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Re: [ontoiop-forum] OntoIOp teleconference (n.47): Wed 2013.11.20

To: ontoiop-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Till Mossakowski <mossakow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 20:00:31 +0100
Message-id: <52939E4F.2030104@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear all,

please find attached a new version of the RFP, where Fabian and I have tried to answer all the comments made by Maria and Christoph.
Many thanks to Maria and Christoph for the valuable input!

Further comments and improvements are welcome. Please keep the doc format, because this is the format used by OMG people and conversions from and to other formats may result in loss of formatting quality.

All the best,

Am 20.11.2013 09:24, schrieb Christoph LANGE:
Hi all,

I'm sorry I will only be able to join you today with half an hour delay,
if at all.  I'm currently busy looking for accommodation close to my new

2013-11-18 19:09 Till Mossakowski:
- Considerable revision and extension of the use cases  (see 6.1).
I've had a brief look at those use cases to which I have not contributed
most recently.  I find their new structure convincing: a short intro
sentence, the details of the respective modelling problem (and how to
solve it w/o OntoIOp), and then a sketch of how OntoIOp would address it.

I also like the overall section structure, with separate
ontology/modelling/specification use cases.

Please find attached some changes to the document (starting where Maria
left).  I focused on the use cases and on Maria's other comments.



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Attachment: RFP-OntoIOp-20131125.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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