Hi Ken, (01)
> yes, I recognized immediately you have put together
> a sophisticated collaborative site, because I too have played
> in the sandbox a bit, weaving together Squeak plugins,
> wikis, moos, webs, listservs and p2p conferencing stuff. ... (02)
Thank you for the compliments again ... appreciate it, especially from
a true insider like yourself. What we (at CIM3) are trying to do, is
to take it from being "geek toys" or "state-of-the-art prototypes" to
an enterprise-class infrastructure -- with availability, redundancies,
and tier-1 Internet host performance. I trust that there will be
people (maybe still early adopters) who would appreciate the platform
and support upon which they can do *real* work, reliably. (03)
> Actually, I live in China now, ... (04)
That must be a wonderful experience. What a change -- from Santa
Barbara to Beijing! (05)
> did you see john sowa's reply to my post. ... (06)
Yes, indeed! You did invoke a wonderful thread there (at
<standard-upper-ontology@xxxxxxxx>). I don't think there is a single
answer, at least not yet ... and that's the reason why we chartered
[ontolog] to tackle BOTH the formal and informal ontologies for the
business domain. I am of the opinion that the business domain is
restricted and matured enough that we might stand a chance to be able
to build a "formal enough" ontology which can really enable
semantic-weblike eBusiness transactions and services. (07)
> we need to let an ontology grow organically (bottom-up) from
> communities of practice ... (08)
Indeed ... let's keep the momentum going ... the Internet should
provide the infrastructure and workspace for us all ... it's exciting,
isn't it! (09)
> And seriously, can you give me a price range
> on hosting a site I work on for my sister:
> www.agnt.org (010)
The range will be from tens of dollars per month (basic hosting; will
make do if you are not funded; minimal support) to ten of thousand per
year (comes with professional service support; ideal if you are
working on something that is funded ... allows me to make a living
too!) and various price points in-between. (See:
http://www.cim3.com/Basic_Hosting_Plan-1.html &
). (011)
Thanks for directing me to the AGNT site. I like what you, your sister
and her associates* are doing. I'd love to work with you, and, as
such, everything is negotiable.
(* coincidentally, I was at the World Future Society's Annual
Conference in San Francisco 3 weeks ago, and was at one of Barbara
Marx Hubbard's talk too.) (012)
> I have never been able to install any tools on
> commercial web hosting sites, no unix shell
> access. ... (013)
We are probably no different -- we have to treat clients building
their CoP's on our standard product suite similarly. That's the only
way we can provide the reliability and security we promise people. We
can, however, provide you with a dedicated servers ... that way, you
can have your own box and "play with it" to your heart's content. (014)
> Can you build a group meditation application - just need a blank
> white page (bgcolor=ffffff). (015)
:-) (016)
> I joined the ontolog forum, I 'll listen in. (017)
Welcome! I don't see you on the subscriber list yet ...
I can get you subscribed (just say so), or you can do it at
Please also take a few minutes to fill out our membership survey at
your earliest convenience. It can be found at:
That will allow everyone to get to know a bit more about you, and
provide clues for all of us to ponder over how best to develop the
community. (018)
Nice talking to you. I shall look forward to our future collaboration. (019)
-- (020)
ken fields wrote Tue, 12 Aug 2003 01:57:58 -0500: (021)
> thanks for your reply peter,
> yes, I recognized immediately you have put together
> a sophisticated collaborative site, because I too have played
> in the sandbox a bit, weaving together Squeak plugins,
> wikis, moos, webs, listservs and p2p conferencing stuff.
> and then I want it all to work on my wi-fi enabled iPod -
> yes all that stuff will be here some day :). Actually, I
> live in China now, so I was happy to see the new
> video/audio conference enabled iChat - now I don't have
> to use a phone anymore to talk to my family in
> california.
> did you see john sowa's reply to my post. It was
> very good. indeed, we need to let an ontology
> grow organically (bottom-up) from communities of practice
> as you know. Maybe you can get that to work on your site!
> I would use Moo/game technology as a base - the CoP's
> would build themselves out into ontology space until
> meeting some other community tunneling blindly through
> space. Or if not blindly, then using walky talkies
> to collaboratively meet at some agreed upon
> metaclass. It's all very exciting. I look forward to
> cruising around the knowledge base someday
> in my kCar (knowledge vehicle).
> And seriously, can you give me a price range
> on hosting a site I work on for my sister:
> www.agnt.org
> I have never been able to install any tools on
> commercial web hosting sites, no unix shell
> access. So I have been looking for something
> like you have put together. The AGNT community
> however, is a rather uncommunicative community -
> they meditate more actually. Can you build a group
> meditation application - just need a blank white page
> (bgcolor=ffffff).
> I joined the ontolog forum, I 'll listen in.
> Thanks again,
> Ken Fields
--- (022)
>> Hello Professor Fields,
>> Thank you very much for your compliment.
>> For upper ontology, I understand that the IEEE Standard Upper Ontology
>> (SUO) Working Group does run a few discussion lists (see:
>> http://purpleslurple.cim3.org/ps.php?theurl=http://suo.ieee.org/#purp74 )
>> .
>> I saw your post to [protege-discussion]. That's a good place to hang
>> out too. While it is tools-centric, there are participants from many
>> different domains there, and they are generally friendly and helpful.
>> Yes, the [ontolog-forum] is business focused. Our charter can be found
>> at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl#nid011
>> Your suggestion of
>> > An ontology discussion web discussion might include the local
>> > discussion and up (the onto tree) while having ways of
>> > discovering other ontology discussions which may be unrelated
>> > but contain links to your area - so that you may offer expert
>> > advice.
>> is ideal ... I am not familiar with any existing active forum that
>> covers such a scope. By copying my co-conveners of [ontolog] here,
>> let's see if they might know of something.
>> Of course, you are most welcomed to subscribe to the [ontolog-forum]
>> either as an active participant or as an observer. Our invitation (at:
>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-forum/2002-09/msg00000.html ) is
>> standing.
>> Good luck to your endeavor.
>> Best regards,
>> PPY
>> P.S. On a separate note, I run CIM3.NET, which is in the business of
>> providing infrastructure and support for coomunities of practice and
>> distributed project teams. You can see our infrstructure and tools at
>> work in the context of [ontolog-forum]. If you are starting your own
>> community, you might consider using our platform. That way, your can
>> focus on your goals and your prjects, without having to worry too much
>> about the infrastructure and support issues. If you are interested,
>> please take a look at http://www.cim3.com/CIM3_Executive_Brief.htm ;
>> and if that's something you want to do, please feel free to email me
>> any time. Tx. -ppy
>> -- (023)
>> Kenneth Fields wrote Sat, 9 Aug 2003 15:19:11 +0800:
>>> hi,
>>> I'm just wondering about your forum. It is organized so well.
>>> I'm am looking for a general place for ontology discussion which
>>> breaks down into more specialized areas/communities. I am
>>> interested in the discussion of upper areas of the ontology, but
>>> need conversation in developing my own ontology in digital arts.
>>> An ontology discussion web discussion might include the local
>>> discussion and up (the onto tree) while having ways of
>>> discovering other ontology discussions which may be unrelated
>>> but contain links to your area - so that you may offer expert
>>> advice.
>>> Is your group open to these discussions, or are you business
>>> focussed. if business, than might you refer me to an ontology
>>> discussion site before I go and reinvent (install) the wheel.
>>> Dr. Kenneth Fields
>>> Professor Media Arts/Computer Music
>>> CEMC - China Center for Electronic Music
>>> Central Conservatory of Music
>>> 43 BaoJia Street
>>> XiCheng District
>>> Beijing, China, 100031 (024)
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