OntologySummit2007 Follow-up: CEW#63 Panels (12RV)
This is working page for the preparation of the two Ontolog Panels that we are setting on for presentation at the Collaborative Expedition Workshop #63 (July 17 & 18, 2007 at NSF, Arlington, VA, USA.) (12RW)
Background: (12RX)
SusanTurnbull featured the "community process" of this Summit on the Tue 2007.07.17 Collaborative Expedition Workshop (CEW#63 to be held at NSF, Arlington, VA, USA) as part of her exposition into the process, dynamics, potential and realities of a few of the exemplary virtual communities during that one-day workshop. T T (12RY)
Workshop Title: "Towards Stable Meaning and Records Preservation in Information-Sharing: Building the Way Forward Together" (12SS)
Refer to the latest agenda of CEW#63 at: http://colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ExpeditionWorkshop/TowardsStabilityInInformationSharing_2007_07_17 (12ST)
Description (12RZ)
As SusanTurnbull has it on her preliminary program, there will be two panels, one each on Jul-17 (Tue) & Jul-18 (Wed). Topics as described below. (12S8)
- Panel-1: Lessons Learned from Virtual Organizing for the OntologySummit2007 (12S9)
- Tue 17-Jul-2007 11:25am~12:30pm - total: 80 minutes (12SA)
- Panel-2: The Role of Ontology in Records Management (12SB)
- Wed 18-Jul-2007 11:05am~12:30pm - total: 85 minutes (12SC)
The Team (12S0)
- SusanTurnbull (12SM)
- PeterYim (12SL)
- SteveRay (12SD)
- LeoObrst (12SI)
- FrankOlken (12SE)
- DeniseBedford (12SF)
- ElisaKendall (12SJ)
- KenBaclawski (12SG)
- DougHolmes (12SH)
- Also: (candidate participants that will add value to the overall workshop) (12SK)
- JoshLubell and RachuriSudarsan from NIST who ran the "Long Term Sustainment of Digital Information for Science and Engineering: Putting the Pieces Together" workshop during the 2007 NIST Interoperability Week in parallel with the OntologySummit2007 workshops (12SP)
- RexBrooks and BobSmith who are spearheading ontology-driven Emergency Management standards development activities. (12SQ)
- BobSmith also Co-chairs with DeniseBedford in the OntologTaxoThesaurus Project which, among others, aims at taking some of the best practices from the World Bank methodology to ontologize the Ontolog body of knowledge. (12SR)
- Panel-1: (12S1)
- Panel-2: (12S2)
Content Design (12S3)
- What: candidate Content / Message(s) (12S4)
- PeterYim can start by introducing Ontolog (the community, it's charter, and other background information) and SteveRay can then provide an overview of the genesis, the process and some of the salient outcome of OntologySummit2007 (12SU)
- LeoObrst can do an anchor piece on "the role of ontology in records management" to start the discussion on that topic (12T8)
- see some of Leo's talking points at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontology-summit/2007-07/msg00000.html#nid08 (12T9)
- DeniseBedford, talking on some of the World Bank taxonomy and ontology best practices and the OntologTaxoThesaurus initiative, will provide a bridge to her fellow World Bank presenter's talk at this workshop - "Records, Archives, and Transparency in the Development Community: Initiatives from the World Bank Group Archives", by World Bank Archivist, Elisa Liberatori-Prati (see: agenda ref.) (12SV)
- Title for Denise' briefing is: "Records Management Ontologies" (12TD)
- see Denise' World Bank references at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/resource/reference/WorldBank-DeniseBedford-doc/ (12TF)
- ElisaKendall, presenting on the MDA & ODM standards she co-champions at OMG will complement the other OMG talks at this workshop and help highlight our Panel-2 theme: "The Role of Ontology in Records Management" (12SW)
- How: The Delivery (12S5)
The Plan (12S6)
- Process in general: anchors do a brief 10 minutes (15 min. max; say, 5~6 slides) to frame the issues; then go around the panel (5 min.; 1~3 slides) to bring out the salient points and get our message across; then open to the floor for Q&A and discussion (12U4)
- Who: (in order of appearance) (12S7)
- Panel-1: Lessons from OntologySummit2007) (12X1)
- SteveRay, PeterYim, FrankOlken, KenBaclawski, DougHolmes, DeniseBedford, Panelists Exchange, SusanTurnbull, Floor (12X2)
- Panel-2: Role of Ontology in Records Management (12X3)
- PeterYim, ElisaKendall, DeniseBedford, FrankOlken, LeoObrst, Panelists & Other Ontolog Members, Floor (12X4)
- Panel-1: Lessons from OntologySummit2007) (12X1)
- Agenda: (draft - as at 2007.07.16-22:20 PDT) (12SN)
- Panel-1: Lessons Learned from Virtual Organizing for the OntologySummit2007 - Tue 17-Jul-2007 11:25am~12:30pm - total: 80 minutes - slides (12X5)
- Opening - SteveRay & PeterYim (12X6)
- Panelists insights - (12X9)
- FrankOlken: the community process to collaboratively developing a framework document (12XA)
- KenBaclawski: populating the framework, survey and analysis (12XB)
- DougHolmes: observations and insights - especially on the forum discourse and momentum of the work) (12XC)
- DeniseBedford: OntologySummit2007 and Beyond (12XE)
- SusanTurnbull: Susan's personal observations and insights; and open us up to the floor (12XF)
- Q&A, and discussion from the floor (12XG)
- Panel-2: The Role of Ontology in Records Management - Wed 18-Jul-2007 11:05am~12:30pm - total: 85 minutes (12XH)
- Opening - PeterYim, why are we here; introducing the panel (12XI)
- Briefings - (12XJ)
- ElisaKendall: "Emerging issues in vocabulary management, ontology publication and specification management from an OMG perspective" (12XK)
- JoshLubell: "Standards for Long-Term Retention of Digital Information: Can Ontologies Help?" (12XS)
- FrankOlken: "Potential Ontology Applications for National Science Foundation Records Management" (12XM)
- LeoObrst: "Ontologies Can't Help Records Management ... Or Can They?" (12XN)
- DeniseBedford: "Records Management Ontologies" (12XL)
- Panelists Exchange, and input from other Ontolog members at the workshop (12XO)
- Q&A, and discussion from the floor (12XP)
Resources (12TA)
- Archives of the Discussion List: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontology-summit/2007-07/ (12TB)
- work-in-progress shared-file workspace: http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/wip/cew-63/ (12Y2)