OntologySummit2014: April 28 & 29, 2014 Symposium (Face-to-Face Workshop) (47TE)
The culmination of OntologySummit2014 - a 2-day workshop and symposium event in the Greater Washington, DC Area hosted by NCO_NITRD. The event will be held at the NSF Stafford Place (near the Ballston Station of the DC Metro - Arlington, Virginia) and will support both face-to-face (on-site) and virtual (remote) participation! ... Participation is free of charge. (47TF)
.. [more pics (PPY)] ... [even more pics (RDS)] (480Q)
Theme: Ontology Summit 2014: Big Data and Semantic Web Meet Applied Ontology (47TG)
9th in the series of a 3-month annual event by and for the Ontology Community and their collaborators. This Summit is co-organized by Ontolog, NIST, NCOR, NCBO, IAOA & NCO_NITRD (480R)
- Ontology Summit 2014: General Co-chairs: Professor MichaelGruninger & Dr. LeoObrst (480S)
- Keynote speakers & Highlights ... (see agenda) (4AWF)
- Dr. GeorgeStrawn (Director, NCO_NITRD) (4AWG)
- Dr. FarnamJahanian (Assistant Director, CISE, NSF) (4AWH)
- Mr. DanielKaufman (Director, Information Innovation Office (I2O), DARPA) (4AWI)
- Dr. PhilipBourne (Associate Director for Data Sciences, NIH) (4AWJ)
- Day-2: Panel - Co-chairs: Professor MichaelGruninger & Dr. LeoObrst, with Panelists: (4D7W)
- Venue, Remote dial-in & Registration, information (480U)
- On-site registration is now closed! If you still want to participate, please register yourself for remote participation. (4CY2)
- (just for the records) On-site participation: please register here (make sure you've clicked the "submit" button before leaving the registration page.) ... Registration for on-site attendance is mandatory; registration will close on April 23, 2014, or (sooner) as the limited capacity to accommodate participants gets filled. (480V)
- Remote participation is supported (480W)
Goals (480Z)
Since the beginnings of the Semantic Web, ontologies have played key roles in the design and deployment of new semantic technologies. Yet over the years, the level of collaboration between the Semantic Web and Applied Ontology communities has been much less than expected. Within Big Data applications, ontologies appear to have had little impact. (4810)
This year's Ontology Summit is an opportunity for building bridges between the Semantic Web, Linked Data, Big Data, and Applied Ontology communities. On the one hand, the Semantic Web, Linked Data, and Big Data communities can bring a wide array of real problems (such as performance and scalability challenges and the variety problem in Big Data) and technologies (automated reasoning tools) that can make use of ontologies. On the other hand, the Applied Ontology community can bring a large body of common reusable content (ontologies) and ontological analysis techniques. Identifying and overcoming ontology engineering bottlenecks is critical for all communities. (4811)
OntologySummit2014 will pose and address the primary challenges in these areas of interaction among the different communities. The Summit activities will bring together insights and methods from these different communities, synthesize new insights, and disseminate knowledge across field boundaries. (4812)
In the course of the Symposium, we shall distill the results from this summit's 3.5 months of research, discourse, analysis, synthesis and to present this knowledge in the form of presentations and a broadly distributed communique collective produced by the participants of this OntologySummit. (4813)
Session Details: (4814)
- Date: Monday, 28-Apr-2013 & Tuesday 29-Apr-2013 (4815)
- Start Time: (both days) 9:00am EDT / 6:00am PDT / 3:00pm CEST / 2:00pm BST / 13:00 UTC (4816)
- World Clock ref: [ Thursday 28-APR ] and [ Tuesday 29-APR ] (4817)
- On-site participants should arrive at the venue 30 minutes before the session start time, and remote participants should dial into the conference bridge at 10 minutes before the scheduled start time. (4818)
- Expected Call Duration: please refer to [ agenda details below] (4819)
- Remote Participant Dial-in: see - Conference Call Details (481A)
- In-session chat-room url: (481B)
- (for day-1) http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/summit_20140428 & (481C)
- (for day-2) http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/summit_20140429 (481D)
- instructions: once you got access to the page, click on the "settings" button, and identify yourself (by modifying the Name field from "anonymous" to your real name, like "JaneDoe"). (481E)
- You can indicate that you want to ask a question verbally by clicking on the "hand" button, and wait for the moderator to call on you; or, type and send your question into the chat window at the bottom of the screen. (481F)
- thanks to the soaphub.org folks, one can now use a jabber/xmpp client (e.g. gtalk) to join this chatroom. Just add the room as a buddy - (in our case here) summit_20130502@soaphub.org (for day-1) & summit_20130503@soaphub.org (for day-2) ... Handy for mobile devices! (481G)
- Discussions and Q & A: (481H)
- Nominally, when a presentation is in progress, the moderator will mute everyone, except for the speaker. (481I)
- To un-mute, press "*7" ... To mute, press "*6" (please mute your phone, especially if you are in a noisy surrounding, or if you are introducing noise, echoes, etc. into the conference line.) (481J)
- we will usually save all questions and discussions till after all presentations are through. You are encouraged to jot down questions onto the chat-area in the mean time (that way, they get documented; and you might even get some answers in the interim, through the chat.) (481K)
- During the Q&A / discussion segment (when everyone is muted), If you want to speak or have questions or remarks to make, please raise your hand (virtually) by clicking on the "hand button" (lower right) on the chat session page. You may speak when acknowledged by the session moderator (again, press "*7" on your phone to un-mute). Test your voice and introduce yourself first before proceeding with your remarks, please. (Please remember to click on the "hand button" again (to lower your hand) and press "*6" on your phone to mute yourself after you are done speaking.) (481L)
- For those who cannot join us, or who have further questions or remarks on the summit topic and content, please post them to the [ ontology-summit ] listserv so that everyone in the community can benefit from the discourse. (481M)
- Registration: see - OntologySummit2014/WorkshopRegistration (481N)
- The virtual session, like all other Ontolog events, is open to the public. Information relating to this session is shared on this wiki page: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014_Symposium (481O)
- Please note that this session may be recorded, and if so, the audio/video archive is expected to be made available as open content, along with the proceedings of the call to our community membership and the public at-large under our prevailing open IPR policy. (481P)
- Logistics: (481Q)
- Emergency: (481V)
- call NCO_NITRD: Angela Carter (703-292-7931) or their front desk at: 703-292-4873 (481W)
Resources: (481X)
- OntologySummit2014 (481Y)
- OntologySummit2014_Communique (Co-lead Editors: MichaelGruninger & LeoObrst) (481Z)
- Ontology Summit 2014 Website - ... (championed by MarcelaVegetti) (4820)
- Pictures from this face-to-face Symposium-Workshop: [pics from Peter Yim] ; [pics from Ram Sriram] ; [unedited video clips from Ram Sriram] (4821)
- Key Events Calendar: (4822)
- Organization of the Structured Discourse & Content Pages: (4824)
- (Track-A) Common Reusable Semantic Content (4825)
- (Track-B) Making use of Ontologies: Tools, Services, and Techniques (4827)
- (Track-C) Overcoming Ontology Engineering Bottlenecks (4829)
- (Track-D) Tackling the Variety Problem in Big Data (482B)
- OntologySummit2014_Tackling_Variety_in_BigData_Synthesis (championed by: KenBaclawski, AnneThessen ) (482C)
- (Track-E) Hackathon (482D)
- OntologySummit2014_Hackathon (championed by: DanBrickley, AnatolyLevenchuk, KenBaclawski) (482E)
- (Track-F) Communique and Publications (482F)
- OntologySummit2014_Publications (championed by the co-champions: ToddSchneider, FrancescaQuattri) (482G)
- OntologySummit2014_Communique/Draft (championed by the communique editors) (482H)
- OntologySummit2014_Communique (championed by the co-lead editors) (482I)
- (Track-G) Community Resources (Library, Data Collection, Ontology Repository, etc.) (482J)
- OntologySummit2014_CommunityResources (championed by the co-champions: AmandaVizedom, OliverKutz) (482K)
- OntologySummit2014 Ontology Summit Community Library (hosted on Zotero.org) (482L)
- OntologySummit2014 Ontology Repository (hosted on OntoHub) (482M)
- [ontology-summit] mailing list archives - http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontology-summit/ (482N)
- to subscribe to this discussion list: send a blank message from your subscribing email address to <ontology-summit-join@ontolog.cim3.net> or visit http://ontolog.cim3.net/mailman/listinfo/ontology-summit/ and subscribe yourself there (482O)
- OntologySummit (482P)
Program / Agenda (482Q)
Sunday, April 27, 2014 (4CY6)
Participants who are in Arlington Sunday evening and interested in joining up for a pre-symposium dinner can meet at the lobby of the Westin Arlington Gateway (the conference hotel) at 7:00pm. (4CY7)
Monday, April 28, 2014 (482S)
Day 1: ... [ Archives ] (482T)
8:30 am: Breakfast and Introduction (482U)
9:00 am: Welcome - GeorgeStrawn, Director, NCO_NITRD ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (482V)
9:10 am: General Ontology Summit Symposium Introductions and Information - RamSriram and TimFinin, Symposium Co-chairs ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (482W)
9:20 am: Ontology Summit Opening Remarks - LeoObrst and MichaelGruninger, Ontology Summit 2014 General Co-chairs ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (482X)
9:30 am: Keynote 1: "Accelerating Innovation in big Data: From Data to Knowledge to Action" - Dr. FarnamJahanian, Assistant Director, CISE, National Science Foundation (see https://www.nsf.gov/cise/bios/farnam.jsp) ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (4CU2)
10:30 am 11:00am Break (4CU3)
11:00 am: Summary Report: Track-C Overcoming Ontology Engineering Bottlenecks - Co-Champions: MatthewWest, KrzysztofJanowicz, PascalHitzler (remote-presentation by MatthewWest) ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (482Y)
11:45 am: Summary Report: Track-B Making use of Ontologies: Tools, Services, and Techniques - Co-Champions: ChristophLange, AlanRector (remote-presentation by ChristophLange) ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (482Z)
12:30 2:00 pm: Lunch on your own (4830)
2:00 pm: Keynote 2: "Data at the NIH: Some Early Thoughts" - Dr. PhilipBourne, Associate Director for Data Sciences, NIH (see http://www.sdsc.edu/~bourne/) ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (4CU4)
3:00 pm: Summary Report: Track-A Common Reusable Semantic Content - Co-Champions: MikeBennett, GaryBergCross, AndreaWesterinen ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (4831)
3:45 pm: Summary Report: Track-D Tackling the Variety Problem in Big Data - Co-champions: KenBaclawski, AnneThessen (remote-presentation) ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (4832)
4:30 pm: Community Resources, Outreach, Web Site, Program Management and Production Discussions (4834)
- Report from Track G: Community Resources - Co-champions: AmandaVizedom and OliverKutz (4CU5)
- OntologySummit Community Library on Zotero.org AmandaVizedom [6 min] ... [ library link ] [ audio ] (4CU6)
- Report from Track R: Outreach - Co-champions: AmandaVizedom, MarcelaVegetti (MatthewWest-advisor) (4CU8)
- Outreach (social media and sponsor relationship) AmandaVizedom [6 min] ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (4CU9)
- Ontology Summit (public-facing) website MarcelaVegetti [6 min] (remote-presentation) ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (4CUA)
- Ontology Summit semantic (psmw) wiki-site KenBaclawski, TejasParikh, SimonSpero, PeterYim [6 min] (PeterYim presenting) ... [ no slides - url's on chat ] [ audio ] (4CUB)
- Report from Track M: Program management (includes operations, logistics, production) - Co-champions: PeterYim, ChristiKapp (4CUE)
- The Ontology Summit process, logistics and production ChristiKapp, PeterYim [8 min] (remote-presentation by ChristiKapp) ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (4CUF)
5:15 pm: Remarks: The Ontology Summit Operation in Perspective PeterYim [15 min] ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (4CUG)
- PeterYim was presented with the "First Peter Yim Award for outstanding Service in support of Ontological Engineering" by LeoObrst and MichaelGruninger (see also 4) (4DBO)
5:30 pm: End of Day 1 Business (4837)
6:30 pm: Group Dinner at The Front Page (4201 Wilson Boulevard, RSVP, map) (4838)
Tuesday, April 29, 2014 (4839)
Day 2: ... [ Archives ] (483A)
8:30 am: Breakfast and Networking ... [ agenda slides ] (483B)
9:00 am: Keynote 3: "6 Impossible Things Before Breakfast" - Mr. DanielKaufman, Director Information Innovation Office, DARPA (see http://www.darpa.mil/Our_Work/I2O/Personnel/Mr__Daniel_Kaufman.aspx) ... [ slides available in real time on shared-screen only ] [ audio ] (483C)
10:00 am: Presentation of the OntologySummit2014_Communique Co-lead Editors: MichaelGruninger and LeoObrst ... [ Communique Final Draft ] [ audio ] (483E)
10:45 am: Affirmation of Communiqué by community - Communiqué and Publication Track Co-champions: ToddSchneider and FrancescaQuattri (483F)
11:00 am 11:15 am: Break (4CW9)
11:15 am: Hackathon Project Reports (Co-champions): AnatolyLevenchuk, DanBrickley (KenBaclawski, Advisor) (483G)
Moderators: TimFinin / RamSriram - Overview: AnatolyLevenchuk [5 min.] (remote-presentation) ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (483H)
- Reference data for Anime and Manga: Semantic Linking and Publishing of Diverse Data-Sets (Team lead: VictorAgroskin) [12~15 min] (remote-presentation) ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (4CUH)
- Ontology Design Patterns and Semantic Abstractions in Ontology Integration (Team lead: MikeBennett) [12~15 min] ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (4CUI)
- Optimized SPARQL performance management via native API (Team lead: VictorChernov) [12~15 min] (remote-presentation) ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (4CUJ)
- Ontohub Consolidation (Team lead: TillMossakowski, OliverKutz) [12~15 min] (remote-presentation) ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (4CUK)
- An ontological catalog of ontology and metadata vocabulary characteristics relevant to suitability for semantic web and big data applications (a.k.a. VOCREF: Vocabulary and Ontology Characteristics Relevant to Evaluation of Fitness) (Team lead: AmandaVizedom) [12~15 min] ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (4CUL)
- Semantic Annotation of the Ontolog Community Environment (SAOCE) (Team lead: KenBaclawski) [12~15 min] (remote-presentation) ... [ slides ] [ audio ] (4CUM)
12:45 pm 2:00 pm: Lunch on your own (483I)
2:00 pm: Panel: Big Data and Semantic Web Meet Applied Ontology: The Future - Co-chairs: MichaelGruninger & LeoObrst ... [ discussion questions ] [ audio ] (483J)
Panelists: (4CUN)
- CarolBean, NCBO, Stanford University (4D87)
- TimFinin, UMBC (4CWA)
- MarkFox, University of Toronto (4CUO)
- FrankOlken, NSF (4CUS)
- AshitTalukder, NIST (4CUQ)
3:30 pm: Conclusion & Next Steps: (483K)
- IAOA Best Ontology Summit Hackathon Prize - MichaelGruninger (4CUT)
- Winner of the IAOA OntologySummit2014 Hackathon Prize is: Ontology Design Patterns and Semantic Abstractions in Ontology Integration - Lead by MikeBennett and GaryBergCross (4DBP)
- IAOA Semantic Web Applied Ontology Special Interest Group (SWAO SIG) - LeoObrst ... [ slides ] (4CUU)
- Concluding remarks and next steps - RamSriram and TimFinin [ audio ] (4CUV)
4:00 pm: Symposium Adjourn (483L)
4:00 - 5:30 pm: BOF sessions (483M)
- BOF sessions (self organized) (4CUW)
- Establishing FIBO Content Teams, lead by DennisWisnosky (Wizdom Systems) and MikeBennett (EDM Council) (4CWC)
- ... (TBA) (4CWD)
5:30 pm: Adjourn (483N)
Transcript of the online chat during the session: (483O)
Mon 2014.04.28 (483P)
see raw transcript here. (483Q)
(for better clarity, the version below is a [ re-organized and lightly edited chat-transcript].) Participants are welcome to make light edits to their own contributions as they see fit. (483R)
-- begin of chat session -- (483S)
-- end of chat session -- (483T)
Tue 2014.04.29 (483U)
see raw transcript here. (483V)
(for better clarity, the version below is a [ re-organized and lightly edited chat-transcript].) Participants are welcome to make light edits to their own contributions as they see fit. (483W)
-- begin of chat session -- (483X)
-- end of chat session -- (483Y)
- ... More Questions (483Z)
- For those who have further questions or remarks on the topic, please post them to the "ontology-summit" list so that everyone in the community can benefit from the discourse. (4840)
Audio (Video) Recording of the Workshop Sessions: (4841)
- edited and post-processed audio segment will be posted against the corresponding agenda items [ above] later ...(coming!) (4842)
- a set of (raw) unedited recordings can be found here (4843)
- a few (raw) unedited video clips can be found here too. (from RamSriram (RDS) ... thank you, Ram!) (4DBQ)
- suggestions: (4844)
- its best that you listen to the session while having the respective [ presentations] opened in front of you. You'll be prompted to advance slides by the speaker. (4845)
- You'd probably find these to be of interest: full proceedings (including audio recordings) of the 15 virtual sessions of OntologySummit2014 that proceded this Symposium-Workshop can be accessed under: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014#nid423H (4DEH)
- Take a look, also, at the rich body of knowledge that this community has built together, over the years, by going through the archives of noteworthy past Ontolog events. (References on how to subscribe to our podcast can also be found there.) (4846)
For the records ... (4847)
How To Join Remotely (while the session is in progress) (4848)
- 1. Dial in with a phone: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014/WorkshopRegistration#nid484Y (4849)
- 2. Open chat in a new browser window: (484A)
- 2.1 (for day-1) http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/summit_20140428 & (484B)
- 2.2 (for day-2) http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/summit_20140429 (484C)
- 3. Download the presentation for each speaker by clicking on the [ slides ] link associated with each agenda item. (484D)
- or, 3.1 optionally, access our shared-screen vnc server, if you are not behind a corporate firewall (4D7S)