OpenOntologyRepository: OOR Metadata Workshop-II - Fri 2011_05_13 (2T62)
Topic: OOR Metadata Workshop-II (2T63)
Session Chair: MichaelGruninger (2T64)
Archives: (2T65)
- Please refer to the proceedings of ... (2TKJ)
- (This session) OOR Metadata Workshop-II below (2UKT)
- OOR Metadata Workshop-I at OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_03_18 (2UKU)
- Audio recording of this session [ 0:50:41 ; mp3 ; 5.8 MB ] (2TKK)
- chat-transcript from this session (2TKL)
Conference Call Details: (2TKM)
- Date: Friday, 13-May-2011 (2TKN)
- Start time: 6:00am PDT / 9:00am EDT / 3:00pm CEST / 2:00pm BST / 13:00 UTC (2TKO)
- ref: World Clock (2TKP)
- Expected Call Duration: 1.0 hours ... Note that we have a hard stop at 10:00am EDT and will need to wrap up by 8:55am EDT (2TKQ)
- Dial-in Number: (2TKR)
- In-session chat-room url: (2TL5)
- Shared-screen support (VNC session), if applicable, will be started 5 minutes before the call at: (2TL6)
- view-only password: "ontolog" (2TL7)
- RSVP to appreciated, ... or simply just by adding yourself to the "Expected Attendee" list below (if you are a member of the team.) (2TL8)
- This session, like all other Ontolog events, is open to the public. Information relating to this session is shared on this wiki page: (2TL9)
- Please note that this session may be recorded, and if so, the audio archive is expected to be made available as open content, along with the proceedings of the call to our community membership and the public at-large under our prevailing open IPR policy. (2TLA)
Attendees (2T69)
- Attended: (2T6A)
- Expecting: (2T6C)
- (2T6H)
- ... if you are coming to the meeting, please add your name above (plus your affiliation, if you aren't already a member of the community) above, or e-mail <> so that we can reserve enough resources to support everyone's participation. (2T66)
Agenda Ideas (2TLC)
please insert agenda ideas below ... (2TLD)
- continue from the 2011.03.18 discussion on Metadata needs for the OOR (2TLE)
- explore what resources are needed to carry this work forward, and solicit volunteers (2TLF)
- ... if we have some extra time, we might spend a few minutes to see if there are questions about the OOR-Logo (2TLG)
References: (2TLH)
- Proceedings of OOR Metadata Workshop-I and MichaelGruninger's opening slides from that session (2TLI)
- Metadata for Ontologies - from the OntologySummit2008_Communique (2TLJ)
- Metadata requirement - as stipulated in the OOR IPR Policy (2TLK)
- The Joint OpenOntologyRepository-OntologySummit2008 Panel Discussion Session - ConferenceCall_2008_04_10 (2TLL)
- Presentation by PeterHaase "The OMV Ontology Metadata Vocabulary" at that session (2TLM)
- Ontology Metadata Vocabulary - OMV (2TLN)
- OpenOntologyRepository_Architecture (2TLO)
- OpenOntologyRepository_UseCases - (2TQZ)
Agenda & Proceedings (2TLP)
1. Meeting called to order: (2TLQ)
- MichaelGruninger takes the chair and welcome everyone (2TLR)
- Review and adopt agenda (2TLS)
- PeterYim volunteered to keep a record of the proceedings (2TLT)
2. Roll Call: (2TLU)
- see above (2TLV)
- new participant introduction (as required) (2TQD)
- Dr. MariCarmenSuarezFigueroa from the Ontology Engineering Group (OEG) of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain (2TQE)
3. Key items for review and discussion today: (2TLW)
3.1 Opening: - by MichaelGruninger (2TLX)
The objective of this workshop is to address the following questions: (2TQM)
- Is the metadata specified by OMV adequate to support the OOR use cases? ( (2TQN)
- What additional concepts related to ontology metadata (or what extensions to OMV) are required to support the OMV use cases? (2TQO)
These are empirical questions that we can answer, given some effort. (2TQP)
3.2 Discussion: (2TLY)
- see archives above (2TLZ)
- From the 2011.03.18 "OOR Metadata Workshop-I": (2TM0)
- 1. review Ken's use cases to validate the adequacy of OMV - near term (2TM1)
- 2. research, discussion, sought expert advice on state-of-art on versioning, identifier, etc. - medium term (2TM2)
- 3. drive the sandbox to production box transition - urgent (2TM3)
- Specific question for the OOR Team: (2TQ8)
- continued discussion and exploration of the above ... (2TQC)
- explore what resources are needed to carry this work forward, and solicit volunteers (2TM4)
- [OT] (optionally) ... if we have some extra time, we might spend a few minutes to see if there are questions about the OOR-Logo (2TM5)
3.3 IM Chat Transcript captured during the session: (2TM6)
see raw transcript here. (2TM7)
(for better clarity, the version below is a re-organized and lightly edited chat-transcript.) Participants are welcome to make light edits to their own contributions as they see fit. (2TM8)
-- begin in-session chat-transcript -- (2TM9)
PeterYim: Welcome to the (2UKV)
OpenOntologyRepository: OOR Metadata Workshop-I - Fri 2011_05_13 (2UKW)
Topic: OOR Metadata Workshop-II (2UKX)
Session Chair: MichaelGruninger (2UKY)
see details on the session page at: (2UKZ)
anonymous morphed into MariCarmenSuarezFigueroa (2UL0)
MariCarmenSuarezFigueroa: Bodil Nistrup (2UL1)
JouniTuominen: As a reference, in ONKI we describe ontologies with following metadata: (2UL2)
JouniTuominen: When we designed the metadata schema, we weren't aware of the OMV. It would be reasonable to make it OMV-compatible, by using OMV properties when possible, and extending it when necessary. (2UL3)
MariCarmenSuarezFigueroa: do you have documentation about those metadata? Any document, or figure? (2UL4)
MikeBennett: Just a heads-up: we have started joint work with the OMG on Semantics Repository standardization; a major component is how to socialize the middle/upper ontology content. We would expect to leverage OMV terms. (2UL5)
MichaelGruninger: What metadata do we require to support modularity? (2UL6)
MichaelGruninger: What extensions to OMV are needed to support additional ontology representation languages such as Common Logic? (2UL7)
MikeBennett: We are still working out what is the best formal approach - at present we've got placeholder terms for most content, will look at how to align with external ontologies. In particular, not ontology-level terms but terms about terms (SKOS type of terms etc.). (2UL8)
TimDarr: This is the only relationship between ontologies that we would be interested in. We typically decompose our ontologies as taxonomies, relations, and rules. (2UL9)
TimDarr: A query, it seems to me, should match against the "composition" as opposed to the individual components. (2ULA)
PeterYim: [action] JouniTuominen will do a comparison of the ONKI metadata schema with OMV and report back (at the next workshop) (2ULB)
MichaelGruninger: @Tim: The modularity I was thinking about is along the lines of an ontology that combines a time ontology, a product ontology, and a business process ontology, which in turn extends a generic process ontology. How are all of these ontologies related to each other? (2ULC)
TimDarr: @Mike Is that different from the OMV import relations? (2ULD)
MikeBennett: THe kinds of ontologies we are looking at include UN-FAO, REA, XBRL (probably XBRL-GL), OWL Time, OMG's Time model, (2ULE)
TimDarr: OMV provides a way to list the ontologies that are imported (2ULF)
MikeBennett: Future one would include GeoNames, any ISO standards that are ontologies; (2ULG)
PeterYim: maybe we can take MikeBennett's use cases ... and see if OMV suffices (or what extensions are necessary to meet his needs) (2ULH)
MikeBennett: Units of Measure (2ULI)
MikeBennett: Action on me: Define Use Case (2ULJ)
MikeBennett: @Michael at 14:33 this is very much our use case (2ULK)
MichaelGruninger: @Tim: In COLORE, we make distinctions between conservative and nonconservative extensions. In the latter case, some modules allow the entailment of new axioms (2ULL)
MikeBennett: I am working through an example with the REA ontology to see what approaches work best. (2ULM)
TimDarr: Use vs. extend, for example? (2ULN)
MikeBennett: I have a draft paper on that which might be useful. (2ULO)
TimDarr: Yes (2ULP)
TimDarr: That sort of ontology-to-ontology relationship seems to me to be useful: what you are doing with the ontology that you import. (2ULQ)
MikeBennett: Our challenges are two-fold: The SR ontology adds decorative terms (Archetypes) which are not an OWL concept, and it disposes all high level terms under 3 top level lattices. So most (not all) external ontologies which have owl:Thing at the top, would be redisposed under the Sowa-derived lattice (2ULR)
MichaelGruninger: Would it make sense to focus on a particular domain or a particular set of ontologies such as time? (2ULS)
MikeBennett: Time ontology efforts: W3C time; OMG draft work; Mayo Clinic (Cui Tao, paper at ICBO in Buffalo in July); FpML derived time terms; our own draft terms (2ULT)
MikeBennett: PatHayes: Catalog of Temporal Theories (2ULU)
MikeBennett: One thing we are thinking of is separating business domain specific (Legal, Accounting) versus domain neutral things like time and math and units of measure which are not related to any industry (2ULV)
MariCarmenSuarezFigueroa: Related to TimDarr's comment: with OMV you can describe the relationships between two ontologies (imports, versions, compatibility); and if more are needed OMV can be extended. (2ULW)
PeterYim: In the interest (and urgency) of our need to stand up a "production" instance of the OOR ... noting that we only have a "sandbox" instance of OOR now, and that the key differentiation between the two is the implementation of "Gate Keeping" which, among other things, *requires* anyone who uploads an ontology to OOR to populate the metadata (which is not required for the OOR-sandbox - Question: can we just go ahead and implement the "Gate Keeper" with OMV (as is) or (we here, take the time to) specify a "minimal required subset" ... can we discuss this? (2ULX)
MikeBennett: Tree analogy: mid level is under-specified. things like legal, country, legal entity, are owned by some industry but are terms which other industry need to refer to (financial: securities are contracts; insurance: risk etc. (2ULY)
MichaelGruninger: @MikeBennett: Which of the ontologies that you mention in your chat posts can be submitted to OOR Sandbox? (2ULZ)
MikeBennett: @MichaelGruninger the thing that can be submitted at present: OMG time work when this is done. The Mayo work definitely. Need to deduplicate these two (2UM0)
MichaelGruninger: Action Item 1: Focus on time ontologies as a testbed for exploring relationships between ontologies (2UM1)
KenBaclawski: The OMV would have to be extended to deal with the gatekeeping metadata such as the owner, group, status, rights, etc. I noticed that the onki ontology has some properties dealing with these issues. (2UM2)
MariCarmenSuarezFigueroa: Metadata such as status, developers, rights, etc. are also covered by OMV. We can analyse which ones from ONKI are not covered yet by OMV. (2UM3)
MikeBennett: Accounting: XBRL and REA which have related but different terms and ontological commitments (2UM4)
TimDarr: How about something like SPIN? (2UM5)
MichaelGruninger: Action Item: Contact GaryBergCross (SOCoP) to contribute geospatial ontologies to OOR Sandbox (2UM6)
MikeBennett: Geographical ontologies would be a very useful area to align and cross reference ontologies (for instance UN-FAO has very specific scope; ISO 3166 has no axioms; GeoNames?... (2UM7)
MikeBennett: Geographical is a good one to focus on because it is more like an "industry" vertical (there are expert bodies, standard bodies etc. specific to it) but it is a set of terms which almost any ontology will need to refer to (securities; buildings management; etc.) (2UM8)
MikeBennett: And if anyone wants to be involved in the OMG joint work drop me a mail (2UM9)
PeterYim: Next session: Fri 5/20 "Architecture & API - V" ... then Fri 5/27 "Metadata III" (2UMA)
PeterYim: -- session ended: 7:01am PDT -- (2UMB)
-- end of in-session chat-transcript -- (2TMA)
4. Any Other Business: (2TMB)
5. Action items: (2TMC)
6. Schedule Next Meeting & Adjourn: (2TMD)
- Next Meeting: (2TME)
- Barring unforeseen circumstances, we will be back at the "OOR Architecture API Workshop-V" next week (2TMF)
- Date: Fri 2011.05.20 - Start time: 6:00am PDT / 9:00am EDT / 3:00pm CEST / 2:00pm BST / 13:00 UTC (ref. worldclock) (2TMG)
- see developing session page is at OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_05_20 (2TMH)
- Barring unforeseen circumstances, we will be back at the "OOR Architecture API Workshop-V" next week (2TMF)
- Call adjourned at: 7:01 am PDT (2TMI)
-- notes taken by: PeterYim / 2011.05.13-___am PDT All participants, please review and edit to enhance accuracy and granularity of the documented proceedings. (2TMJ)
Resources (2TMK)
- OOR Homepage - OpenOntologyRepository - (2UMC)
- OOR Charter - To promote the global use and sharing of ontologies by: 1. establishing a hosted registry-repository; 2. enabling and facilitating open, federated, collaborative ontology repositories; 3. establishing best practices for expressing interoperable ontology and taxonomy work in registry-repositories. (2UMD)
- "Ontology Repository" Definition - "An ontology repository is a facility where ontologies and related information artifacts can be stored, retrieved and managed" (2UME)
- Team mailling list: (2UMF)
- OOR-Team discussion: [ oor-forum ]''' message archives - (2UMG)
- OOR-Users discussion and support: [ oor-users ]''' message archives - (2UMH)
- Developers mailling list: [ oor-dev ] message archives - (2UMI)
- proceedings of our previous meetings, panel discussions and workshops (2UMJ)
- the Joint OOR-OntologySummit2008 Panel Discussions: (2UMK)
- 2008_02_28 - Thursday: Joint OOR-OntologySummit2008 Panel Discussion: "Ontology Registry and Repository Technology & Infrastructure Landscape" - Co-chairs: LeoObrst & FrankOlken; Panelists: BruceBargmeyer, MikeDean, MarkMusen, FarrukhNajmi & PeterYim - ConferenceCall_2008_02_28 (2UML)
- 2008_03_27 - Thursday: Joint OOR-OntologySummit2008 Panel Discussion: "An Open Ontology Repository: Rationale, Expectations & Requirements - Session-1" - Chair: LeoObrst & FabianNeuhaus; Panelists: WilliamBug, EvanWallace, JohnLMcCarthy, KenBaclawski, PeterBenson & RexBrooks - ConferenceCall_2008_03_27 (2UMM)
- 2008_04_03 - Thursday: Joint OOR-OntologySummit2008 Panel Discussion: "An Open Ontology Repository: Rationale, Expectations & Requirements - Session-2" - Chair: LeoObrst & FabianNeuhaus; Panelists: DougLenat, DekeSmith, MarciaZeng, DeniseBedford, PatHayes, MalaMehrotra & RobRaskin - ConferenceCall_2008_04_03 (2UMN)
- 2008_04_10 - Thursday: Joint OOR-OntologySummit2008 Panel Discussion: "Developing an Ontology of Ontologies for OOR" - Co-chairs: BarrySmith & MichaelGruninger; Panelists: MichaelGruninger, PeterHaase, NatashaNoy & ElisaKendall - ConferenceCall_2008_04_10 (2UMO)
- the OOR Development panel sessions: (2UMP)
- 2008_08_22 - Friday: OOR Panel Discussion: "Getting OOR Development Off the Ground: Identifying Synergies & Gaps" (Take-1) - Chair: LeoObrst; Panelists: MikeDean, MarkMusen, LiDing, BruceBargmeyer & BillAndersen - ConferenceCall_2008_08_22 (2UMQ)
- 2009_02_19 - Thursday: Joint Ontolog-OOR Panel Discussion: "Getting OOR Development Off the Ground (Take-2): the work begins" - Chair: ToddSchneider; Panelists: MarkMusen, NatashaNoy, MikeDean, PaulBuitelaar / AndreasHarth, MathieuDaquin, KenBaclawski, MichaelGruninger - ConferenceCall_2009_02_19 (2UMR)
- 2009_07_16 - Thursday: Joint Ontolog-OOR Panel Discussion: "Integrated tools for ontology development and management: A field guide to the Stanford technology" - Chair: MarkMusen - Panelists: TaniaTudorache, TimRedmond, NatashaNoy - ConferenceCall_2009_07_16 (2UMS)
- 2009_07_30 - Thursday: Joint Ontolog-OOR Panel Discussion: "BioPortal and related Ontology Repository Implementations and Development" (Take-3) - Chair: NatashaNoy - Panelists: CarlosRueda, PaulAlexander, JohnGraybeal, MikeDean, StephenGranite, AlexGarcia, KenBaclawski - ConferenceCall_2009_07_30 (2UMT)
- 2010_02_19 - Friday: OOR Panel Discussion: "Coordinating our Open Ontology Repository Software Development" - Chair: MikeDean - Panelists: JimChatigny, MichaelGruninger, KenBaclawski, NatashaNoy - OOR/ConferenceCall_2010_02_19 (2UMU)
- 2010_04_01 - Thursday: Joint OOR-Ontolog Panel Session: "OOR Use Cases - Take-3" - Chair: KenBaclawski & ToddSchneider - Panelists: ToddSchneider, MatthewHettinger, KenBaclawski and MaximoGurmendez - ConferenceCall_2010_04_01 (2UMV)
- 2010_09_10 - Friday: Joint SIO-OOR-Ontolog Panel Discussion: "Common Logic (CL) Support for OOR" - Chair: JohnSowa - Panelists: JohnBateman-TillMossakowski, MichaelGruninger, CameronRoss, AdamPease, PatHayes - ConferenceCall_2010_09_10 (2UMW)
- 2010_09_17 - Friday: OOR Panel Discussion - "Getting OOR Development Going - Take-IV" Workshop - Co-chairs: ToddSchneider & MichaelGruninger - Panelists: ToddSchneider, MikeDean, NatashaNoy, ImmanuelNormann, KenBaclawski, MichaelGruninger - OOR/ConferenceCall_2010_09_17 (2UMX)
- 2010_10_15 - Friday: OOR Project Team Member Conference Call - discussion on the (post-BioPortal fork) OOR Architecture and API - OOR/ConferenceCall_2010_10_15 (2UMY)
- 2010_11_19 - Friday: OOR Panel Discussion - "(Post-BioPortal fork) OOR Architecture and API - Take-II" - Co-chairs: KenBaclawski & MichaelGruninger - Panelists: KenBaclawski+ToddSchneider, AldoGangemi+AlessandroAdamou, JouniTuominen+KimViljanen, EricChan - OOR/ConferenceCall_2010_11_19 (2UMZ)
- 2011_03_04 - Friday: OOR "Architecture & API Specification Development Workshop-I" - Co-chairs: KenBaclawski & ToddSchneider - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_03_04 (2UN0)
- 2011_03_11 - Friday: OOR - "Architecture & API Specification Development Workshop-II" - Co-chairs: KenBaclawski & ToddSchneider - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_03_11 (2UN1)
- 2011_03_18 - Friday: OOR Metadata Workshop-I - Chair: MichaelGruninger - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_03_18 (2UN2)
- 2011_03_25 - Friday: OOR - "Architecture & API Specification Development Workshop-III" - Co-chairs: KenBaclawski & ToddSchneider - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_03_25 (2UN3)
- 2011_04_22 - Friday: OOR - "Architecture & API Specification Development Workshop-IV" - Co-chairs: KenBaclawski & ToddSchneider - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_04_22 (2UN4)
- 2011_05_13 - Friday: OOR Metadata Workshop-II - Chair: MichaelGruninger - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_05_13 (2UN5)
- the OOR-IPR mini-series: (2UN6)
- 2010_09_09 - Thursday: Joint OOR-Ontolog-NCBO-CC-IAOA-OASIS Panel Discussion - "IPR issues in Ontology and the OOR" session-1: an exposition on relevant IPR regimes - Keynote speaker: GeorgeStrawn - Chair: PeterYim - Panelists: JamieClark, JohnWilbanks, BrucePerens - ConferenceCall_2010_09_09 (2UN7)
- 2010_09_16 - Thursday: Joint OOR-Ontolog-NCBO-CC-IAOA-OASIS Panel Discussion - "IPR issues in Ontology and the OOR" session-2: what are the IPR issues relating to open ontology repositories (and ontologies in general)? - Chair: MarkMusen - Panelists: CameronRoss, AlanRector, JohnSowa, BrucePerens, JohnWilbanks, PeterYim - ConferenceCall_2010_09_16 (2UN8)
- 2010_09_30 - Thursday: Joint OOR-Ontolog-NCBO-CC-IAOA-OASIS Panel Discussion - "IPR issues in Ontology and the OOR" session-3: discussion and consensus on licensing arrangements for the OOR Initiative, and positions we might take on related IPR issues - chair: LeoObrst - Panelists: PeterYim, MikeDean, BrucePerens, JamieClark - ConferenceCall_2010_09_30 (2UN9)
- OntologySummit2008 homepage (2UNA)
- OntologySummit2008_Communique (2UNB)
- OntologySummit2008/FaceToFaceAgenda & Proceedings (2UNC)
- The OOR Project Presentation (delivered at the OntologySummit2008 face-to-face workshop) (2UND)
- [ ontology-summit ] discussion archives - (~5 months exchanges starting from Jan-2008) (2UNE)
- Our key content pages: (2UNF)
- OpenOntologyRepository_Scope (2UNG)
- OpenOntologyRepository_Organization (2UNH)
- OpenOntologyRepository_Process (2UNI)
- OpenOntologyRepository_Policy (2UNJ)
- OpenOntologyRepository_IPR (2UNK)
- OpenOntologyRepository_Requirement (2UNL)
- OpenOntologyRepository_UseCases (2UNM)
- OpenOntologyRepository_Architecture (2UNN)
- OpenOntologyRepository_Approach (2UNO)
- OpenOntologyRepository_Roadmap (2UNP)
- OpenOntologyRepository_Plan (2UNQ)
- OpenOntologyRepository_Funding (2UNR)
- OpenOntologyRepository_ResearchIssues (2UNS)
- OpenOntologyRepository_ResearchActivity (2UNT)
- OpenOntologyRepository_Development (2UNU)
- OpenOntologyRepository_Metadata (2UNV)
- OOR/ActiveMemberContribution (2UNW)
- OOR Project site at SemWebCentral - (2UNX)
- Public sandbox instance of OOR (OOR-sandbox) - (previously (2UNY)
- OOR_SandBox (2UNZ)
- NCBO - BioPortal (2UO0)
- NCBO-OOR development documentation - (2UO1)