Krzysztof et al,
You will notice on our site that Naicong and I have been organizing for the 2nd session.
It is called "Ontology development and applicaiton across Earth Science Lifecycle"
We too have a general topic that might logically follow a Value Prop (but also Requirements) 1st session.
More info on this next week.
On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 2:19 PM, Krzysztof Janowicz <jano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Peter, all,
I also talked to Pascal about this and he would be interested in
co-organizing the interoperability and heterogeneity session with
me. From my understanding, the first session on the value
proposition is the most basic and overview-like. Hence, the
interoperability session could be second as it is one of the
central value propositions of geospatial semantics. Personally, I
would propose to keep the mini series small at first and maybe
restrict it to just 3-4 sessions. If there is enough interest, we
can still add more. I am also not sure about the future of the
EarthCube semantics community.
On 07/19/2012 02:52 PM, Peter Yim wrote:
That sounds great, Krzysztof ... would you consider fitting
that content into the program framework as we have it so far
(ref my earlier msg today on this thread), or tweaking that
framework to allow a better fit?
Regards. =ppy
On Jul 19, 2012 1:52 PM, "Krzysztof
Janowicz" < jano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear all,
if this would be interesting, I could organize a session on
interoperability and semantic heterogeneity.
On 07/19/2012 01:41 PM, Dalia E Varanka wrote:
> I apologize that I am having trouble accessing the wiki
but I am at the iaoa sunner school in trento. It is so good I
am inspired to ask if I may cochair the tutorials session. I
know j Wilson and the usgs did a tutori too but I will ask
others first
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Peter Yim [peter.yim@xxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 07/19/2012 11:01 AM MST
> To: EarthScienceOntolog Mini-series Planning <mini-series-org@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [EarthScienceOntolog] Session topics and
co-chairs for each
> Thank you, dalia.
> Yes, doing (what is numbered now) 4 before 3 would make a
lot of sense.
> By the way, I did have an offline request from NaicongLi
to keep
> Session-2 on Thu 2012_09_06
> Based on the above (and barring further tweaks) ... we
now have:
> 1. Value propositions (needs, criteria, use case
scenarios, benefits, etc.)
> 2. Existing successful applications (perhaps as a case
studies) -
> including: Spatial Decision Support, ...
> solicited)
> 3. Methodologies: including, what *is* semantics, image
approaches, etc.
> 4. Review of the field of ontologies for earth science
(and existing ontologies)
> 5. Tutorials
> I have updated the wiki page accordingly too.
> see under:
> Note also the update by Naicong (on the wiki) that we now
have Gary
> Berg-Cross and Naicong Li co-chairing session-2.
> ALL - actions:
> 1. please adopt your session (I am assuming that each
and every
> member of this organizing committee will be taking on
> championship role.)
> 2. please suggest speakers (including yourselves) with
> name/title/abstract of presentation. We can compile a
list of those
> and start fitting them into the appropriate session(s).
> Thanks & regards. =ppy
> --
> On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 10:53 PM, Dalia E Varanka <dvaranka@xxxxxxxx>
>> I think there may be redundacies among points 2 + 3
and perhaps 4 should appear sooner. This draft outline needs
to be refined.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Peter Yim [peter.yim@xxxxxxxx]
>> Sent: 07/18/2012 11:01 AM MST
>> To: EarthScienceOntolog Mini-series Planning <mini-series-org@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Subject: Re: [EarthScienceOntolog] Session topics and
co-chairs for each
>> Dalia & All,
>> Great suggestions, Dalia, thanks!
>> I have posted your input to the "GettingOrganized"
wiki page
>> under:
>> Please consider the following tweaks (to 1 & 2)
>> 1. Value propositions (needs, criteria, use case
scenarios, benefits, etc.)
>> 2. Existing successful applications (perhaps as a
case studies) -
>> including: Spatial Decision Support, ...
>> solicited)
>> 3. Review of the field of ontologies for earth
science (and existing ontologies)
>> 4. Methodologies: including, what *is* semantics,
image approaches, etc.
>> 5. Tutorials
>> ALL - action:
>> AA. please provide further input - tweaks,
enhancements, finer grain
>> details, etc.
>> BB. if you like to champion (or find a partner and
co-champion) either
>> one of the sessions, please step up and "adopt" it.
>> Thanks & regards. =ppy
>> --
>> On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 1:14 AM, Dalia E Varanka <dvaranka@xxxxxxxx>
>>> Here is a possible order of sessions:
>>> 1. Value propositions (needs, criteria, etc.)
>>> 2. Spatial Decision Support (perhaps as a case
>>> 3. Review of the field of ontologies for earth
science (and existing
>>> ontologies)
>>> 4. Methodologies: including, what *is* semantics,
image approaches, etc.
>>> 5. Tutorials
>>> -----mini-series-org-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
wrote: -----
>>> To: mini-series-org@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
>>> Sent by: mini-series-org-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> Date: 07/17/2012 11:09PM
>>> Subject: [EarthScienceOntolog] Session topics and
co-chairs for each
>>> Dear All,
>>> The suggestion that this mini-series be made up
of 4 to 5 sessions
>>> makes perfect sense (ref.
>>> ).
>>> Besides the topic for the kick-off session, we
still need to identify,
>>> say 4 more topics (session titles) and to
sequence them coherently.
>>> Here's a draft calendar:
>>> Session-1: Thu 2012_08_09 - co-chairs:
KrishnaSinha & LeoObrst -
>>> "Value Proposition of Ontology and Semantic
Technology for the Earth
>>> Science Community"
>>> Session-2: Thu 2012_09_06 - co-chairs: ?? &
?? - " ??? "
>>> Session-3: Thu 2012_10_11 - co-chairs: ?? &
?? - " ??? "
>>> Session-4: Thu 2012_11_08 - co-chairs: ?? &
?? - " ??? "
>>> Session-5: Thu 2012_12_06 - co-chairs: ?? &
?? - " ??? "
>>> Here are some of the suggested topics so far ...
(in no particular
>>> order, I may also have missed some, so please add
>>> * [KrzysztofJanowicz / PascalHitzler] Value
>>> ** [NaicongLi / KrishnaSinha] how can Ontologies
help address the need
>>> of resource organization, discovery and access,
interoperability among
>>> the resources.
>>> * [GaryBergCross] suggest to have a presentation
on how the SDS team
>>> went about developing the ontologies as well as
demoing the SDS
>>> Knowledge Portal. (by NaicongLi)
>>> * [KrishnaSinha] enumerating existing ontologies
applicable to geo science
>>> * [KrishnaSinha] how do we evaluate these
existing ontologies?
>>> * [GaryBergCross] methodologies that would
provide benefits
>>> * [PascalHitzler] tutorials to provide the
targeted audience with
>>> further insights into semantic technologies
>>> ** [GaryBergCross]help earth scientists better
understand what "semantics"
>>> is
>>> ** [NancyWiegand] semantic tutorials regarding
geospatial data ... we
>>> could add earth science examples. (by JamesWilson
et al.)
>>> ** [NancyWiegand] how to represent earth science
data as linked data,
>>> especially remote sensing or sensor type data.
Maybe this has been
>>> done already.
>>> Actions:
>>> 1. Please suggest more topics
>>> 2. please suggest how we should best sequence
them into 4 more
>>> sessions (after the kick-off session)
>>> 3. please team up (say, two to three co-chairs
per session) and
>>> "adopt" your favorite topic/session which you
team will start to
>>> co-champion.
>>> 4. suggest panelists for particular topics.
>>> Look forward to hear from everyone between now
and this Friday.
>>> Thanks & regards. =ppy
>>> --
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Krzysztof Janowicz
Geography Department, University of California, Santa Barbara
5806 Ellison Hall, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4060
Email: jano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Semantic Web Journal:
Message Archives:
Community Wiki:
Project homepage:
Krzysztof Janowicz
Geography Department, University of California, Santa Barbara
5806 Ellison Hall, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4060
Email: jano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Semantic Web Journal:
Message Archives:
Community Wiki:
Project homepage:
Gary Berg-Cross, Ph.D.
NSF INTEROP Project SOCoP Executive Secretary
Knowledge Strategies Potomac, MD 240-426-0770
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