengineeringllc.com/demo_agents/
> At 07:02 AM 8/15/04 -0700, you wrote:
>> Hello Adrian,
>> Thank you for your active participation at the Ontolog-Forum.
>> I noticed from your wiki postings that you may be contributing some 
>> tools and might want to start a new project at Ontolog,
>> While the community is still developing work protocols as we move 
>> along, and things are somewhat fluid and flexible, we also have some 
>> precepts and charter process that we would always want to fall back 
>> to. Of particular relevance is our "open" IPR policy (see:
>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?HomePage#nid036), and the 
>> OASIS TC process which we default to (see: 
>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?HomePage#nid045). In the case 
>> of starting/terminating a new project/sub-project, the OASIS process 
>> of starting or terminating a TC/SC would be relevant.
>> By the way, I wasn't exactly sure whether or not your software tools 
>> are open sourced (and, if so, which free-software or open-source 
>> license is applicable) by visiting your reengineeringllc.com website. 
>> Please enlighten.
>> Maybe we could have a phone conversation, at your earliest 
>> convenience, to see how I can help you with your initiatives , and to 
>> clarify some of the fine points, so that ontolog can stay true to its 
>> mission. Let me know what would be a good time to talk.
>> Thanks & regards,
>> PPY
>> -- 
>    (09)

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