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Re: [cctont-imp] COMMENTS: CCTONT-worksheet-v0-3a

To: CCT Ontology Implementation <cctont-imp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 12:16:48 -0700
Message-id: <40DB28A0.8000801@xxxxxxxx>
 > Sigma on is down ...    (01)

Sorry, ... but thanks for prompting. It's up and running again, now.    (02)

 > ... this afternoon's con call ...    (03)

I look forward to talking to you and Adam then.    (04)

--    (05)

Garret Minakawa wrote Thu, 24 Jun 2004 11:35:39 -0700:    (06)

> Sigma on is down so I probably won't make any additional 
> progress before this afternoon's con call.  Following are my notes as I 
> started to go through the spreadsheet (it's not much but at least it's a 
> start)
> _Core Component Types_.  The 10 CCTs do not technically have any data 
> associated with
> them.  The Primary Supplemental Component (*.Content) is where the value 
> associated with the CCT belongs.  The CCT itself is merely a container 
> to hold the Primary  Supplemental Component and Secondary Supplemental 
> Components associated with the CCT.
> For example:
> Amount. Type contains
>   Amount. Content (Primary Supplemental Component)
>   Amount Currency. Identifier (Secondary Supplemental Component)
>   Amount Currency. Code List Version. Identifier (Secondary Supplemental 
> Component)
> If Amount. Type was used as the CCT associated with Invoice. Amount, and 
> the value for  Invoice. Amount was $10.00 USD, and the code "USD" was 
> taken from version 1997-2 of  ISO 4217, the full representation of this 
> value would be
> Invoice. Amount
>   10.00   = Amount. Content
>   USD     = Amount Currency. Identifier
>   1997-2  = Amount Currency. Code List Version. Identifier
> Therefore, I'm not sure how the CCTs should be mapped to SUMO.
> _Amount. Content_.  I don't think I would have chosen monetaryValue as 
> the mapping for  this data element.  The name (monetaryValue) seems to 
> make sense but the attributes associated with monetaryValue 
> (specifically, Object) seem to be a bit too limiting.
> My interpretation of monetaryValue is representing the value of some 
> "thing" like a  car, building, furniture, etc.  Amount. Content can be 
> used to represent any monetary value - not necessarily just the value of 
> some object.    (07)

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