Ontology in Knowledge Management and Decision Support (OKMDS)
- Project Home Page (1)
What Transpired: ( 9 wonderful virtual sessions! ) (1B)
2007_11_08 -
Thursday: NASA-Ontolog-KMWG: Ontology in Knowledge
Management & Decision Support (OKMDS) mini-series -
Launch Event - ConferenceCall_2007_11_08
Title: Ontology in
Knowledge Management and Decision Support (OKMDS): Making Better
Decisions (1C1)
Format: a 7-month
mini-series comprising Talks, Panel Discussions and Online
Discourse; with the virtual events being offered in both 'real
world' (augmented conference calls) and 'virtual world' (Second
Life) settings. (1C2)
This virtual mini-series
will open up dialogue and discovery at the promising intersection
of Ontology and Knowledge Development and the role of both in
decision support.
The NASA Mission of "Space
Exploration" applied in its most expansive form, serves as the
inspiration for this series. The need to effectively administer
"knowledge space" to yield meaningful connections that are
scalable and sustainable is a strategic challenge of all
institutions, whether that knowledge resides primarily within,
outside, or across an institution's span of control. Furthermore,
the knowledge space must be integrated with institutional
processes for policy making and development so that their effect
on decisions is fundamental rather than incidental.
As the famed architect,
Louis Kahn noted, "Architecture is the thoughtful making of
In this series, we'll
explore how Enterprise Architecture (using Ontology and Knowledge
Management) is the thoughtful making of space...a space with the
tensile integrity needed by disparate institutions to create
conducive conditions for emergence of the collective scientific
and engineering knowledge needed for future space... where all
humanity can thrive.
We'll explore how Ontology
and Knowledge Management, working in concert, "make space" to
accommodate difference at multiple levels and contexts. In this
emerging space, both individuals and institutions can more easily
distill knowledge from complexity and make policies and decisions
using knowledge based processes.
In addition, we'll explore
how to combine at least three scaffolding approaches for the
integrated and agile "build-out" of knowledge needed: community
(structured bottom-up), folksonomy (unstructured bottom-up) and
ontology (structured top-down).
The virtual seminar and
panel discussion events will be offered concurrently in a real
world "space" as augmented conference calls and a virtual world
"space", Second Life. NASA will provide orientation to Second Life
as the mini-series gets underway.
Our online discourse will
be cross-posted to [ontolog-forum] and [kmgov] (or dedicated
sublists of them, if the traffic warrants it.)
Among the questions we
might want to explore, are:
1. How can we explore
the intersection of Ontology and Knowledge Management and
Decision Support to define promising collaborations among
2. How do we help
people working with our organizations to discover useful
3. How can we
structure information for decision support (both known and
serendipitious inquiry)? Conversely, how can we structure
decision making processes to take maximum advantage of
4. What are the
ontologies to prioritize for scientific exchange?
5. How does the use
of semantic technologies draw these fields closer and support
better knowledge discovery and better decision and policy
6. How could
"simulation-scripting" exercises in virtual worlds accelerate
the development and sustained use of ontologies in the real
7. How might these
"simulation-scaffold" ontologies, in turn, improve the pace
and complexity of learning associated with large-scale
"modeling event" scenarios and mission-rehearsals that are
anticipated in virtual world settings?
8. How can we
leverage ontologies to help improve knowledge management, and
in so doing, allow organizations to make better decisions?
Organizing Committee (1D1)
Invited Speakers &
Panelists (1D2)
You are cordially invited to join us, as a convener ! (1E)
Like all activities
Ontolog has been hosting, this is open to everyone.
Do join us (and
be subscribed as a "convener" of this initiative) if you
concur with the objective of this endeavor and would like
to contribute to, participate in, or track the progress of
the discourse and dialog.
specific individuals
who may be interested include (but not limit to):
anyone interested
in exploring the intersection of ontology, knowledge
management and decision support
those who are
applying ontologies in knowledge management or decision
support system
management practitioners exploring the use of ontology and
semantic technologies
those who value
"Better Decision Making" through augmentation and use of
semantic technologies
application developers and implementors
potential users
and those from user organizations
from International Standards Bodies
potential funders
of research and development work in this space
thought leaders
and active contributors of the ontology, knowledge
management and decision support communities
... i.e. anyone
in academia, research, industry and standards development
organizations working on ontology, semantic
interoperability, decision support, knowledge management,
knowledge sharing, knowledge development, knowledge
representation, artificial intelligence ... and those who
are engaged in the research, development, engineering and
implementation of these subject matters
We cordially
invite you to join us in the "OKMDS: Making Better
Decisions" virtual discourse (as one of the coveners of
this initiative),
If you are
already an Ontolog Member:
participate in the "OKMDS: Making Better Decisions"
virtual discourse, please subscribe to the
[okmds-convene] forum (the convener's mailing list),
by sending an empty (no message body is needed)
message to: okmds-convene-join [at] ontolog.cim3.net
discussion will be cross-posted to the [KMgov]
mailing list - <kmgov [at]
if you run
into any problem, please send your subscription
request directly to <peter.yim@cim3.com>
If you are not
already an Ontolog Member or a [KMgov] list subscriber:
and if your
work is related to the US government knowledge
management space, you may choose to subscribe to the
[KMgov] list by emailing Jeanne Holm at
<jeanne.holm [at] jpl.nasa.gov>
alternatively, please take a look at the details in
our "
Membership" section and (if
you like what you see) join us.
subscribe yourself to the [okmds-convene] forum
(the convener's mailing list) as described
(alternatively) if you run into any problem, please
send your request directly to
Archives & Shared-File Workspace (1F)
the discussion will be
cross-posted to the [KMgov] mailing list - <kmgov [at]
Conference Call,
Meeting & Workshop (1G)
2007_11_08 -
Thursday: NASA-Ontolog-KMWG: Ontology in Knowledge Management
& Decision Support (OKMDS) mini-series - Launch Event -
Organizing Committee
Sessions (1G2)
Additional Resources (1H)
Last edited: ppy / August 27, 2016 22:11