Collaboration Tools Employed by this Community (AUV)
- Most of the distributed collaboration support infrastructure and tools are provided by CIM Engineering, Inc. (on their CIM3.NET CoP platform) (AUW)
- Range of Tools supplied by CIM Engineering. (see post) (AUX)
Asynchronous (Different Time) Collaboration Tools (AUY)
- Navigation & Access Support: (AV3)
- Full-text Search (AV4)
- Fine grain (paragraph level) access and linking via [Purple Numbers] (AV5)
Synchronous (Same Time) Collaboration Tools (AV7)
- Real-time Shared Screen -- TightVNC (also ref VNC) (AV9)
- typically, all you need to do is to point your (java-enabled) browser to <> and enter the password when prompted (AVA)
- your network (router/firewall) should be configured to allow TCP port 5800 traffic on your Internet access for the above to work properly. (AVC)
- users who are behind a firewall (and do not have access to TCP port 5800 traffic) and is blocked from accessing the VNC server may consider running the VNC viewer locally. We have configured our VNC server to serve the shared screen traffic over port 80 (which is generally allowed in most settings). (AVD)
- to do that, you will need to download the tightvnc package or the viewer (check here to see the revision level of the tightVNC host system, which would the version you should use), and install that on your machine. (AVE)
- then, start (open) the tightvnc viewer on your machine, and, for the VNC server address, typically enter: <> (note: two colons) and enter the password when prompted (AVF)
- there will still be cases (e.g. for those who are behind tight corporate firewalls) where shared screen access will not be supported by your IT policy. Under those circumstances, one will have to download whatever intended material (say, a powerpoint slide deck) first, and then open it up locally, and follow the prompt by whoever is running the session to get in sync manually. (AVH)
- Instant Messaging -- ICQ (preferred), although others like AIM, MSN Messenger and Yahoo!Messenger are supported too. (AVI)
- For windows user, try Trillian, this client supports any/all of the above IM sessions (even IRC too). (AVJ)
- Linux users could use GAIM or licq (AVK)
File Sharing Workspace / Document Repository (AVL)
- Read (and download) access is done through your web browser; Write access (upload) is done through WebDAV file transfer. (AVM)
- FTP is no longer supported (due to its inadequate security, and vulnerability.) (AVN)
- WebDAV access can be made, for example, with the following platforms: (AVO)
- The following directories are accessible as indicated: (AVU)
Browser Access URL WebDAV Location Password Access by Typical (Recommended) Use (AVV)* E, A (AVW) * M, A Workspace; project work; meeting records; repository of the community's work documents
generally for content that this community has IPR on
(e.g. community contributions, project work by the community, or one of its workgroups, etc.)
. * M, A Library; sharing of external content collected; repository of other resources
generally for content that this community does not have IPR on, but is allowed to openly re-publish
(e.g. public domain content, open standards documents, etc.) (AVX)* * M, A the workspace is password protected (rudimentary, and role-based though)
generally for content that the community does not want to be crawled by search engines
(e.g. members contact lists, meeting records where some privacy on the discussion is desired, etc.)
.* * A (AVY) everyone File-sharing workspace with people outside the community akin to 'anonymous ftp' workspace (AVZ)
* = password authentication required;
M = ontolog-member (pw : see below)
E = ontolog-editor (e-mail Peter Yim for password)
A = ontolog-admin (e-mail Peter Yim for password) (AW0)
- See upload instructions. Note that the [ontolog] workspace is an "open" CWE. (AW1)
- If you have any question about cwe workspace access, feel free to e-mail them to Peter Yim. (AW2)
Access and Authentication (AW3)
- The general authentication pair for the ontolog community (for the role of "ontolog community members") is: (AW4)
User Name = "ontolog-member" (without the " ")
Password = "ontology" (without the " ") (AW5)
- (2047)
- please make sure the files you upload to our shared-file workspace is named according to our filenaming convention described below. (2048)
- In the case of VNC (synchronous shared screen access), unless otherwise specified, we will use the following passwords: (AW6)
View-only password = "ontolog" (without the " ")
View-and-control pw = "ontology" (without the " ") (AW7)
- VNC connectivity FAQ (AWB)
- Configuring your firewall to allow MS-NetMeeting to work properly (AWF)