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Re: [iaoa-education] grant distribution: results?

To: IAOA Education Committee <iaoa-education@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Claudio Masolo <masolo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Galton, Antony" <A.P.Galton@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2012 13:18:42 +0100
Message-id: <B379B05F5E6A374DAA4AF41E1405AD003CA63B33FC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Stefano,    (01)

I think we've come up with a final decision now, as follows:    (02)

Registration only: Ruggieri                       150.00
Reg. + Accommodation:
        Nelcy, Skowron, Sojic, Dramé, Kless 
                                            5 x 287.85 = 1439.25
Reg + Accomm + Travel:
        Aysolmaz                                                   650.00
        Rahnama                                          1100.00
        Deniz Iren                                         600.00    (03)

                                                      Total: 3939.25 euros    (04)

Antony    (05)

From: iaoa-education-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[iaoa-education-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Stefano Borgo 
Sent: 20 April 2012 13:35
To: IAOA education
Cc: Claudio Masolo
Subject: [iaoa-education] grant distribution: results?    (06)

Dear all,
it is now quite late and we do need the final list of funded students.
Please, send it to me and Claudio asap.
Thank you for all the work done.
-Stefano    (07)

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Committee Wiki: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?IaoaEducation
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To join: please email committee chair or to: info @ iaoa.org 
IAOA website: http://iaoa.org    (09)
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