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[mphise-talk] the MPHISE Conference - Day-1 Panel-1 Briefing-4 - prepara

To: mphise-talk <mphise-talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 08:38:59 -0700
Message-id: <af8f58ac0903280838t5472fdefj6983915fb56f582f@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Mark, Leo, Steve, Bob, Ram, Susan (and Duane),    (01)

Further to my earlier message
) ...    (02)

I have just posted a strawman into the wiki, comprising a draft
outline for our presentation and the process to get us ready for that.
See:    (03)

(repeating the initial post here) ...    (04)

Proposed Briefing Outline: (8 content slides; max 10)    (7A2)    (05)

   1. cover slide    (7AB)
   2. outline    (7AC)
   3. what is an ontology?    (7AD)
   4. why are ontologies, ontological engineering, ontology-based
standards and semantic technologies relevant to MPHISE?    (7AE)
   5. why are virtual communities of practice crucial to MPHISE? (as a
co-evolving human-tools capability infrastructure; examples)    (7AF)
   6. what (institutions, standards, projects, communities, ...) is
already in place that is relevant to MPHISE    (7AG)
   7. what is missing    (7AH)
   8. recommendations    (7AI)
   9. references    (7AJ)    (06)

Proposed process:    (7A3)    (07)

    * review outline, tweak and adopt [All: via mailng list]    (7A4)
    * (in parallel) provide input, thoughts, resources [All: via
mailng list, wiki & shared-file workspace]    (7A5)
          o suggestion: maybe everyone can send in a slide deck (or
two) they have used before that are relevant to the needs here
    * confirm partitioning and task assignments [All: via mailng list]    (7A6)
    * LeoObrst & RamSriram puts together the draft slide deck [Leo &
Ram]    (7A7)
          o LeoObrst & RamSriram discuss and decide on how they would
present it at the panel session [Leo & Ram: subsequent to Mon
2009.03.30 conference call]    (7A8)
    * team review and tweaks, and finalizes slide deck [All: via Mon
2009.03.30 conference call]    (7A9)
    * team discuss and possibly adopt positions (especially on
contentious issues) that we may take, going into the conference
discussion [All: via Mon 2009.03.30 conference call, as well as in
parallel on the mailing list]    (7AA)    (08)

Ideas, comments, suggestions ... ?    (09)

Let's use this thread and that wiki page (at:
) to get ready for the briefing.    (010)

Best.  =ppy
--    (011)

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