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[cctont-imp] Re: [Fwd: Re: [ontolog-forum] CCTONT work progress: Proteg

To: peter.yim@xxxxxxxx
Cc: cctont-imp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: musen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: ewallace@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 15:23:39 -0500 (EST)
Message-id: <200411232023.PAA06220@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Peter Yim wrote:
>Holger & Evan,
>1. Can you do something with Pat's latest Protege version of the [cctont]?
>2. In particular,
>(a) what would it take to go from here to something in OWL?
>(b) can we use the protege version to help us get to some of the less 
>expressive representations (e.g. UML diagrams, XML/schemas, ...)    (01)

I loaded the ontology into Protege and had a look at it.  Nice work Pat.    (02)

I'm not that familiar with Core Protege.  Is there any way to show only select
modules?  As it is, its a bit like having a flat file system with the
system files (in this case - SYSTEM-CLASS, CONSTRAINT, <=>, etc) and user files 
all in the same space.  Also, it would also be nice to view just the CCTONT 
elements without seeing all the SUMO constructs (while still being able to 
to the underlying SUMO constructs when needed).  By the way, are all those SUMO 
modules really needed here or were some (e.g. QoS) just thrown in for the heck 
it?    (03)

The Protege people will certainly be better equipt to explain what conversions
are enabled by the Protege Core rendering of CCTONT.  If I were to convert 
like this, I would be more inclined to operate on native KIF or CL forms then 
Protege KBs.  However, much like Holger, developing such conversions are not in 
current program of work.    (04)

>3. Would you be able to join us at the call this Wednesday? (ref: 
>    (05)

I could join you, if you think it might be helpful.    (06)

-Evan    (07)

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