Hi Till, (01)
2013-11-25 20:00 Till Mossakowski:
> please find attached a new version of the RFP, where Fabian and I have
> tried to answer all the comments made by Maria and Christoph. (02)
from reading your replies to these comments I have another, minor
remark. This is really a side issue, nothing to be mentioned in the RFP. (03)
You said that the BBC sports ontology is an example of an ontology
written in the logic/language RDF, but that's not the case. Try for
yourself: (04)
wget --header 'Accept: application/rdf+xml' -O -
http://www.bbc.co.uk/ontologies/sport/ (05)
You will see that it is OWL. (06)
A lot of plain RDF ontologies, more commonly called linked datasets, can
be found in the linked data cloud at http://lod-cloud.net/ or on
http://datahub.io when filtering by format "RDF"
(http://datahub.io/dataset?tags=format-rdf). (07)
Try, for example, wget --header 'Accept: application/rdf+xml' -O -
http://dblp.l3s.de/d2r/resource/authors/Till_Mossakowski. (08)
Ignore the namespace prefixes declared at the top of the XML document –
not all of them are actually used. There are rdfs:label and
rdfs:seeAlso, but these are merely annotations provided by the RDFS
_language_, which have no semantics in the RDFS _logic_. (09)
The ontology uses a number of symbols that originally come from OWL
ontologies (e.g. foaf:Agent) – however, under RDF semantics, one should
say that it actually only uses the OWL→RDF projection of these symbols. (010)
Cheers, (011)
Christoph (012)
Christoph Lange, Enterprise Information Systems Department
Applied Computer Science @ University of Bonn; Fraunhofer IAIS
http://langec.wordpress.com/about, Skype duke4701 (013)
→ Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS), Thessaloniki, Greece,
2–4 June 2014. Submission until 9 Dec. http://wims14.csd.auth.gr (014)
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