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[ontolog-admin] Re: [ontolog] RE: Open Letter to Web Services, Semantic

To: "Peter P. Yim" <yimpp@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Ron Schuldt <ron.l.schuldt@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: Jon Bosak <jon.bosak@xxxxxxx>
Cc: "[ontolog-admin] forum" <ontolog-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: john hardin <johnchardin@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 13:13:35 -0700 (PDT)
Message-id: <20030825201335.12845.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Thanks for the update. Should I post to the ontolog-forum address at ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or has it been posted already? I couldn't find it with a quick scan of the archive.

"Peter P. Yim" <yimpp@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Ron & John,

I just returned from a trip, and therefore, did not manage to prompt
John on his last post. Kindly note that posting address and message
archives to the [ontolog-forum] has changed since end Jan. 2003.


As such, the proper address for posting/contributing to the
[ontolog-forum] is at .

By the way, John, while the [ontolog-forum] has, among its charter,
the identification of ontological engineering approaches that might be
applied to the UBL effort (and does share some common membership), the
OASIS-UBL-TC and [ontolog-forum] are, nonetheless, *independent*
communities of practice. Please note.

Best of luck to your endeavors. Let's stay in touch and keep posting
each other of our progress.


Schuldt, Ron L wrote Mon, 25 Aug 2003 09:32:44 -0600:

> To those who are considering subscribing to the udefbuilders@xxxxxxxxxx
> list, I offer the following additional
> information:
> The primary purpose of the list, as implied by its name, is to identify
> those subject matter experts that will be called upon to help build out
> the UDEF tree structure ontologies. As many of you know, the plan is to
> transfer UDEF tree structures to a suitable global not-for-profit
> organization with the resources necessary to build the hardware/software
> infrastructure and to promote and educate users in the use of the UDEF.
> Since the UDEF will require extensions to accommodate new data element
> concepts (previously not mapped), there is a need to identify subject
> matter experts that can objectively and authoritatively add new branches
> to the UDEF tree structures.
> Once the UDEF is transitioned to the suitable global not-for-profit, the
> subject matter experts will participate in the UDEF extension control
> process. Until that point in time (tentatively the first quarter of
> 2004), the udefbuilders@xxxxxxxxxx open
> forum will provide the means to learn how to extend the UDEF and to
> expand in those areas where subject matter experts have been identified.
> An example topic that requires subject matter expertise is
> the "mineral" UDEF object. This topic will require chemists,
> physicists, and geologists subject matter experts to expand the tree
> structure.
> Much (50-60%) of the current UDEF is based on "product" and "document"
> configuration management subject matter expertise provided by the G-33
> Committee of GEIA and their EIA-836 "Configuration Management Data
> Exchange and Interoperability" standard. They are the same committee
> responsible for ANSI/EIA-649 "National Consensus Standard for
> Configuration Management" a best practices standard that is highly
> sought by many companies across the globe. See
> http://www.geia.org/sstc/G33/index.htm for additional details. A major
> part (20-25%) of the remainder of the UDEF is based on mappings to the
> purchase order transactions from ANSI X12, EDIFACT, OAGIS, RosettaNet,
> and xCBL.
> Another goal of this open forum is to establish a global "critical mass"
> level of support for the UDEF. Last week's UDEF Conference in St. Louis
> provided a strong signal of support among the
> 40+ companies/organizations represented in the attendance.
> Best Regards!
> Ronald L. Schuldt
> Co-Chair, AIA Electronic Enterprise Working Group
> 303-977-1414
> ron.l.schuldt@xxxxxxxx

> -----Original Message-----
> From: john hardin [mailto:johnchardin@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 4:57 PM
> To: johnchardin@xxxxxxxxx; Schuldt, Ron L; ubl-ontolog@xxxxxxxx
> Subject: Open Letter to Web Services, Semantics, Semantic Web and
> Ontology Communities
> Dear Friends, Associates and Industry Leaders:
> This is an open letter, directed towards participants and leaders in
> the information technology communities who are focused on
> semantic-based data element identification, contextual
> representation (ontologies and taxonomies including frameworks for
> representing same) and communication of data element semantics
> within Web Services groups, the Semantic Web groups and e-business
> standards groups. We will not be frequently utilizing the list that
> was compiled for this introductory communication, but instead will
> compile a list of interested parties. Please indicate by reply if
> you are/aren't interested in receiving additional communications
> regarding this subject. Also, please forward this open letter to
> persons, organizations or publications that you believe will be
> interested.
> ** Introduction **
> The Aerospace Industry Association's Electronic Enterprise groups
> (http://www.aia-aerospace.org ), the
> Association for Enterprise Integration (http://www.afei.org
> ), the Electronics Industry Data Exchange
> (http://www.eidx.org ) and others have been
> participating in the formation of an approach for identifying and
> managing semantic equivalency for data elements, and feel that this
> approach represents a potential approach for the IT industry,
> standards bodies and web services frameworks to move towards
> interoperability and convergence.
> This approach is termed the Universal Data Element Framework
> (http://www.udef.org ), and is designed to
> provide a (semi) intelligent identifier, attached in some way to a
> data element (perhaps as an attribute within schemas or in an RDF
> based reference file), that can be resolved to produce an exact
> identification of the data element meaning.
> This open letter describes, at a high level, a summarization of the
> usability of the UDEF within the various semantics/ontology/taxonomy
> communities, and the current status and efforts around the UDEF.
> I am an active participant in the UDEF effort, and have been
> operating as co-chair of the AIA's UDEF committee. The opinions
> represented here are not necessarily those of the AIA
> http://www.aia-aerospace.org or AFEI
> http://www.afei.org who are the current
> stewards of the UDEF concepts and work efforts. I have recently left
> my last position as Practice Director over Enterprise Integrations
> at Envision, and am independent
> (http://www.geocities.com/johnchardin). As a result, for official
> UDEF information please contact Ron Schuldt, Lockheed Martin. You
> may reach him at ron.l.schuldt@xxxxxxxx
> . I am continuing to work as a
> participant on UDEF efforts while seeking the next position, please
> feel free to contact me with questions or comments at anytime.
> ** Groups represented in the Mail list **
> There are a several groups with numerous activities devoted to the
> above stated issue. Some of the more prominent groups and activities
> which have been included on this mail are:
> - AIA's Electronic Enterprise Groups and Aerospace industry contacts
> - Logistics and Rail industry contacts
> - EIDX Technical Groups and Electronics industry contacts
> - Healthcare industry contacts, from pharmaceuticals and disease
> management co's
> - Open Application Group - Principals and the Semantics Working Group
> - RosettaNet Technical Dictionary and other contacts
> - ebXML Core Concepts groups
> - OASIS groups
> - WS-I groups
> - OWL and RDF groups
> - Semantic Web groups
> - TopicMap Groups
> - RosettaNet Dictionaries
> - UBL Ontolog
> - DAML-S
> - W3C xml:id (structural identifier for ontologies)
> - Basic Semantic Registry
> - Dublin Core
> - Software vendors: Contivo, Oracle, others
> - Various Industry standards bodies participants
> ** Usability Proposal **
> There are a tremendous number of efforts on the net to establish the
> core stack for Web Services, including the basic protocols,
> security, multi-enterprise business process mechanisms and other
> items necessary for the vision of the Semantic Web and Automated Web
> Services to be a reality.
> Many of us are working on semantic approaches, including some
> unifying vocabularies such as UBL. However, there appears to be a
> need for basic, open, cross-industry specific identification of data
> element concepts so that all our efforts can communicate between one
> another to resolve the exact meaning (and perhaps context) of data
> elements. This is the target function for the UDEF, to provide a
> number/alpha based identifier that is easily represented in existing
> formats (XSD,DTD or other formats) as an attribute, or in structural
> mechanisms such as RDF.
> Few organizations trade and communicate only with organizations
> within thier industry. This presents a problem when partners are
> attempting to initialize e-business using two different formats:
> Which format is used? Which organization must remap the backend
> processes or middleware mappings to account for the new format? And,
> the question that the UDEF directly addresses: How do I know that
> your is the same data element concept as my
> ?
> Looking forward to the Semantic Web, when an intelligent agent
> representing me attempts to communicate my medical history to a
> doctor in relation to an appointment: How does the doctor's medical
> record system know that the data in is the same
> as their systems' element labeled ?
> There are a multitude of industry standard XML ebusiness document
> formats, and some are emerging as horizontal across industries
> (OAGIS, RosettaNet and UBL are examples). Many are entrenched in
> specific industries (CIDX is a good example) and the application
> servers, messaging frameworks and backend mappings are already in
> use. In other words, the future of e-business may look like all
> companies utilizing a common business document format and
> dictionaries, but the immediate reality is that there are hundreds
> of formats in various depths of usage across the internet.
> We believe that during the course of e-business, there does (and
> will continue to for quite some time) exist a core requirement to
> map the semantically equivalent data element concepts between
> standards and other formats (RPC, document-literal or otherwise),
> e-business document formats, ontologies, taxonomies, RDF structures
> and data dictionaries. A universal resolvable semanitic
> identifier can provide some relief at design-time (read: mapping
> projects between partners or internally on enterprise integrations
> projects) by providing a semantic equivalency reporting mechanism. A
> pilot of this is described below in the Status section of this
> email. This can also, given the right framework of
> services, possibly assist in bringing about the real-time vision of
> the automated discovery, integration and execution of trading
> relationships, without placing a human analyst in the middle.
> Internationalization will also be greatly facilitated, by allowing a
> numbering format, instead of a language based format, as the pivot
> point in transformations on-the-wire.
> The metaphor that we have found works best to illustrate the
> function of the UDEF is that of the Dewey Decimal System:
> The UDEF attempts to label data elements in thier formats, as books
> are labeled in libraries, in a common, repeatable, resolvable, open
> way. The Dewey numbering system provides an intelligent
> identification and organizing capability within every library that
> uses it. (Caveat: this metaphor doesn't carry well outside the US,
> where schemes other than the Dewey Decimal System identify published
> works, but you get the point....)
> I believe that we are at critical mass with this issue in the
> internet technical community, and would like to propose a
> collaboration of the efforts of the various groups included in this
> communication, to form perhaps an over-arching discussion and/or
> working group(s) that can further the work for the usage scenarios,
> architectural frameworks (including propogation of core trees across
> the net, much as the DNS network propogates), data element matrix
> publishing and sharing (including public vs. closed vs. private
> availability of UDEF labeled document references for standards
> formats and software vendors data dictionaries, etc.), and other
> necessary tasks to bring up a dynamic network of semantic
> identification nodes.
> Perhaps this convergence will work into a W3C or OASIS (or both)
> sponsored recommendation spec.
> Please take the time to review the UDEF materials that are on the
> UDEF web site, and comment via the forms on the site, or to Ron
> Schuldt (ron.l.schuldt@xxxxxxxx ), or
> myself (johnchardin@xxxxxxxxx ) with
> ideas, comments, criticism, and reality checks. Or call me directly
> at the number listed below.
> Domain Experts: Please consider involvement in the upcoming effort
> to build out data elements contained in the trees with data elements
> reflecting domain expertise, slated to begin Q1 2004.
> If you wish to be placed on the maillist, or participate as a domain
> expert, in pilots, communicate ideas to the group, or anything else,
> please email myself johnchardin@xxxxxxxxx
> and Ron Schuldt
> ron.l.schuldt@xxxxxxxx .
> I extend this introductions and these suggestions with a great
> amount of respect to the participants in the various standards
> bodies. We are all working to stand up innovative, disruptive
> technologies and frameworks that are bringing about a new economy
> and great opportunity for us all.
> Best regards, and thank you for so much of your time today.
> John C Hardin
> 314.749.0562 mobile
> http://www.geocities.com/johnchardin
> (advance apologies for the popups from geocities)
> ** Current Status and Progress on UDEF Issues **
> The perseverance of Ron Schuldt (15 years since the conception of
> the UDEF approach) is paying off, along with the efforts of a wide
> variety of groups and persons (thanks to you all). There is
> currently strong support or high levels of interest among the
> following groups:
> Industry Associations and eBusiness Groups
> - Aerospace, Defense, Electronics, Computer industries all providing
> support
> - Automotive, Airline, Railroad interested
> Private and Public Companies
> - Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, Tyco Electronics, Envision,
> Ambrosoft and AMS
> are supporting
> - Northrup Grumman, DoD Logistics and Korean Ministry of Defense are
> interested
> Software Vendors
> - Contivo is supporting
> - Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, SeeBeyond, DataDirect, GXS and Unicorn are
> all interested
> Standards Bodies
> - Open Applications Group is supporting
> - RosettaNet, ANSI X12 and others are interested
> The UDEF teams in the AIA electronic enterprise groups have been
> working on several key items required to enable semantic equivalency
> across disciplines, industries and standards:
> - Basic data element concept trees, based on ISO 11179 object and
> property words:
> These have been created, maintained and communicated by Ron Schuldt.
> The trees need to be built out to reflect concepts within many
> disparate industries.
> We are now requesting participants and subject matter experts to
> help build out the
> content in the property and object word trees. The trees are
> viewable on the
> www.udef.org web site under Specs and Docs
> (UDEF Master Trees and Spec)
> - Registry/repository architecture use cases for semantic trees:
> The UDEF trees, or any open and globally available semantic
> identification framework
> will require a structure that supports multiple views, searching,
> expansion,
> transformation and various activities as yet unforeseen. The
> primary portion of this
> (the permanent home of the tree documents) is not a UDDI or ebXML
> registry/repository.
> The repository that would store standard-specific, software
> vendor-specific, or industry-
> specific ontologies and taxonomies labeled with UDEF IDs could be
> enabled via UDDI /
> WSDL or ebXML reg/rep technologies. A set of use cases, and some
> diagrams are
> viewable on the www.udef.org web site under
> Specs and Docs (UDEF Registry Use
> Cases).
> - Structure for creating XML versions of the trees to be stored in
> the above referenced
> reg/rep, searchable and capable of message based communication
> between nodes or
> other architectures. We are currently conceptualizing this as
> RDF, and addressed via
> namespace addressing for maintainability at the site of the matrix
> owner or perhaps
> hosting locations. Details on the initial efforts can be viewed
> at www.udef.org under
> Specs and Docs (Current UDEF XML Architectural Design PPT and zip
> file), provided
> by Kevin Mitchell and Al Gough at AMS http://www.ams.com
> .
> - A number of white papers, presentations for 101 and 201 tutorials
> and other materials,
> provided by Ron Schuldt, are available at www.udef.org
> under Education.
> - The AIA and EIDX groups have together collaborated on a Web
> Services based proof
> of concept. This POC provides two purchase order documents (OAGIS
> and xCBL) that
> are labeled with UDEF IDs in the document instances (not
> considered to be good form
> as a production ready structure for the placement of the semantic
> IDs) for the purpose
> of a UDEF Compare Report. This can be referred to in the WSDL spec
> for the service.
> The Compare Report application service can be viewed at
> www.udef.org under
> Proofs/Pilots.
> There is a detailed presentation that describes the effort, the
> approach
> and the architecture (Linux, AXIS and a servlet / web service for
> independent reference
> capability) with hosting generously provided by Envision
> http://www.envision.com , the
> core servlet provided by Jacek Ambroziak (jra@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ) at Ambrosoft
> http://www.ambrosoft.com , and the Web
> Services SOAP consumer and service
> created by Sudhir Suvva (sudhir.suvva@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> ) under Ron Schuldt's and my
> direction.
> Planned efforts for Q3 2003 through Q2 2004:
> - I will be constructing Usage Scenarios for submission to available

=== message truncated ===


john hardin

webservices_integrations -- businessmodels::analyst::architect::manager

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